Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Officer what did I do?

The recent Supreme Court ruling, 6-0, that allows the police to run a criminal history check on passengers in vehicles will serve as a victory for the law enforcement community. In past years, the Supreme Court has been accused of as being very liberal. However, have the courts gone too far? The post 9/11 era undoubtedly played a roll in this decision, but what will this mean for citizens?

"Your courage is shown in the face of adversity." Dr. BLR


ES5839 said...

The school definitely overreacted in regards to the drawing of this kid. They forgot to realize that at that age boys are just boys and guns tend to catch their attention; but I think is because they think of cowboys or cartoons when it comes to their mind. I particularly have a six year old who is always asking all types of questions regarding guns, gangs and shootings because that is all he hears in school from his classmates. Sounds crazy...well believe it! I have educated him in regards to guns, and the fatally of having or using one in a unlawful manner. It will make no sense for me to try and hide the reality that he will discover as he gets older. All I can do is advise him and try to guide him in the right path.

The school system needs to take the innitiative to talk to kids about the danger of guns in society. Instead of suspending him for that day, the school should have had taken a different approach towards the situation. Some counseling and just plain talking would had help. Now this kid when home thinking he did something horrible, so nothing positive was obtained from this incident. Did they solved the problem? No.

Anonymous said...

It means our civil liberties continue to be taken away and there really isn't a damn thing we can do about it. *2232

Anonymous said...

when they check everyone in the car the process everyne is a victim to is having a warrant. If people take care of their issues then they wouldnot have to worry about anyone stopping hem at any given time.(7593)

Anonymous said...

Its a system of checks and balances. Hopefully the power it gives law enforcement officers will not be abused. In todays society I would feel allot safer if I know an officer can do his/her job more effectively without all the restrictions and limitations because of some silly special interest group. If you've done nothing wrong you should have nothing to fear!

Anonymous said...

I believe that courts have not took it far i think that we need the courts to get stricker and inforce more laws. However, this means citizens would just get mad but it helps a lot things going on today society. (5717)

Anonymous said...

It works for law enforcement when they encounter those who are up to no good. Definitely should be monitored so that it does not get abused and inocent persons become victims in the efforts to control crime. (4681)

Anonymous said...

it could be good and bad, because some people that have gotten warrants for traffic tickets and don't even know about it. it doesn't really mean they are bad citizen but if they get caught out there with this new law they could be in a lot of trouble! 7970

Anonymous said...

Over the summer I was stopped on rte 46 for failing to stop at a stop sign. The 1st officer was in all sincerity letting me go after our conversation, but his partner decided to run my info. and was able to pull up a warrant I had from 2001. I ecplaned that I had just moved back to N.J. from Florida and did not know that this was on my record. I was dismissed after bail was posted for $200.
Even though I was angry, looking back on it I think it is important because I would probably still have been driving with out knowing of the matter. I think that this is crucial for public security especially since 9/11.
In conclusion I feel that if everybody just takes care of their own affair that they will not get into any affairs with the law. 0334

Anonymous said...

This new power will be abused sooner than later. New Jersey for one has been proven to be a racial profiling State. My fear is that someone is pulled over for a traffic offense and the driver is accompanied with a family member or friend who is an ex-con, who has been known for fire arms or drug distribution. Given this new information, Do you as the officer now react differently? Will the driver be judged by the company that he or she keeps? Will this now require a search of the vehicle? Does the driver loss its rights? This can create another problem. Namely, one might be asked to stop the motor vehicle and due to the fact that the passenger's criminal record can now be obtained one may choose not to and keep going. Now you have innocent people's lifes at risk, if this now becomes a police chase.SPC0460

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last post. This new power is going to get abused, and quickly. Passangers in vehicles that are stopped are going to be subjected to backround checks? It sounds a little ridiculous to me and irrelevent to many situations. I feel as if it will go too far and the cops will judge a person differently based on his or her criminal records, even if they don't pertain to why they are being stopped. I guess they'll learn the hard way. It could have an upside, but its invading a person's privacy

Anonymous said...

I feel as though this wouldn't really amount to much but waste both the officers and the person he stops time. The officer could better utilize him time trying to combat crime within a particular community. I don't understand the SC rationality in allowing this. This will just further the rift between law enforcement and the community. This could work in an area with high crime and if the officer suspects the passenger of anything.

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 I forgot to put my id on the last comment of Officer what did I do

Anonymous said...

