Saturday, February 2, 2008

Do we have to have crime?

Criminologist and theorist will have us all believe that crime is good for society. Some will posit that it creates jobs in the criminal justice profession thus making it good. However, I cannot find one person who would not rather live in a crime free society. Can't we (society) find other jobs to employ people other than law enforcement? How about employing better teachers? Also, fire fighters is another profession that comes to mind. Is there a reason that law enforcement and crime is inexticably link other than the obvious? If you scratch the surface you can come up with many reasons.

"Get into the habit of listenng to your inner voice; it probably knows what's best." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

I'll start by saying it would seem nice living in a crime free society and not having to worry about rape, robbery, theft or murder. Unfortunately todays society has so much invested into fighting and preventing crime I don't see it going away. Finding new jobs for the police, probation & corrections officers plus any other public or outside staff associated with them will be a challenge, especially with allot of companies and government agencies cutting back to keep taxes low. If crime were to go away I believe the unemployment rate would rise and cause other problems down the road.

Anonymous said...

I dont think we need to have crime because this will affect society in a bad concept and in a bad reputation. It will increase rapes, murders,robberies and etc.
There are states that they have programs for inmates to work after coming out from jail. Some of them for example is construction, or doing community service.

ES5839 said...

This is an issue that will raise pros and cons discussions among individuals. I feel that we will definitely have a better lifestyle if crime was to extinguish from the face of earth, however that is just a though far away from reality. We do not need crime in society but crime has always existed even since Jesus Christ came down to this earth; he was brutaly hurt and murdered. Society can perhaps improve some what with the increase of jobs and more money put into education. If so,we will have more educated individuals in society able and willing to provide something good in return. However, if the system does not obey the law itself, how can we expect society to do so? #5839

Anonymous said...

first let me say that without police(as yourself), soceity would not about what good police officers have to offer them. there are a lot of good police officers out there that goes beyond their job to get people they come on contact with to do good, and it pays off sometimes.crime only keep police officers on their toes. when the figure out why and who did the crime it is satisfaction for soceity that another crimnal is caught but, what help did that crimanal get for the punishment. (7593)

Anonymous said...

I can't see a life with zero crime. Its just a fact of life. Without crime we would probably all become mental patients. (4681)

Anonymous said...

Of course we do not have to have crime but unfortunally this is the life we were put on to live so we just got to deal with it ! However we us parents could change a lot if we raise our children the way we are supposed to ...7970

Anonymous said...

A crime free world is simply an ideal. Its never going to happen! I disagree with the statement that crime is good because it gives people jobs, but it's something that is going to get a lot worse before it gets better (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936. There will always be crime. If someone has the opportunity and desire to commit a crime; they will do it. Crime is good for society in a sense that it helps define and create laws to combat it. People of a society create laws against what they view as deviant behavior. Crime is connected to criminal justice. Higher rates of crime will require more people in the criminal justice system to reduce the rate of crime.

Anonymous said...

It's not going to happen. Even if were to happen, it wouldnt balance out society....Yes we wouldn't need these huge law enforcement agencies and alot of individuals would be left unemployed, but we were made to sin (committ crimes). spc5294

Anonymous said...

I don't think that we need to have crime but we do. That's the only reason that we need all these new police officers, parole and probation officer, is simply because the crime rate is so high and we need more people to help. If we could have a crime free society, we would have more community centers, more job training programs and much more. Most of the State funds go to building the prison system rather than going towards education.spc0460

Anonymous said...

A utopia society is something that we can only dream about. I don't think that we will ever rationalize why crime is good for us. spc5965

Anonymous said...

While I can only wish we did not need crime, the fact is I think we do. Crime contributes, in some aspect, to social order. However, if society was crime free, as previously stated, if so much money did not have to be put into the prison system, there would be more funds for eduction. Either way, crime is never good.*2232

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that having crime is desireable just for the sake of saving jobs(no matter how many).

I wonder if those who agree with these criminologists and theorists would feel as agreeable with a gun pointed in their face.

Places like England seem to be handling the lack of crime swimmingly. I think that promoting such a theory is lazy and just another opportunity for those that need an excuse for our government's shortcomings.

Although the idea of so many people being out of a job is extremely harsh this is no contest. I would not want to live anywhere else in the world and if this place were crime free it would be all the more better.(9510)

Anonymous said...

