Monday, October 1, 2007

Defining your role in society; will you make a difference?

This post is not about crime and/or the criminal justice system. This post will be about personal responsibility to your fellow human being.

After some careful reflection it has become apparent that "we are not our brother's keeper." The level of selfishness being exhibited by our citizenry is appalling. Capitalism is riving our moral cohesion and the downtrodden are being cast aside. The average person can expect numerous challenges to overcome, but despair is not the answer. Life is about making decisions and living by them. However, bad choices are a part of life and have to be dealt with as well. Yet, I cannot find one person who wants to be poor, incapable of paying their bills or strung out on drugs. Everyone needs someone in a time of difficulty. As a part of the human race, what are you doing to make a difference? Let's hear your stories.

"Pick a piece of the social fabric that you can change and gauge how it fits into the bigger picture" Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

form my perspective, i show my part to society by being a role model for my children as well as myself by gong back to school to better a career for all of us. i give back by helping youths from being another number on someone's table or in the system where you lose your name to become a symbol or a number by talking to them so they do not end up like uncles or aunts, others or fathers that are not there because the street has them and those that are away in the system.the future of our youths are at risk and if i could help it my son and daughters would hopefully not become a piece of society's problem.(7593)

Anonymous said...

Well,I must stay I have this gift to help others. Yes, I am struggling myself to stay above ground but I manage. My story helps alot of young girls and women to understand their self and also that someone who might not have respected you before appericate you now. I help out one of my mother's friend. He doesn't mind me saying this... He is a heavy drinker, smokes, lost his job last year around this time. I lost someone who was the BEST in my eyes but the SPERMDONOR in others, my father. These man needs help but he family walks out on him, but when there is money or food they are the first to come over. I decided to take my funds that were given to me by relatives on Christmas and my income to assist him in getting clothes, tryign to find a job, i would cook and clean and take him to recieve unemployemnt. It hurt me to see him fall apart all these years after living with him for awhile. I tried my best to get him help with his issues but sometimes he refuses to listen. He acts like a kid that want the constant attention adn sometimes because of my scehdule of school and work I can not attent to him all the time. Sometimes he calls in cry while drink and half sleep because he want to talk about old times but I stay up adn listen to him until he falls asleep. I worry about if one day I go to see him and he doesn't answer the door it is becaus I didn't call and he is passed out on the floor. I feel I am resposnsbile for his well-being and that because I started helping him he now solely depend on me. As I grew up people always said you have to protect yourself but once my father had died. I lost hope of just that. I had no clue that life with attack me the way it did at such a young age so YES I was SEEN AS A TARGET For predatores.They came from all directions until I became weak and defenseless. It was my turn to give back to young females and women what I had learned and experience. My responses of what accure turned into a way of relief. I was able to give women the truth and hold no bars about what they should do about it. It is now not just a story but a MOVEMENT. WOMEN NEED TO STICK TOGETHER NO MATTER IF WHAT HAPPENS. 1587

Anonymous said...

This is the world we live in today. The harsh reality is that most people only really care about themselves. It is my belief that there are only a select few people today that would go out of their way to help someone in need especially if they are a total stranger. I can not sit here and say that im am one of them because id only be lying to myself. I mean i try to help others when i can. I can honestly say that if someone, whether friend or not, asks for my help that i try to accomidate and be as helpfull as I can. But i cant say that id really go out of my way to help with the average circumstance. The true question i guess would be how can we change this? (7885)

Anonymous said...

People are out for number one. Your friends may not be your friends in a time of need. People go to have the nicest car on the block, update their houses to keep up or surpass next door. People have become selfish and self centered, they will not say please or thank you but feel entitled to the kindness of others when they do not show any themselves. A few years back when I was heavy into drugs such as pcp, I had an episode where I had to be committed when I came out of the hospital my friends who I spent everyday with thur high school were no where to be found, and changed the way I evaulated friendship. Many "friends" just want you to give them rides, loan them money, and just revolve them. When my friends started calling me back it wasn't to hang out but to sell me drugs which I wanted nothing to do with. So this changed my outlook at people and how they trully could care less about you, each of us wants to be a cut above another, their are no teams, no friends, just people looking for every advantage they can get. 9146

Anonymous said...

many people that i kno no longer help their fellow neighbors out in a time in need bc they cant. its hard to help someone out when u need help. many people in my neighborhood are a check away from homeless. it hard for someone who is worrying about how their going to pay rent to help someone else out. the gap between the rich and the poor is becomming bigger and bigger and it will continue until the rich starts to help. the first thing someone do when they get some money is to move out of newark. they move out of the neighborhood they was raised in and forget about it. they start thinking their better than the people in newark, and they forget to help...(0230)

Anonymous said...