So you are telling me, that eventhough I didnt do anything, that an officer can run my history because I am a passenger in a car? That is some pure bull crap...What happened to the constitution and all those laws of the land? What happened to America, the land of the free and home of the brave?

Anonymous said...

prev comment...spc5294

Anonymous said...

My opinion is odd. I feel as though this is okay. I want to feel protected no matter what; if I am an honest person then I have nothing to worry about. spc5965

Anonymous said...

its 50/50 with me. I guess that's the beginning 2 a really good safety precaution for people that harbor fugitives and criminals. But iin the same intruim mind your business and handle what your initial reaason for pulling me over. Its kind of like a violation. But it is the 1st step to securing the law abiding citizens. CA

Anonymous said...

On the first hand it seems a little over the top. But then again once this newly implemented rule becomes the norm most of us will be okay(or at least those of who don't engage in criminal activity).

When the seat belt law came into play we heard the same complaints. Black people afraid that this would just be another reason for police to pull us over. And they were probably right in their assumption. But in the end the truth is that we should wear our seat belts. And though black may have to suffer the brunt of this new rule I choose not to let that be the deciding factor in how I view this decision.

In the end I want what is going to best protect me and the people I care about. (9510)

Anonymous said...

This works for the good and the bad. This will hopefully make a safe society. A lot of times criminals are in the passenger seat and have someone else driving. But then on the bad side you are violating the passengers rights because they not driving so why you need my informations.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I think it can go either way. With so many criminals evading the law, it may help to track some down. The downside is that it is the innocent ones who will suffer. That will become more evident with the abuse of power that is currently rampant. Lastly, it is another means of violating our civil liberties. I think law enforcement may be given just a little too much power. *2232

Anonymous said...

In a way is good I believe, that this will help police capture a lot of people who are being look for.


Anonymous said...

Im agree with it because to do a background chech is good it helps alot to the community. To detect crimes and to detect other violations. They should not take this out, we should keep this law. 5794

Anonymous said...

If the passenger hasnt commited a crime or violation then why harass them. supreme court along with law enforcement has taken this to far. 4539

Anonymous said...

If legislation like this will be able to stand, then the next thing that happens is police will not need a warrant to search your home. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

I think that the school system needs to take the innitiative to talk to kids about the danger of guns in society. Instead of suspending him for that day, the school should have had taken a different approach towards the situation. Some counseling and just plain talking would had help. Now this kid when home thinking he did something horrible, so nothing positive was obtained from this incident. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's right that the passengers are being checked because they are not the ones who are in violation with the law. that passenger may have been getting a ride to take of the situation. The law just find ways to send more people to jail so they can meet their quotas and waste tax payers money

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If these criminal history checks can help police officers do their jobs. And truly help them prevent crime. I’m all for it.

Anonymous said...

The police are just as entitled to protection as the average citizen is. If this ruling helps in proteting the lives of those brave enough to put their lives on the line to protect others, I say it's about time!!! Those who have done nothing wrong don't have anything to worry about. Those who have and do, beware.

K.G. 3792

Anonymous said...

The Courts did not go that far, yet. It took too long for the Courts to protect officer that do their jobs, specially while stopping motor vehicles.

However, many officers were already doing such checks before the Courts Ruling.

In one of these checks I encountered a dangerous person with an outstanding warrant for Burglary, robbery, and possession of weapon (hand gun), and dangerous.

Luckly, I was able to talk and convince this 7 feet 2inches tall, 250 lbs, solid muscles, male to accompany me and he agreed without any resistance. Lucky me.

One less wanted "dangerous" person out of the street.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

We already have people discriminating against race. Do we really need one more thing to judge people before we know the situation? Even though this ruling might be helpful it might make things difficult for citizens where they are judgmental cops.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Actually, although it encroaches upon the bill of rights , it is necessary for security measures .However , i hope it is being applied to every American without discrimination.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

I really have no problem with this law. If you're doing the right thing you should have nothing to worry about if you get stopped and the police conduct a criminal history check on the persons in the vehichle. If this law is coducted without discrimination it should not be a problem. dg7569

Anonymous said...

Darnell I strongly disagree with court's decision because it punishes those individuals who aren't guily. For instance, officers are always right when making traffic stops and suppose one of the passengers in the vehicle illegal drugs in their possesion. Everyone in the vehicle will be taken into police custody, even those who were innocent.

Anonymous said...

I'm not aginst and officer asking for identification or running my identydy when i'm a passanger. after all if you have not done any thing wron there is nothing to worry about.JE#7974