I believe it would be hard to have a crime free world. That means the world would be to close to perfect. But I would like to live in a crime free world. There are other jobs other than law enforcement. The society needs better teachers to educate these kids.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

It would be excellent if we didnt have crime, but the reality is that we need crime in order to have jobs.

Anonymous said...

I think you right they should get better teachers with better academic standards. Higher education. So this way they will talk to students free and make their minds clear and make students think, maybe this way will help less crime. 5794

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that it would be nice to have a crime free society but then alot of people will be out of jobs. The criminal justice system supplies so many jobs and its a wide branch of occupations at that. i'm not really sure if crime is necessary in order to live a more productive life,but i do believe with crime it has taught alot people the different types of safety precautions. Whether it be with your children,your home, or just daily life. you know not to leave your doors unlocked because you may get robbed,you know not to go to and ATM on a dark block late at night because you may get robbed. Its like its good for the world because it keeps you alert and makes you more observant.CA7739

Anonymous said...

Is it the hierarchy of society that needs to suppress in order to controll. By showing an unattainable goal to people who lack the means to posses them. Which creates a continuem of a vicious cycle for those who are trying to reach the same status.
I am in agreement with the psychological aspect that uses crime as a avenue to employ. However, it all works together. unreachable goals, frustration, crime and the answer enforcers. OA

Anonymous said...

Of course in theory everyone would love to live in a crime free society. However, crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, among others will always occur. Aren't human beings great? SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I feel that there are a lot of good police officers out there that goes beyond their job to get people they come on contact with to do good, and it pays off sometimes.crime only keep police officers on their toes. when the figure out why and who did the crime it is satisfaction for soceity that another crimnal is caught. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

The Sumerians produced the earliest surviving written codes.

It is known that Urukagina had an early code, the Code of Ur-Nammu, that does not survive, a later king, Ur-Nammu, which prescribed a formal system of penalties for specific cases in 57 articles.

The Sumerians later issued other codes, including the "code of Lipit-Ishtar". This code, from the 20th century BCE, contains some fifty articles.

Later, the Babylonians had the code of Hammurabi, the legal codes in Babylon. Then Moses with the TEN Commands.

Early societies had developed these codes of conduct to refraim the criminal to abuse from the weak.

Do we have to have crime?
No. Perhaps we should be asking why do we have crime.

Regardless if we do have to have crime or not, one thing for sure we need is a code of conduct and someone to enforce it.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

Whoever is teaching and telling people that crime is good for a society is insane. Since when is killing innocent people and stealing and hurting others good for society? Never. People who are in law enforcement can have many other jobs but since our society doesn't deal with the issues that are keeping people apart crime will continue to be.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I think crime has affected our society in a very negative .The worl would be a better plce without crime period. There is no way crime helps our society.And don't tell about jobs.KG 2738

Anonymous said...

Living in a free society is imaginary because it is deeply rooted in the christian faith " Cain and Abel ".Fact , we should have crime in order for naive individuals to learn from , but i object to heinous crimes .For instance , we have individuals in our society who emerge viable persons after being rehabilitated .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell I will for once in my life wouldn't mind living in a crime free environment, but lets be realistic. In a sense crime is necessary in order for police officers to be police officers, there has to be crime. But, there is no way possible I see a community gaining anything when crime is flourishing. I feel as though crime is good for those who earn a living solving them. For city residents such as myself I see no good coming from crime.

DC0109 said...

Regarding crime, it is good for capitalism to try and maintain a productive range of disequilibrium. It produces jobs (obviously), maintains and underground economy, and helps government be portrayed as the "good guys". The "bad guys" (criminals) are fought by government to protect "we the people". When our government looks out to protect us from the evil doers, we stay complacent.

Any suggestions to stop this type of thinking would have to be based on a more inclusive society where people care less about individual prosperity, because the government provides true safety. Not against crime but through radical ideas like education and healthcare. By increasing the sense of equality amongst the oppressed, you may reduce the feeling amongst the oppressed to rebel.

Is it crazy to think that we can take the best things Socialism has to offer and fit them into a more evolved form of representative democracy?

I went on a bit of a tangent, but the basic idea is that if you address a basic "need", you reduce an unnecessary "want". It is my opinion, that healthy, educated communities, are less likely to harm themselves.

Anonymous said...

I.D. 8527
It would great not to have crime and I think that all would agree.Crime is necessary in order for people to have jobs.Unfortunate, but it is reality.