Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Jersey and the death penalty

Within the past few months the State of New Jersey did something controversial and monumental in the same vain. Governor Corzine signed legislation against the death penalty. The rippling effect of this courageous act was felt in Rome by the Pope, who publicly acknowledged the courage of the State of New Jersey to take such a stance. It has been a long time coming to actually admit that taking a person's life is morally wrong.

Will this open the doors for more violent criminals to commit acts of violence against citizens of New Jersey? Will this increase the population of the jails and prisons? Or will this set in motion reforms to look at other aspects of the criminal justice system that are inherently wrong? Only time will tell, but you can express your views now.

"Careful planning negates burning bridges" Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

Time will tell if the Governor's choice to abolish the death penalty in NJ will have an effect on crime. Personally, I believe the death penalty was a good threat tool used by prosecutors in working out pleas for the most serious of crimes.(ie Murder) I say tool because the last time a criminal was executed in the State was 1963. I think those fearing death will now not think twice about commiting murder knowing the most they will get is to spend the rest of their lives in prison paid for by the same people they have affected. (4681)

Anonymous said...

I personlly never agreed with the death penalty. The death penalty is cure and unsualy punishment and sometimes after the fact suspects really have not commited the crime but the would already be dead what more is can you say after that.Will not having a death penalty increase more crime? Well there is always going to be crime. The closet thing to the death penalty is life in prison.(6018)

Anonymous said...

The death penalty does not deter crime, nor does it effectively reduce the rate of violent crime. I believe that the death penalty and crime rate have no direct correlation to one another. The death penalty is just an unfair, inhumane form of punishment that takes the lives of innocent victims, have higher costs compared to other ordinary murder cases, and at the end does not solve anything except ending that criminal's life. The death penalty only has an affect on the criminal's and victim's lives. It has nothing to do with changing the actions of potential killers. Those that commit crime will commit them and most will not even think of the consequences before committing murder. They do it because they want to. They do not know life's worth, why would they value there own. (6693)

Anonymous said...

Even though I agree with the death penalty and wish it had been used more(if you had 100% proof), I felt it was a useless tool in this state to deter crime. The violent criminals out there know they will never get the death penalty. Overall I believe the crime rate will remain approx. the same, instead of the criminals being charged with the death penalty the will get life in prison(hopefully in solitary confinement).

Anonymous said...

Corzine has done New Jersey a great injustice because changing the death penalty law is wrong. It implies that no matter how severe the criminal act, they’ll not die and be harshly punished. It will increase inmate population and cost taxpayers’ more. Heinous crimes will go unpunished. (4539)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Governor Corzine signing the legislation against the death penalty. There are many people who were convicted of a crime and later found to be innocent, especially African Americans. I have always wondered about the people who were put to death before the DNA testing was invented, were they really guilty. I think life in prison is a better punishment because it gives a criminal plenty of time to think about what they did. Your consious can sometime torture you more than anything physical.(8879)

Anonymous said...

I think that the death penalty is not something that it changes the society or the system because I think that for inmates that worst thing is to be in a room with out TV, only a bed a toilet. It will kill them little by little only by the stress and anxious of getting out from the room.

ES5839 said...

I feel the death penalty is not a solution to stop crime in society. I was content and satisfy when the governor declined the suggested proposal for the death penalty in New Jersey. God created man and therefore he is the only one that can take man life away. The death penalty was not going to stop crime in New Jersey if implemented.If such was the case, then why is crime rate still predominantly high in those states were the death penalty has been applied? Killing a person who committed a crime that supposely deserves the death penalty, is not going to change the fact that tomorrow another person may be killed under the same circumstances. #5839

Anonymous said...