The fabric of a (Wo)Man is not only who you are but who you strive to be. Years ago, my daughter was the only girl on the schools elementary basketball team. I would assist the coaches with practices and be there as the team mom and I saw that about 85% of the parents did not support their own children. Games were on Saturday mornings and some parents said they were "not getting up early for some kiddie game." Even when these children made the championships, (and won!) those parents did not show their face. I could not comprehend, because this was an awesome feat for the kids. I realized that it does take a village to raise a child and for that time, I was that village. I checked report cards, I listened while they told stories of many things. I called parents and asked them to come to the games (got cussed a few times). But it was then that I knew that I wanted to help our youths. I am strict on my kids and their friends. (In my presence, you are my child.) I remind my kids everyday, to "treat others the way you want to be treated" thereby making them accountable. While society encourages self-preservation, it is not alway right. Ironically, these same kids that are pushed aside, some are our futures. I want to start a youth group for both boys and girls to rebuild unity. However, there are so many youths who are hardened by life and they have already given up. I am often told that "these kids are ghetto" and I "don't know the ghetto" because I came from Montclair but I think ghetto is a state of mind and it can be changed.... *2232

ES5839 said...

What can I provide towards society to make it better? Society is a lot people all together and it takes more than just one person to change society as whole. However, I feel that I make my contribution to society when I bring hope to those who feel they lost it all; when I embrace my love ones and comfort them in times of need, when my son tells me that I'm the greatest mom and that he wants to go to college just like me, and so many other things that can easily impact someones life in a positive way.

Hopefully when I finish my education and I reach my goal which is to become and FBI Agent, I will also feel that I'm contributing to society. My committment will be more with the community than with the job itself because my work will reflect more on society than the system itself.

Anonymous said...

I give thanks to my parents for keeping me on "check" and paving the way for me to continue in the right path. Although not wealthy or well educated they strived for making my childhood safe. I now am in a position where I am able to serve as a role model for my children and a role model for other children in need of help. I have assisted in career seminars to open doors and give ideas for those who are not sure what to be in their future. I keep a strong family relationship with my parents and strive to make them proud of the boy they help become a man. (4681)

Anonymous said...

Its very important to help others out when they are down, but sometimes when you need help where ia everyone else? I try to live my life in a way where its good to HAVE people, but not good to NEED them. Sometimes people genuinely need help, but is it anyone elses responsibility to help everyone on the street whose holding up a sign? You only get one life and your ultimately the only one who can make or break it. I feel sorry for children because they didn't choose the life they were given, but some people need to get out and get a job and pick themselves back up, not just keep looking for the next free handout. (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

Spc5936 Sometimes it is difficult to help others if you cannot help yourself. It is the nature of capitalism today. If someone doesn't have any type of financial success they cannot further themselves in society. I feel as though volunteering is the best method to aid others. After one gains financial security they can better help other.

Anonymous said...

As a parent of a 2 children growing up in this harsh, harsh world, i somewhat find it my responsibilty to help out in a lot of ways. When I see something wrong, I bring it to the attention of the youth that is doing it. If I see kids outside walking around when they should be in school I call the truancy officer. I think the only way to make thing right is thru our future and that is our children.spc5294

Anonymous said...

I'm giving back to my community by tutoring children, I play bingo with the seniors, when shopping for my grandmother I pick up things for them. I feed a family every month through the angel food ministries. When I was young I had a lot of things to get involved in and now days there isn't much for children to do. I mentor young ladies, I express to them the importance of education opposed to hanging out on the computer and running behind boys. spc0460

Anonymous said...

Me personally I stay talkin to the youths. Telling them role models aren't these drug dealers and rappers. Role models are cops teachers and principals. I tell them you can get anything you want if you have an education. I also give to the poor whenever I can.

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

Im always there for my friends and family to listen and to try to give my best advice, and i also volunteer, for community work sometimes,


Anonymous said...

