Sunday, March 9, 2008

Will the Prosecutor, please prosecute!!!!

Over the last few weeks interesting revelations have become available regarding the Sean Bell trial. There is wild speculation that the case against the New York police officers is being intentionally "tanked" by the Prosecutor. Understand that the Prosecutor is in a tough position because he/she normally defend the NYPD. However, this should not negate the fact that they are sworn court officers who took an oath to uphold the law. This is not the first police involved shooting nor will it be the last. Only time will tell if true just is served; whether it be for the police officers or the family of Sean Bell.

"Do not perpetuate the stereotype that denies your advancement." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

This doesn't suprise me. Lets not forget this is the way that the Diallo Trial started off. The prosecution knew that they had a job to do when they took the case before the grand jury. Don't let politics get in the way of justice. If you didn't feel you had a case your wouldn't have bought it before the grand jury. Now the burden of proof is on the prosecution. I say to him/her and the entire staff roll up your sleeves and get right down to the evidence on hand without the corruption. Don't fail the victims and their families.spc0460

Anonymous said...

This whole Sean Bell thing is so sad and it further makes up realize who we have protecting us. There are so many loop holes in this case its ridiculous. 1st off the officers were drinking,they fired 50 shots. 50 shots to stop a vehicle with 3 or 4 people in it. The Bell family needs justice, they need something. Somebody has to be held accountable for this. I think that everyone of the police officers involved should be sentenced and locked up. No justice no peace, meaning if they get away with this one America needs 2 be careful not only of the crazy civilians but be aware of the law. CA

Anonymous said...

It seems that if there is even the slightest inkling of such partiality that a more suitable attorney would be appointed to this case.

Anonymous said...

This makes a bad situation worse. If this is true, it will only fuel the anger that is already out there.

Anonymous said...

I dont think is fear by making the case more longer or something went on and now they have to wait. I dont like that. Its something that the prosecutor doesnt know what to do about it. I think is a hard decision for him. But again it should be justice in this case. 5794

Anonymous said...

lately, the evidence of what his friend is saying that another man had a gun and the police did not go afer him makes the stuation worse foe all. here a man lay dead and the police as well as those involved should admit the facts of what happened, that guy that emptied his gun and reloaded needs more training so situation like this could be better controlled.(7593)

Anonymous said...

this makes a bad situation worse. ms0777

Anonymous said...

These officers will probably get off. this shows how our criminal justice system is tainted and unfair. 4539

Anonymous said...

The system will always be on the side of law enforcement. It really wouldn't surprised me someone talked to the prosecutor and the police officers involved and a deal was made. It is not right but to think that there is not corruption with in our legal system is to be naive. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

They will never find law appointed officials guilty of crime such as the shooting of Sean Bell they will always hold that the officers acted accordingly and followed proper procedures. SPC5936

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the other blogger this does make a bad situation worse. and if this is true, it will only fuel the anger that is already out there. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Looks to me that someone is covering up a mess that happened. Check this article below:

Seven people involved and three acquitted. What happened to the others? The other ones were not even brought up to testify in favor or against.

Was the prosecutor really trying to find out the truth?

Maybe the family of Sean might get some civil money but a human been died in this mess.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

See this is where a taser gun was needed because had officials tased the whole crew they might have all been having convulsions on the floor but hey they'd be alive. The force used was excessive and unnecessary. I believe he was judged and treated that badly because of his race , lets be honest picture this being a white man we all know and can safely assume he would have not been shot. Ths is sad but so true!!!

S.S. 8161

Anonymous said...

I agree if it were a white man the situation would have been different. The prosecutor needs to uphold the law. No politics, no race, no games, just the real truth.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

The prosecutor could have justified whether it is police brutality and punished the police officers based on the severity of the case .To top that off , the prosecutor ruined far more the good name of police officers .This is a mockery of justice .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Again, no justic no peace. We have to continue voicing our opinions and marching and fighting for what we know in our hearts is right. The decision was made long before the trial started. The prosecuter was paid in advance and this was just a waste of the taxpapers money. They new all along that the cops in this case was going to get off with a slap on the risk. We shall overcome someday.DG7659

Anonymous said...

Darnell I am still waiting on the outcome of the Sean Bell case, will justice finally be served. As far as prosecutors they are just cops without the gun and badge. Their job is to protect the rights of the officer's. Even if the officers are guilty, a high paid prosecutor will make it their business to persuade the jury to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

i believe the prosecutor will do everything in their power to win the case no matter what. the polices and the prosecutors are not too different from each other ,they are doing the same job ,destroy people life with out no regard for those family in pain . but guest what if they win in the eyes of every body ,they not for God ,because "God don't like ugly" they will pay for it soon or later,every one will know the truth. JS7920

Anonymous said...

by doing this an prolongin the hearing it is obiouse that the officer is going to walk away. is a shame but the law system takes care of each other.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above. I know that politics and people with power always say that they don't use people that they know or their power to get what they want but that is not true alot of the times.