I have missed feelings on the death penalty because you never know the impact unless it has a direct effect upon you. If someone had harmed my family member, I would want them gone. The fact that it is inhumane and unjustice would be moot at the time. I do believe that there will be an increase in the population in prison because I do believe that the death penalty was a deterrent, even if small. I am biased in this area and really cannot say if Gov. Corzine has done an injustice to New Jersey.*2232

Anonymous said...

killing anything to me is a sin.People need to realize that there are consequences that they have to take for their actions.M rder only add to the problem keeping them in jail only add frstratin to those who have to come up with what to do about thsese killing and the death penalty. (7593)

Anonymous said...

some criminals do deserve the death penalty, however it will be an easy way to pay sentenced..7970

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings regarding the death penatly. Yes i feel its wrong to take a person's life, no one is God so no one should have that right. But what right do criminals have to do it? Even though the death penalty hasn't been used for some time, I don't think it should be abolished altogether. Now people will be in more of a comfort zone knowing that no matter what they do, they will never face that ultimate punishment, and in turn crowd up the prisons and cost taxpayers even more money. The death penalty may not deter crime from happening, but the fear of death as a punishment can't hurt. SPC7202

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936. I don't believe the death penalty deterred a lot of crime. People still committed deadly crimes when it was implemented. However, I agree with Governor Corzine signing the legislation because with the advancement of technology and DNA testing their have been a few cases were wrongly convicted men were sentenced to death. It is also morally wrong to take life. It is up to God to deal with that individual. I don't believe that the removal of the death penalty will increase the prison population. A person would now receive life in prison instead of death. I think the notion of life in prison would deter someone from committing any violent crime.

Anonymous said...

I personally have always been against the death penalty. I am a firm believer of two wrongs don't make a right. It is morally wrong for anyone take anothers life. My brother was murdered in 2004 and I can't say that I want his murder to go out that easy. I would rather him stand in front of his family and peers and admit what he did and how he did it. Then I would like him sentenced to LIFE in jail. Once in jail I would love to see him grow old and miserable in jail. I think the theft penalty is a easy way out, they don't suffer when they are executed. Let them become confined behind the prison walls, thousands of miles away from their families and friends. spc5294

Anonymous said...

New Jersey should be commended for such an stance. We have not execised the right to take another persons life for taking a life, because New Jersey knows that it is not morally right. So why keep something that you don't use. It have not stopped anyone from committing violent crimes.spc0460

Anonymous said...

I don't think that because of this crime will increase or anything of that nature. New Jersey hopefully has started on a crusade that will hopefully spawn other states to do the same. spc5965

Anonymous said...

I believe this controversial decision will bring more crime to the state of New Jersey. Every human being has the right to live. I deem if someone takes a person’s life they should receive the death penalty. Just as they have guts to kill someone destroying their families they should have mettle to accept the death penalty. I think this decision will motivate criminals to commit acts of violence against citizens of New Jersey. They know they can commit murder and will not get the death penalty. This decision will increase the amount of prisoners and as a consequence taxpayers (us) will have to pay even more. I am always thinking that if someone kills my brother or sister, I want him or her to receive the death penalty. Why, they are taking someone’s life and it’s a family member. Even though I know the death penalty does not erase the pain of losing a loved one it is away of protecting society. To me the death penalty made criminals think twice before committing a murder in fear of death. I believe we should apply the simplest expression of lex talionis "life for life, eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. (6887)

Anonymous said...

To believe that abolishing the death penalty will bring a rise in violent crime is ridiculous. I would put money on Texas having a higher crime rate than New Jersey even though they execute somebody, it seems, every other week. Life in prison may be considered worse to some inmates as opposed to death row. Regardless the people commit these crimes which could lead to the death penalty would still commit them whether theres a death penalty. There willing to take the risk, and most of them probably do not think about the consequences much before there actions. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I believe the death penalty is the easy way out. Giving some one life and letting them rot in prison is worse. But I believe crime will stay the same for awhile. I don't think having the death penalty or not having it will affect crime or violent crime. Crime will stay the same either way.

Anonymous said...

I believe the death penalty is the easy way out. Giving some one life and letting them rot in prison is worse. But I believe crime will stay the same for awhile. I don't think having the death penalty or not having it will affect crime or violent crime. Crime will stay the same either way.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

Honestly I dont think is a good idea but will see. Time will tell if the Governor's choice to abolish the death penalty in NJ will have an effect on crime. 5794

Anonymous said...