Honestly Im attending school and Im also going to the gym and I have a part time job so I can have my life really busy to something that will keep me out of trouble. Where I live is By High Court Projects in Down Neck and I see every day arrests and every two weeks that someone died. Is incredible to see this and hear this comments but that's why Im attending college and getting my education for later in life get out from the ghetto and have a better life. 5794

Anonymous said...

I pay mt taxes and try to do the right thing by all people. 4539

Anonymous said...

At this current moment i am not doing anything to make the world a better place,except for helping where and when i can.Well, i do have a foster child. his father killed his mother when he was just 4 yrs old.he has 4 other siblings that are also in the system as well. its a sad situation.they say that he is slow but i have had him for almost a year and i realized that he's not slow he needs attention and love. and an occasional slap in thebackof the head. he isnt slow very smart young man, and they have doped up on all these medicines. its ridiculous. i wish i could but like a piece of land as big as newark,new jerset and just build housed and buildings. one side of the town would be for the poor and the other side would be for the children in the system. i think everyone deserves a second chance. if i had oprah money this is what i would do with it. there is more then anough for everyone in the United States, why are we stuck on thismaterial nonsense? its seems to me as people have lost their morals and their beliefs. and its really sad.CA7739

Anonymous said...

The world we live in today. The harsh reality is that most people only really care about themselves. It is my belief that there are only a select few people today that would go out of their way to help someone in need especially if they are a total stranger. I can not sit here and say that im am one of them because id only be lying to myself. I mean i try to help others when i can. I can honestly say that if someone, whether friend or not, asks for my help that i try to accomidate and be as helpfull as I can. But i cant say that id really go out of my way to help with the average circumstance. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Defiantly not enough. Society and family puts to much emphasis on ones own personal success and succeeding at school and in sports that we forget about helping others. I should do more. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

I'm part of a big brother program at my church. Some kids just want to be heard and feel that someone cares about them. Senior citizens are also eased aside a lot them veterans that are going hungry. In this time of the year don't forget to donate. spc8725

Anonymous said...

Defining your role in society; will you make a difference?

I dedicated 10 years of my life volunteering in a First Aid Ambulance. I gave to my community by responding on times of need and suffering. I was able to teach younger members of how to provide first aid and give CPR. Many of them became professional in the medical field and some became police officers and lawyers. They see me and know that I made a difference in their lives.

Even today, I still make difference in peoples life. Many people in my community, Ironbound section of Newark, had approached me after finding out that I served in the war. They want to join the military services and be able to help others to achieve their democracy and liberty.

I think I made some difference in society. I wish I could do more, maybe .

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

I think that the way our society is makes us forget the most important thing that unites us to each other. We forget that we are all human beings and that we have so many things in common. All we care about is making money and getting ahead no matter who we are leaving behind. A society like that never succeeds. The only way is to remember that in the end we will one day die and all the money we make won't come with us but what we will bring is how we used our time to help and benefit others.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Our biggest problem is because we are not a collectivistic society .However ,it does not means to not help our brothers and sisters .Alas , i am not capable of making huge differences in this society because i do not have any mean , but i make sure that i treat my environment with respect .Besides , i do my menial job conveniently , so that every single customer is satisfied with it .On the other hand , i aspire to make great differences in the United States by incorporating what i have known in my country of origins into this country .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

I am only 20 years of age but I often look at our youth and fear OUR future.Our, including them as well.Guys are living fast to die young, and girls are living way ahead of their time. It really hurts my heart.So I have been told I have made a change in the life of a few people and that has very much motivated me to continue to take action.I am current working on a seminar for young women of color between the ages of 13 to 18.I am also looking to collaborate with a few young males to began a seminar as well. The youth is crying out but we aren't doing much listening.We can talk about so many issues, but we have to be the change that we want to see.

Anonymous said...

I can say that i'm furtunit to have share the two worlds. as a teen i grow up as a bad aple doing things that was not to help society. but as i grow up and joing the armservices i have learn to understand what live is all about and what is to have good friend family. must of all have been able to turn back and reflect what i have done and have manage to change. now i teach my children and explain many of my situation and teach them whats write and wrong but mainly i try to show them that caring for one to another not just in the family but with every one is what could make one a better person knowing and caring for others is what makes us human with fealings. this is what i try to show and teach my children hopfully they can understand. it is what i could give back to society.