Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mall Shooting

The mall shooting that recently occurred is a sign of the times and does not seem to phase our society. This event will undoubtedly play itself out at a mall near you in the future. Kids are always going to have difficulty coping in a society that values material objects over a human being. The pressure that a lot of these kids are under seems to them to be insurmountable. Unfortunately, it probably is and they have no way of dealing with it. From the news reports, the shooter was raised in the juvenile justice system for his past transgressions. It appears that his problems were not resolved and thus he took his anger out on several innocent people. To those of you that think that mental health issues are isolated, just look at the faces of the family members of the fallen victims and tell me if you still believe that it is isolated. Wake up people, it could happen to anyone one of us, but what are we to do?

"Introspection is a useful way of getting rid of mental garbage." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of issues we all face in our life. I do believe introspection does help.

Social Counselors or therapist should be assigned in our county and state jail. This will help the individual analyze himself better and express his feeling. Looking at the pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

This was a prime example of how the justice system is failing system and how it is taking a toll on youths of all walks of like. The system is created not to rehabilitate. *2232

Anonymous said...

I agree that the systems sometimes does not work but lets look at the parental guidance some of these children have. As a parent we need to take responsibility for our children and look at signs of change so we could guide our children in the right direction. (4681)

Anonymous said...

The shooter was raised in the system so that is all that he knows because that is all he grew up around. not saying thst what he did was right, I'm sure he knos right from worng, and that what he did was wrong because it was probably premeditated. he also has a mental illness that could have played a major role in this crime that could have surly been treated to prevent this crme.(6018)

Anonymous said...

going to the mall leaves room for anything to happen. people think it is alright to freely stroll around in this world with no care, something is going to happen and they would not know what to do.

Anonymous said...

The mall shooting was a great travesty. It is evident that the person responsible for taking the lives is mentally unstable which cannot be addressed through juvenile detention facilities alone. He needs psychiatric care. He is represents of many who are mentally ill but not diagnosed. (4539)

Anonymous said...

Most of us know that the criminal justice system is overloaded. The workers did their best with what they had, but all it takes is 1 event like this to give the whole correctional sytem a black eye. Who's really at fault? I've said it before and i'll say it again, hopefully people will learn from the mistakes others have made. Its a shame this had to happen.

ES5839 said...

The guy who committed the shooting at the mall was not born with a mental illness, so we need to look at the factors in his life that caused him to go into this state of mind. It is obvious that he had some type of mental disorder in order to commit such crime, however this was not just his fault. Sometimes the lack of caring, support, loving, friends and most important the lack of a family can impact a childs life from very early in his/her stepping stones. There is other circumstances such as child abuse, rape, and abandonment that emotionally affect a child. All of these things causes depression an irrational thoughts in someones mind. Consequently this person will end up hurting himself or hurting others.

There is several programs and assistance outthere to help people with emotional distress and depression. A therapist would be a great option, as well as practicing introspection. #5839

Anonymous said...

There are many factors that lead juveniles to grow up with mental issues and can hurt themselves and other people. The juvenile justice system shouldn't just be where "bad" kids go to do time, rehabilitation should be a huge part of the process. I think thats where the trouble starts. Kids get out of these juvenile facilities with so much anger and rage inside that they release it when they get out. Parents, teachers, and everyone involved in these children's lives need to get them on the right path no matter how much time and effort it takes. You can't just lock up a child and throw away the key and expect problems to be solved when they turn 18. (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

SPC5936 The only thing we can do is push for more counseling for trouble youths. In the juvenile system their should be a form of rehabilitation for these troubled youths. The reason some lash out in violence is because they do not know how to express themselves emotionally.Open up more after school activities for these children. Employ adults that care because children talk to people who they feel care about them.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe that the system is too quick to label youth and medicate them and feel like that this child will be alright as long as they take this medication. This is so not true in all cases. This kid obviously needed more and no one tried to figure out what it was. Yes the family of the victims have our deepest sympathy, but why did their loved ones have to fall prey to this sick individual and why did it take this act for society to see that something was wrong when it was obvious that something was wrong from the jump? spc5294

Anonymous said...

I believe that mental health is on the rise because the system has taken all the power away from the parents. Children have to much say so in where, what and How they will live their life. Kids are spoiled because the rod has been speared. When they can't have their way they act out. I watch kids tell their parents they hate them, they hit them and the disrespect their authority. All because of 1800-The-Kids. When I was a child children couldn't back talk or do whatever they wanted to. You didn't have them pulling out guns shooting up malls. The system has failed the family because a few parents who couldn't control their anger. I'm not suggesting that a child should be beaten down, however a little spanking in the early years never hurt. It only made them better behaved and the system would have to take them. Now that our children are lost without the proper guidence, they want to blame the parents for not raising them right. I say let the system come up with ways to reach these children whom should only be talked to. Let's not continue to medicate them. It only gives side affects such as sucide and depression. This could be the main reason for such attitudes.spc0460

Anonymous said...

Mental health is a major issue in the criminal justice system. I believe the only way to combat it is with education. How are we do deal with it if we don't know about it. For a person to have grown up in the juvenile justice system, you would think something could have been done to help him. Why do we as a society wait for something bad to happen before acting upon it?spc5965

Anonymous said...

I think that this country should start taking mental health a lot more seriously.

Due to the stigma attached, many tend to frown upon therapy and other forms of mental health treatment. Embarrassment is just another one of society’s hang ups. However, something as simple as therapy sessions could save a life.

