Sunday, October 21, 2007

Overreaction or bordering on the absurd

The author has previously spoken about juvenile crime in terms of school killings. However, recent events by "children" has caused me to question whether we are overreacting. It was brought to my attention that a seven year old child was suspended from school for one day because he drew a stick figure holding what appeared to be a gun. Am I missing something here? Are we so gun shy that any signs of playful aggression should be cause for concern? Can boys be boys? Was the the school district just enforcing its zero tolerance policy regarding this type of behavior? Should the parent (s) of this young boy have told him that any type of drawings depicting a weapon is unacceptable behavior? And finally, does this response play into our fear of juveniles? There are a lot of unanswered questions.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe that the school has taken it out of contents because a seven year old is exposed to more volience then adults. They see what is depicted on movies, media and cartoons the most. Have you ever wonder why the wolf keeps fallign off the damn cliff when trying to kill the road runner. It was a way for him to express his thoughts. Now, just my opinion I think let it be done by the cacausian race would anything have been said yes, but it would have not been publizied by the media. It shows that everything shopuld be taken to the full-extent when sometimes it really is not necessary. The child mother is stupid to come on television and agree with the response of the media. It is becoming very aggravating to see how quick we are to jump when there is a mention of a gun. Prof, I guess boys can't be boys. The sign of a gun scares people now because they feel things are unsafe in theor environment. But they shouldn't be so concern about him drawing a weapon on paper. Their focus should be on who is buying the guns. No, by telling him he can't draw a gun on a piece of paper is not allowing him to understand the world around him.Yes it does play a part in the fear of juveniles. Now he is going to grow up trying to figure out what he did so wrong and the school will look at him with close observation because they are afraid he just might become a delinquent. 1587

Anonymous said...

i can talk from a mothers perspective, i refused to let faimly members buy guns of any nature guns for my son. when my son played with his friends water gun and i founded out, he was punished. i tell the females i hang with, to control the minds of their sons before it is to late. if you watch the news,the murders that are taking place i do not blame them for any actions they take towards these chlidren today, even if it was mine. i an leaving this situation alone(7593).

Anonymous said...

In our society children will see guns and violence and be excited about it. Video games and cartoons show case this scandolous behavior. A child should be able to draw whatever he or she wants it falls under the first amendment our country is becoming more and more obsessed with what could happen. A 7 year old will not go into a gun shop and tell them to give him something powerful to blow his teacher away. We need to wake up and actually teach our young students about the seriousness of guns, violence, death and maybe then they will understand our world and peace a little better. They would not want that pain inflicted upon their family or themselves so why resort to doing it to someone esle. So I feel we need to give our youths more positive outlooks at life than you drew a gun and you should be punished but try to be understood. (9146)

Anonymous said...

Most definately these schools are overreacting. First, at seven, you have no faculties to understand such ramifications. Secondly, the schools must bear in mind that a child depicting someone holding a gun is the normal for some of them. Some children grow up in poverty and someone close to them may possess a gun for many reasons, from using it for protection from a bully, to using it to protect the drugs they are selling. We cannot expect all children to depict a "perfect" life with the sunshine, park and birds, when unfortunately, they may have never been exposed it. Also, lets not forget, the movies and music glamorize this violent behavior and for some children, they deem it acceptable because it is what they have learned. Their actions are often learned everyday behavior and survival skills *2232

Anonymous said...

When your at that age aal your worried about is cookies and crayons. I'm sure that the child has seen a gun on television but wasn't thinking anything about ti whe he drew it. Was he wrong when he drew that no beucase it problaby really didn't mean anything but a harmless picture. Teenagers nowadys draw things that that, and it doesn't mean anything.(6018)

Anonymous said...

Are guns the problem or certain individuals? The school was scared and had to do sonething to prevent any lawsuits if someone ever got hurt. I feel its a crazy response but look what the newspapers and tv report everyday 99% bad news. I was raised with guns in my household growing up, they were kept in a safe place and I was taught to be responsible when handling a firearm. To date no one in my household or immediate family has ever killed or hurt anyone with a firearm. I would have to say who ever raised the child needs to have a serious talk with him or her.

Anonymous said...

I think the school went a little to far. Its uderstandable to question and monitor a child drawing figures of guns but suspending him is a little to harsh. School administrators have to come up with better ways to handle these situations. (4681)

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time ive heard about school systems going too far. I once read an article about a boy in kindergarden pointing a chicken nugget at a classmate and making the sound of a gun. To children they dont know what is going on in the outside world. Kids want to be kids, no one should take away that right. Theres a way of dealing with kids and communicating the right messege rather then the way these situations are being handled. Children should be TAUGHT about guns and the dangers of them, they cant be expected to know at such a young age. (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 I just believe this is just a sign of the times. Juvenile violence has become a major issue within the last 20 years primarily because of the school shootings that has occurred.However, I don't agree with the suspension but I feel the school over reacted I believe they are just taking steps to prevent any future incident from occurring. what else are they going to do now expel young boys from school for playing cops and robbers. If they utilize there hands to depict guns. It is the parents responsibility to help the child distinguish b/w pretend and real violence

Anonymous said...