I believe that this will make room for the other dark holes that exist in the criminal justice system. I think that the death penalty is inhumane simply because you taking somebody elses life for taking someone elses how backwards is that. you mind as well let the family of the victim handle it themselves. Life in prison is enough to make you lose your mind so killing someone that obviously has nothing to live for what purpose does that serve. Spending life in jail,is like the living dead. i think that when you committ a crime that you can possible get the death penalty for,you should be locked up for life amongst the forgotten. all most like when you committed the crime you werent thinkin about the victim or his family so you shouldnt be thought about either.CA7739

Anonymous said...

The death penality is wrong. This could have a negitive out come; hopefully it will not maybe some other type of penality should be implemented; like the three strick law, but of course with lots of changes to the orignal. OA

Anonymous said...

There is not correlation between states having the death penalty and low murder rates. People who commit murder either think they will get away with it, or do it in the heat of the moment with no thought of the consequences. Therefore abolishing the death penalty will not lead to more murders committed. But it does advance us as a society. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I feel that there are many people who were convicted of a crime and later found to be innocent, especially African Americans. I have always wondered about the people who were put to death before the DNA testing was invented, were they really guilty. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Personally I do not believe in the death penalty, a life time rotting away in a cell is worse than death in my eyes. But I do understand the reasons why the death penalty is enforced in certain states. I believe that the legislation against the death penalty will open doors for more criminals to commit acts of violence against citizens and prisoners of New Jersey. Massive amounts of taxes are being spent on prisons. Because our prison’s populace is at an all time high, more criminals are being released on parole; prison is now a common cycle for many inmates (arrested, released, arrested), instead of a proper rehabilitation process.
(BAD, 0446)

Anonymous said...

I care less for what the POPE comment, since the Roman Catholic Church in the middle age committed more acts of atrocity than our society put it together. Anyway, I am a firm advocate, if found guilty, of "an eye for an eye".

The death penalty in NJ was a joke because the last time a criminal was executed in the State was 1963. The execution of Ralph Hudson for murder on January 22, 1963.

Meanwhile, the criminal system is getting overload with prisoners getting over in technicality and many know murders.

I belief like the Islam law preaches. If you are caught stealing, you hand should be shopped off. If you take a life you life should be taken. That is my opinion.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

If morals are so important than the state should have programs like rehab or something to help people become better. If you're not going to take a life then at least try to help someone who has done something wrong to become better and be able to be better in life. Otherwise criminals might take advantage of this and there will be more and more people in jails.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

The abolishment of the death penalty might not solve the problem of crimes , but i am confident that when a prisoner is reabilitated , the community is better off.For example ,my most cooperative classmate is an ex-offender ,but knowledgeable.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

I agree with the idea of taking people life is morally wrong. There is an other issue in the criminal justice where usually they sentenced innocent. Sometimes it takes many years to discover this person was innocent. What can happen to the same person if he was sentenced to death penality?J.E9927.

Anonymous said...

I think death penality is immoral regarding the Bible.J.E 9722.

Anonymous said...

Some racist judges can rely on death penality to kill people from the minority group.The judge is the king in the court. How many innocents are in prison for politic matters . And don't forget the judge is the part of the government.J.E 9722.

Anonymous said...

Why in United States the government has relied on death penality to decrease its crime rates.In my country those who need to have a better justice for their country went there and said death penality is wrong.There is no more death penality in my country based on the idea of those power men( USA).(J.E 9722).

Anonymous said...

It was in the ancient world according the code Hammurabi in latin said " dens pro dente, occulus pro occulo" and translate in english as " eye against eye". That was before the world civilization.Today we should think differently because the criminal justice not always treat people equal.(9722JE)

Anonymous said...

Death penalty is not always the solution but maybe New Jersey should have kept it "just in case"...mp9504

Anonymous said...

I personally do not agree with the death penalty and alot of criminals probably dont fear the death penalty until it gets closer til that time.But ultimately none of them probably think about death penalty being a possible consequence for the crime committed. We should focus more on getting these individuals the help that they need because they obviously have some type of mental issues that need to be dealt with.