I would even go so far as to suggest therapy for all of our children. The idea of a bullied child killing someone or ending up dead sounds much more frightening than a parent's embarrassment because their kid is in therapy.

Should therapy throughout one's high school career be one of the requirements for graduation or would that be taking things to far? I don't think so. Many high schools now require community service for graduation. What better way to serve the community than to produce the most mentally stable individuals possible?(9510)

Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of how the correctional facilities don't rehabilitate people. Plus mental health is becoming a major problem in society. Like u say in class a lot of people are one step away from exploding. We as a society need to identify these people who are isolated and help them seek help.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

this is scary nowadays you cant even go shopping.

Anonymous said...

If he allready had mental problems before. They should keep him in some safe place. Where he could never had done any kind of problem. Because a person like that it canmake alot of damage in this situations. 5794

Anonymous said...

you look at all the stuff the governement wastes money on like this war in Iraqi and things like that. The children are the future why not spend a little money on these children. there should be a child psychotrist in every school and if the problem is more then the school sychotrist can handle then send the kid to a outside office. this is ridicioulous how some of these kids are so unhappy that they want to hurt themselves and or others. this is also linked to the bad parenting that some of these children have. these children didnt ask to be here,so i think that every child deserves a chance to be happy and live a normal, productive life. parents need to watch their children very closely because 9 times out of 10 the child has shown some type of sign.CA7739

Anonymous said...

In this state mental health issues are not taken seriously. The former Govenor Whitman, closed several facillities dedicated to the mentally ill. In turn sent all the mentally challenged into local group homes designed for the disabled. Now, these homes are faced with physcial assaults, rape, and cycles of manic rage. Medication combined with counseling does not work if it has not been routinly given. More over these group homes lack the qualifications needed to handle these types of situations. Nevertheless, these signs of manic depression are showing up in children. What do we do when the system can not and will not aide the adult, yet, alone a child who is manic. State Health care service laws must change. OA

Anonymous said...

This is just terrible the mall shooting was a great travesty. It is evident that the person responsible for taking the lives is mentally unstable which cannot be addressed through juvenile detention facilities alone. He needs psychiatric care. He is represents of many who are mentally ill but not diagnosed. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

A good start would be stricter gun laws, or just abolishing guns in this country all together. Will that may not solve our countries problems with disenfranchised teenagers, it would make it harder for them to get the weapons they use to hurt innocent people. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

I think that parents need to play a greater role in our kids life today .I don't think the system was design to rehabilitate so a child would go in spend most of his childhood in there and come out not able to deal or survive in society,because all he knows is being locked up.
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are affected by the criminal justice system; some good some bad. People who don’t have anyone to help them with these problems are usually the ones who get lost in the system. There are constantly reminded that they are alone. And when there are released, their expected to pick up where there life left off with no problem. That could put a mental strain on anyone. I honestly wouldn’t know how to fix this problem in the system but if I personally knew someone in need I would try my best to fill in all the blanks that the system left empty. I don’t know if all these school or mall shooters have mental problems and I don’t know what to do if they did. All I can say is that to prevent things like this in the future we have to realize that these horrible things can happen and security everywhere should tighten up to help prevent them.
(BAD, 0446)

Anonymous said...

Do you know who needs mental health assistance? The family members of the fallen victims.

I am tired of people taking sides for the "poor" criminal. They waste our tax dollars to get off from prosecution with " mental disfunction". Enough is enough.

Meanwhile, the family members of the victims lost a dear one that was probably or most likely inocent bystander and a lawful abide citizen.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

We have to do it with one youth at a time. Each one of us should be responsible in pulling our youth up and building their self esteem. If one is saved than at least a change has been made. DG7659

Anonymous said...

I think todays youth is really in danger and this is one example. They need more and better guidance otherwise who will teach them how to be good responsible citizens? The justice system needs to have better ways that help youth onto the right track.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I personally blame "teenage pregnacy" in our society.Therefore, girls have children before they can be economically ,morally capable ,so kids grow up without a reasonable familial foundation . Effectivley , the juvenile ended up in the legal system .Later on , he massacred a mall.In my opinion, this is the reality of our society.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Our youths today are in trouble. Its obvious that raising a child starts in the home. If he had a mental condition his care taker should of sought care at a very young age. Most parents are in denial that the child has any issues. It could have been no love in the home, or the child was subject to not having much, being teased, etc. A number of things come to mind. But at some point that child just snaps. Maybe it all could have been avoided and yes it can happen to any of us. Being a kid isn't even close to what it was like when I was small. The weight of world is all on young peoples shoulders if anyone cares to listen...RSI-3774

Deborah Miller-Ashmead said...

The youth in today's society have difficulty channeling their anger and frustrations. I believe with the proper coping mechanisms, we would have a lot less youths falling to the system. There are a lot of negative factors that play into the troubles with the youths. You have gang influences, drugs, to a child who by some means has gone through some type of ordeal in their lives and are not able to cope with their anger. It is unfortunate that we continue to lose our children to either drug abuse or the system or both.

Anonymous said...

The law sistem did't work like it's and is not referm sistem 3580

Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of how we are loosing are childer and loosing control over them and letting the juvenil system raise our kids. this individual could been help if the system would it have provided some sore of mental terapy.

KL said...

I think that there needs to be more attention put into mentally ill people. They should be treated and have professional help, most of these things are done by people with mental issues that are not addressed. This is one of many signs that mental illness needs attention in order to do something about these cases.