Friday, October 12, 2007

Excessive or justified force?

You make the call.


Anonymous said...

I did not see a weapon and I find that it was excessive force. You have three officers (that I viewed) and they could not find a more decent means to subdue one person with all the training they received. *2232

Anonymous said...

Steps were taken to remove the student peacefully but he continued to refuse. The officers had to use the necessary force to illiminate their threat. (4681)

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 clearly excessive force. The officers involved could have found other means to remove the student. This just demonstrated the officers lack of skills and reasoning to resolve conflicts.In my opinion the student was not a threat to anyone. They could have even carried him out. Even if he refused to leave, they were not justified.

Anonymous said...

You can only use the same amount of force given to least that is what i was told. I think these police officers were abusing their authority. This man was not fighting back and therefore there was no need to use any additional force because he was already in restraints. If necessar they could have restrained his laegs but they wanted him to walk. So why did it take them to taze this individual several times to pick him up and carry him out. There were enough of them to carry him out before tazing him the first second or third time. This is a serious lawsuit and not to mention disciplinary action for the officers involved. Abuse of the use of force...spc5294

Anonymous said...

The officers did show excessive force. I don't understand why they couldn't pick him up and lead him out. Tazing him and then asking him to stand up is kind of absurd. The poor kid probably couldn't. It's sad to see abuse of power; especially in a university setting. spc5965

Anonymous said...

Excessive Force was clearly the case. These officers should be punished for their actions. That was not necessary at all. This is what happens so often. I believe that they should also be required to go for training. they need to learn how to deal with situations like this. It was too easy for them to use the tazer rather than get him to walk out on his own. This could have started a big riot.spc0460

Anonymous said...

That was clearly excessive force. The tasing was very unnecessary. The police officers couldve picked him up and carried him out in cuffs. I believe that them officers should be punished

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is justified the police force because they asking him to stand up million of times and he doenst agree and do not follow directions that the cop is telling him. Thats why alot of them get shot. 5794

Anonymous said...

These officers could have handle this situation better. The student was not trying to physically attack the officers he just didnt want to get up or be moved. 4539

Anonymous said...

i think this was a bit excessive. its one suspect and two police officers. this guy had to been 130lbs soak and wet and they felt the need to tazer him? I think that some police officers these days abuse their powers and because he was in that setting i guess they felt they need to make an example out of this guy. Some police officers are really pathetic and its sad that these are the men and woman we have protecting us.CA7739

Anonymous said...

I believe that certain steps were taken to remove the student peacefully but he continued to refuse. The officers had to use the necessary force to illiminate their threat. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Only to apprehend an individual should force be used. If you feel threatened then ok, but if the guy is already in handcuffs. Too much.spc8725

Anonymous said...

No I don’t think the police was abusing their power, there where cocky but they didn’t overstep any boundaries.
1. In beginning of the video I heard the guy screaming don’t touch me. I couldn’t see what was going on but I’m pretty sure he was resisting arrest, and he is a pretty big guy.

2. There are always two sides to a story. For all we know this guy could have charged at the cop, he could have started problems in the library and the cops had to come, he could have tried to escape, or for all we know he could have kidnapped the pope. The video doesn’t show why the cops wanted the guy out of the building it just shows what the cop did when he resisted arrest.

3. When you are tased, you can get up moments after the trigger is released. Although you usually don't because you'll get tased again, but in this case the cops wanted him to get up. They told the suspect many times to get up and they even told him that they will shoot him again if he does not cooperate. This kid should have just done what the cops said.

Anonymous said...

No I don’t think the police was abusing their power, there where cocky but they didn’t overstep any boundaries.

1. In beginning of the video I heard the guy screaming don’t touch me. I couldn’t see what was going on but I’m pretty sure he was resisting arrest, and he is a pretty big guy.

2. There are always two sides to a story. For all we know this guy could have charged at the cop, he could have started problems in the library and the cops had to come, he could have tried to escape, or for all we know he could have kidnapped the pope. The video doesn’t show why the cops wanted the guy out of the building it just shows what the cop did when he resisted arrest.

3. When you are tased, you can get up moments after the trigger is released. Although you usually don't because you'll get tased again, but in this case the cops wanted him to get up. They told the suspect many times to get up and they even told him that they will shoot him again if he does not cooperate. This kid should have just done what the cops said.

Anonymous said...

The first thing people want to say is that the officers COULD DO BETTER. Well, why don't you tell us what the officers could do better instead of just saying it and not give a proper answer on how?

Do you know if the officer went there because was called by the someone of the library? Or do you think that police officers go around in the library looking for someone to be tase? C'mom! Wake up , will you?

Listen how the guy yelled at the officer by saying " Don't touch me"!. The student was most like under arrest or had resisted arrested and the officers tase him to comply with directions. Better be tased then pepper sprayed. Pepper spray would affected more people in the area , including the officers.

The student showed signs of resisting and only moved when he was tased. Now you say, there were other officers around and they could pick him up and take him. Oh yeah, what about maintaining the perimeter secured? All that student wanted was to put a show , instigate the officers and not comply to directions to create a case.

Now when you become an officer and go through situation , call after call, people challenge you call after call then you can make a decision if this was excessive force or not. C'ya

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

This video is sick and what the cops did in this situation is even more sick. There were multiple officers and one student. What problems were they having that required using a taser? None. Plus this was probably a traumatic thing to see for other students and I think these cops were just putting on a show. This was ridiculous and I feel sorry for that poor student who had to go through this.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

He used excessive power , and the officer distracted the whole library for no reason .I personally sees the student as an individual with an attitude .Therefore , he was not a danger to the Library .That could have been solved diplomatically .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...


Sometimes we allow our pride to get the best of us, but dealing with cops I believe we really have to learn how to put that pride in our pocket. Situations with cops can be very dangerous and it is important that you dont put your self in anymore of a worse position that you already are.Resisting arrest is a big deal, some people feel they arent guilty so why should they be cuffed. But either way its going to happen, so why fight it .Its unfortunate, but it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

After the first teaser the officer ask the student to get up normally it takes 20 seconds to recuperate from been tease in this case the officer you his teaser none stop how did he spected to get up after all the one tease it was enough. defenaly excessive police force there was no need for all that.