Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Here we go again!!!!!!

Is this dejavu or have we read about this story before? Student gets pissed off; brings gun to school, shoots fellow students and teachers, and then "offs" himself. Yeah, I think I have heard it all before. Again, I must reiterate, mental health is a major concern in today's society and it must be addressed. Since when does a kid get pissed off and decide to kill people. Again, all the signs were there, but no one paid attention. How many more times does a person have to die before "we" treat this issue as a real problem? I guess it costs too much to spend money on health care. I guess our tax dollars are better spent fighting wars that we will never win. That is just my about yours.


Anonymous said...

You said it was going to happen...and it is! And i dont even think we have seen the worst of it. Its happening everywhere...Colorodo, Virginia, and now Ohio. Is this a mental health issue or is this the product of out changing society? Is is war and media playing a part of can we blame it on bad parenting? There are so many different factors that we have to consider and look into but we need to do it NOW. Who would have though just 10 years ago that kids today would have a legitamate fear for their lives while attending school? This growing "trend" is destroying our youth and their future not to mention people are literally dying! More attention needs to be paid to our youth in every aspect of their lives. We have to act now instead of reacting later. (7885)

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess we can say to was pre-determine. The Univerisities and College should be aware of the situation by enforcing security. How can you bring a gun that big and NO ONE NOTICE it is hard to believe. People don't think or should I say THINK THINGS MORE CLEARLY THEN THEY OUGHT TO. The problem is parents are not making it clear that thier child has a medical condition that can trigger at any time. They should inform the faulty and staff of their childs disorder for the safety of others. They don't want there child to be isolated but what some people fail to realize if you try to cover the fact that something is wrong with your childs behavior others will notice. Therefore the Universities and Colleges can do their job to better assit your child with their personal needs and still keep the campus safe.

Anonymous said...

i believe that our country is the blame for situations like this.... just look at us we are in war killing people just because we want something that they have... what type of an example is this for the children...can we really blame the children... aren’t they really jus doing what they see... our country has mentality that killing is the answer to every problem...and until we change that mind set we will continue to see crimes like this (0230).

Anonymous said...

This is a serious problem and people need to start investaging the family and friends of these shooters. We need to come up with a profile of how these people act prior to their crime. This is a complete mental break for these shooters almost no one who has done this comes out alive, so you know you will die or spend your life in prison. So we need to evaluate these indivuals characteristics and have more support lines at schools just as sucide lines and try to talk some reason into these people or commit them and get them on the proper medication. 9146

Anonymous said...

i agree with you because the children these days need role models and a good resource center to help with the growing situations they have to deal with.most parents these days do not want to accept the fact that their child has a promblem. instead of giving them medication for the problem sort thru the problem first before not hearing the solution. this world is sad and i feel for the kids of our future if there will be any around.(7593)

Anonymous said...

HERE WE GO AGAIN!!Is correct... thats exactly what i said but guess what its gonna get a lot worse. Me personally i believe that there should be programs in schools on how to treat students that are "different." If students knew how to treat one another then it would be alot easier for students to feel comfortable and it would decrease the problem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed Here We Go Again, (and Again, sooner or later) People are delicate tools and unfortunately society no longer cares about the mental stability of people. Today, the answer to all problems is to medicate. (Ritilan or stratera, to name some). But this does not get to the core of the problems and they continue to build. Ironically, some medications used to treat people actually make them worse. Also, schools don't change to offer programs for dealing with the communities in which the students live. If a student reside in a community that is full of violence, then there should be a class to discuss that student's view because their opinions and feelings count and they should know that. They would also see they are not alone. Also, they should have a place, other than home, where they can say anything and not be judged, just heard and helped, if possible. *2232

Anonymous said...

This has been happening for years now as some people say money see monkey do. I don't think that pattern will ever be resolved because people are goig to find ways to do things they want to no matter what, or how serious the consequences are. Don't get me wrong though some mental issues can be treated to prevent crime.{6018}

ES5839 said...

After watching so many school shooting on TV I have come to realize that there are a lot of students out there who need psychological help. Depression is a big contributor to these students irrational behavior. A mechanism needs to be put into place in school to recognize those students who appear to have conflicts,abnormal behaviors or emotional problems. Any bit of help or counseling they can get in school can help prevent a catastrophy.

Parents at home need to pay more attention to their childrens behavior as well. Please get more involve with your children in all aspect. Don't just act like a parent; let them know that you are also a friend, someone they can come to talk to regardless of the issue. Give them that comfort so they can feel that they have someone they can share things with and that someone cares.

Anonymous said...

He would we know who's going to "snap". There should definitely be more studies done on adolescent depression. Parents have to become more involved in their childs lives so they could hopefully detect signs before its too late!! (4681)

Anonymous said...

