Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Will the New Year change anything?

The year 2007 is now behind us; so what will the new year bring? Unfortunately, history has shown us that not much will change. The crime rate will continue to fluctuate. Politicians and police directors will applaud the progress that their police departments have made.They will justify their tactics and policies that made the crime rate drop from previous years. However, how safe will the American public really feel? Does five less murders consider a city or town safer to live in? Can the fact that robberies and car thefts are also down, make a community lower their guard? These statistical games have been continually played, but who are the true losers? What can the average "JOE" do to take control of his environment? Chime in if you have any solutions.

"Make sure the sum total of your knowledge is eclectic and not singular in nature." Dr.BLR


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the public would feel safer when they see the numbers drop for auto theft, murder and robberies. And where the numbers of arrest goes up it makes the police look good cause the public would assume the police are doing there job. But did the police just get lucky this year or did they actually make an impact that will last several years. Also will someone else take the place of those arrested to commit more crimes? The losers are the ones who get caught and/or maybe the police dept. that had a bad year(can we or should we punish the police for not making enough arrest?). The average Joe can help by reporting anything suspicious or anything that looks out of place, he or she can also get involved in community programs such as D.A.R.E.

Anonymous said...

- I believed that election has a lot to do. When ever I governor wants to get re-elected he makes sure that the streets are fix, the crime rate goes down, and the police officers are doing their work.

The drug seller would not want to be in the street if everyday the police officer will give him a hard time.
Robberies will go down when the police officers are patrolling the area more frequently. etc.

Anonymous said...

Is crime really down? Did murders really drop? Are robberies and car thefts really going down? Or are our politians playing a numbers game with the people who don't know any better. Are police officers told not to make a report when one is required? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves before jumping the gun and believing our communities are safer. Politians play with these numbers at the expense of the people in our communities. As crime goes down so does the assistance to our cities by the Federal government. Our downtowns and community centers look bright and beautiful. But go through the outskirts of our neighborhood where "JOE SCHMOE" does not dare to drive. Where our people live. We are the true losers. We need to educate ourselves and learn about whats going around us.(4681)

Anonymous said...

Not everywhere has crime dropped significantilly buyt has dropped some. Crime dropping in one community doesn't mean anything it just means that suspects have found a new place to commit the crime. What an average person can do to keep these crime rates low is report what you think might be something suspisious. If you see see something say something let someone know, so something can be done. Also don't be just a average person i your community try and do sometyhing that will make you stand out.(6018)

Anonymous said...

you know, I am going to be honest. if our election turn out with obama as president, something is going to happen and this world might not recover from it. maybe my notions are wrong but i havea feeling about the new year and this election.(7593)

Anonymous said...

statistics can never be trusted 100% of the time. We have to take control of our own environment. My street has the neighborhood watch and it has been successful so far. We watch out for each other, we have each others telephone numbers and we will use them. If we see something happening on our street we do not hesitate to call the police.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, the comment about the neighbor watch was send by anonymous 8879.

ES5839 said...

Crime rate supposely decreased in 2007, however the death counts were as close as the previous year, so where is the significant change? Politics has great control over society, and under their wing are those individuals who we think are for the community, little do we know that they are doing for themselves. Reality is that the statistics are far from revealing the truth that all of us see in our daily lives. Not one day goes bye that you don't read something in the paper, or see something on TV that has to do with crime. Our communities are not safe enough, nor are our children schools or our homes. So, is crime really decreasing? Watch the news tonight or read the paper this morning and let me know....#5839

Anonymous said...

I too believe politics play a salient role in "the streets." As with everything, politicians often do what society wants so that they can gain office. Yet, once in, they often forget the people who put them there. That said, I don't believe we really know if crime is down because we are only told this. What we see and hear and what we are told are vastly different. I used to carry a gun, but I thought if I felt I needed it, then I was in the wrong places. As an average "Jane", while I am fortunate I don't live in a "risk" area, I don't let my guard down. My neighbors and I will call the police the first sign of criminal activity. I remain mindful at all times of what can happen anywhere.*2232

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936. Everyone must do their share to combat crime even if the crime rates are lowering. Community Oriented Poling will help achieve this. The Police alongside the community must work together to eliminate or reduce the crime within their community. The moment the community and police drop their guard crime will increase. Opportunity promotes crime.

Anonymous said...

Five less crimes a year does not make a town safer....It just means that they may have moved the crime somewhere else, or they are being more careful...spc5294

Anonymous said...