No one takes mental health issues as seriously as they should be taken, especially with children. A child knows when something isn't right, its up to other influences in their lives to take control sometimes. People often think that children or adolescents can't be depressed, they think "what could possibly be soO wrong in their lives that their depressed?" but then when that same child comes to school with a gun everyone is shocked. LOOK FOR SIGNS!!! Dont underestimate what anyone is capable of. Kids can be cruel to their peers, and sometimes a little ridiculing and bad parenting are a recipe for disaster. Its just sad (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

SPC5936 Teachers must be aware of their students and students need to be aware of their peers. If they notice strange behavior of a particular student they must inform a counselor. The majority of the weight of this issue is placed on the school community.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of it my damn self....SHould I even send my kids to school, should I want them to go to college? Because now adays you go to college you get shot up...spc5294

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that going to college would bring so much anxiety. spc5965

Anonymous said...

When you send these children for mental health you should also take into consideration the side affects of the drugs that one may have to take. They sometimes cause depression and sucide. More studies should be done so that all of the options can be weighed properly. spc0460

Anonymous said...

This is a serious problem dat needs to be addressed. I believe personally students and teachers should look to see what students are being isolated. U have to play attention to people who are left out. This will be the ones to snap out. Like u said professor mental health is a big problem in the United States.

Anonymous said...

This is a serious problem dat needs to be addressed. I believe personally students and teachers should look to see what students are being isolated. U have to play attention to people who are left out. This will be the ones to snap out. Like u said professor mental health is a big problem in the United States.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

whats going on with this youth? exactly like some1 commented do i even want to send my children to school?


Anonymous said...

I think we should allways advice our kids of whats good and bad and make sure give them the best advicements as possible. We do need more mental and physical programs referring to health programs. Instead of sending young man's and woman's to war. Spending millions of dollars id weapons and strategies. Why can they see that we having a war here in the streets . Lets make a change? 5794

Anonymous said...

Once again this subject. this is a really personel issue with me becausei had a cousin that suffered from mental illness and he killed himself bying slitting his wrist. My aunt saw the signs but claimed to never have enough time in a day to address it. now he is gone and she has to live witht the fact thatshe knew and never did anything about it. this is ridicolous, these kids did not ask to be here,if you are really going to be a bad parent then think about the life your bringing into the world before you do it. i really feel bad for these kids that the help is one phone call away and they arent getting it. there most definelty should be something done about this. we spend money on bs all the time, we at war with a country and we dont have a clue why and we dont have a clue when will it end. but the taxpayers and the governement is funding this nonsense. like it really burns me up.CA7739

Anonymous said...

Prof. Parents at home need to pay more attention to their childrens behavior as well. Please get more involve with your children in all aspect. Don't just act like a parent; let them know that you are also a friend, someone they can come to talk to regardless of the issue. Give them that comfort so they can feel that they have someone they can share things with and that someone cares.SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

I am more inclined to say that if that is what the kid wants to do, he will do it. There may have been nothing anyone could have done to prevent his mental issues. Could his parents have done a better job and could the school have seen the signs earlier? probably. But again, wouldn't it be better if he did not have easy access to a firearm? Thats just logic to me. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Im with you on this one! Life is one big sign. Look for the hints. This child probably built up to this. Now one is born with gun you have to work your way to that. spc8725

Anonymous said...

I think that these shootings will continue and there will be nothing done about it. It will cost too much money, and no one would want to take the blame.

Anonymous said...

I think that too much media brings attention and make things worse. In addition, invites a new behavior to students that wants attention, even though, these students may be going trough mental or excessive stress in their lives.

Also, their own friends are part at fault for not reporting signs of unsual behavior from their colleages to school staff or school nurse.

In the Army, we are taught even if someone jokes about killing himself or herself it must be reported to the chain of command.

Prevention can be done if someone takes charge at the right time.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

People think mental health is not important enough to pay attention to. But when it comes up in stories like these people want to act like they didn't know the kid had issues. Then everyone wants to act all innocent. I guess those innocent lives that have already been taken isn't enough to wake people up.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Nowadays , i am confident with this new government mental health issues in teenagers can be dealt with .I will argue that concerned citizens send a letter to president Obama in order to discuss this issue .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

It seems that society is afraid to see thes issues is not a money problem. is the fact that we are in denile we think that this dos ot happen in america. so there is no reason to warry. you see money is not the proble but we are the problem we se symptoms like this ones and all we do is turn our heads and act like is not there.
at least thats what i think.

Anonymous said...

I agree here we go again and it will happen again probably in your district school area. With the budget being the way they are people don't have the insurance to go see doctors especially not ones in especially mental health. The signs of kids harming themselves or even others is right there in their face but people tend to disregard them as the kid is just acting out. But when that kids goes on a rampade then they stop and think about what they could or should have to done to possibly prevent the killing of innoncence people. The next time it may not just be a school shooting but the blowing up of the entire school. The children these days are going through alot of issues that they need help with but can not get the services. So what do they do they take the easy way out by offing off a few people and then themselves so they don't have to deal with anyone or anything else.
Our kids need help.