When crime is down people seem to get comfortable. I on the other hand I think about the number of crimes unreported. Like the ones that drug dealers dear not report, the johns that get attached or robbed by prostitutes or their pimps. So is crime really down? The New Year will bring just a new year unless we find ways of creating jobs that will pay enough for people to survive and companies that will allow people to have a second chance in life.spc0460

Anonymous said...

People really do have a false sense of security. We have to be realistic. Crime is happening all the time. Whether it gets recorded is the question. The new year will be just that, a new year. spc5965

Anonymous said...

I honestly think that this New Year will not really bring any change regarding to crime. The American public feels happy when they see crimes such as robberies and auto theft going down. I deem they should always feel frightened about crime in their town. If there is anything we will always have that is crime. I do not think that five less murders in my town will make me feel safer. I don’t believe in the fact that because robberies and car thefts are going down I should lower my guard. What can we do as citizens to help cut down on crime? First thing is we should care about our surroundings. Report whatever we see and hear be that witness that no one wants to be. The main thing is to get involved. Many people keep their mouth shut in fear of retaliation so most crimes are not even reported or solved. (6887)

Anonymous said...

I believe that the new year will bring more crime. You have this stupid people doing these copycat games which is messing up people who trying to do good for themselves. College campus not self. You have this gangs taking over the inner city. The gangs are becoming an subculture. The police force is becoming more corrupt as these days go on. Crime to me doesn't decrease until it drops like 5 percent. Five less murders from last year isn't crime decreasing. Not in my eyes.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

Well honestly every year that comes is not the same but most of these years have been the same. I believe that this 2008 year police departments are doing alot of good things for example now they going to test on every cop to see who has been taken durgs or astereoids which is a really good idea because most of the cops are really big, and not for nothing but to become big is really difficult of course if you dont take anything illegal. 5794

Anonymous said...

You should always be in on your p's and q's no matter where you live. the crime rate may have went down but all it did was move to another city or town. the only thing that we citizens can do is do what we been doing,living life. Mind your buisness and if your really an upstanding citizen when you see something happening get help or do what you can. You make everybody happy and you damn sure cant protect the entire city.CA7739

Anonymous said...

No crime at all means a city or town is safer. I have given this close consideration. This is a problem because; in order to create a law that will resolve the crime, it will violate our civil rights. Then it causes those who are not criminals to lose theirs. For example the right to assemble ; this law is excellent in order to fight againist social injustices. In addition, it is horrible for gang members, KKK, Skin heads, Hitler followers and so many other organizations of hatred. This is definite a problem in which I am not able to contribute. OA

Anonymous said...

Crime is never going to be cut out completely. Less crime should make us feel safer, but personally it doesnt. If less crime means less protection and lowering our guard, then thats when the real problems are going to start. Terrorists and people who commit crimes wait for the right down time to come in and clean up. But then again where does it end? SPC7202

Anonymous said...

The problem is that a lot of crime starts in the home. What I mean is that if more people would take responsibly for their children and act as adults, less kids would end up being raised by the streets. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I believe that the reality is that the statistics are far from revealing the truth that all of us see in our daily lives. Not one day goes bye that you don't read something in the paper, or see something on TV that has to do with crime. Our communities are not safe enough, nor are our children schools or our homes. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness” ~ James Thurber

There is no place on this planet that is one hundred percent safe. People will try to prove that nothing will go wrong. For the average Joe on the street the only advice I have is, be aware .There’s only one person on the entire planet that you can trust at all times and thats yourself. It doesn’t matter where you live, where you work, or if you drive a Cadillac or a Pinto, crime does surround you, so be aware.
(BAD, 0446)

Anonymous said...

The crime rate will always fluctuate for the simple fact that where there is job the lower the crime will be.

Criminals have a tendency to commit crime if they are suffering themselves, like there no place in the workforce for them. Therefore, a person might commit a crime or the reformed criminal goes back to commit a crime because he/she got to survive.

As far as police directors and police departments playing with the numbers, it is true. How many times true crimes happened and when I directed people to file a police report they were treated like they were the criminal for reporting a crime.

These people lost respect and trust for the police and now will be hard for the police to solve crimes, without the help of the people that they threw out their precints for trying to report a crime.

How about that? Will the NEW YEAR change anything? NO.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

I think the key thing is community because if people don't work together to make a better future it's never going to happen. Only law enforcement or only a small group of people will not change the whole country for the better. Everyone in the community needs to be involved and want to bring a better future.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

As average Joes , i think we should educate ourselves to not be only part of the problem ,but the solution .By doing so , we will have a voice in decision making.Or else , we are condemned to be humiliated .

LJ 6631