This is totally absurd. This is the problem that we are facing. We are so involved in matters that realistically have no need of attention. Sure, call the parents in and make them aware. If they want to suspend this boy, then maybe they should suspend everyone who watches tv or plays video games with guns in it. We should be spending time on kids that have low reading levels. spc5965

Anonymous said...

Schools are going to far. The don't realize that they are labeling these children. children have played with guns for years and it didn't cause crime to rise. However, when you refuse to let parents raise their children and you assist, that's when the problem occurs. It was a time when parents allowed neighbors to help raise their child(ren) now you have outside agencies telling you what is acceptable and what is not. The schools are just following the leader. I would never buy nephews guns, the reason being is that I would hate for someone to take their life because they thought it was a real gun.spc0460

Anonymous said...

I believe that the school went to far on this situation. For one there are shows on tv that shows guns. So the student couldve got this from a television show or a movie. Yes it is crazy that he is drawing pictures of a gun but its not that serious that he shouldve gotten suspended for a day. Its not like its a real gun. I believe they shouldve only had a conference with the students parents only to see where this idea came from.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

Parents need to pay more attention, because it can start with just a drawing, whats next?


Anonymous said...

Although suspension in this case seems to be an overreaction I can see why the school would take precaution. How many times have we heard about children who have committed crimes seemingly beyond their years only to later find some type of evidence that included writings and/or drawings?

However, if you are going to consider an extreme like suspension it should not be based on one drawing alone. Rather than suspension, the one day may be better spent talking to parents to gain as much insight possible in order to ease any thoughts of public endangerment.

I do however think that the school having to stoop to these levels is just a reflection of certain truths we are faced with today.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think that by drawing a gun is not that bad because is not saying that they goin kill someone. It depends in the drawing. 5794

Anonymous said...

Kids will be kids and by drawing stick figure of a gunmen should cause lertness and awareness but to be suspended for that is a bit much on the school's part. drawing gunmen does not mean your a killer or going to kill. 4539

Anonymous said...

Prof I don't beleive that a 7 year old will not go into a gun shop and tell them to give him something powerful to blow his teacher away. We need to wake up and actually teach our young students about the seriousness of guns, violence, death and maybe then they will understand our world and peace a little better. They would not want that pain inflicted upon their family or themselves so why resort to doing it to someone esle. So I feel we need to give our youths more positive outlooks at life than you drew a gun and you should be punished but try to be understood. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

If the child was suspeneded for drawing a picture of a stick figure holding a gun, when I was a kid I should have been expelled from school. It's just ridiculous and overbearing parents and school teachers are taking away from children's childhoods. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Just a little too much. There are just playing children. It's hard to believe that a teacher would pick up something like that. But will miss to help the cild that always sit be himself or has the must suspicious drawing. Or the child that is always seems to get pick on. All these school killing fit this brief description. spc8725

Anonymous said...

This is a gross over reaction. I don't even have to wonder what the race of this child was. Have I missed something, because I haven't seen any news coverage about a 7 year old going on a shooting rampage similar to Columbine.

Anonymous said...

As a parent of two boys I don't buy toy guns for my kids nor do I buy violent video games for them and family members and friends are also not allowed to buy them.We live in a society today were 7yrs old and 10y old kids are picking up guns and killing .I don't think it was a overreaction I think they should have a school policy regarding the issue of guns on a whole.
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

"I think the school went a little to far. Its uderstandable to question and monitor a child drawing figures of guns but suspending him is a little to harsh". (X2)

I grew up playing cowboys V. indians. On school grounds we played indians against cowboys and we made gestures of a revolver with our fingers or a stick to make belief that was a gun. Or the indians make gestures of bow and arrow being thrown at you or a axe or spear made of stick.

But we ne ver killed anyone or hurt anyone. However, our society has changed and frankly I don't know if the schools are over zealous or too laxed.

The least that could be done for this kid was have a talk to him and understand what was behind his ideia of making that drawing. They should find out the motive and notr only suspending for one day and let him come back without knowing what was the motive.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

It really depends because in this case the kid only drew a gun. In other cases kids have brought weapons to school and have even used them. So if we allow them to draw guns does it make them think it's ok to bring weapons in school too? It depends on the kid and the situation, so I can't say for sure the the school went too far.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I think this school is promoting "school killings" because bearing guns in the United States is deeply rooted in the second amendment .In fact , this child should be entitled to a "Shooting School" in order to use gun wisely .briefly, this school is overeacting .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

I feel the boy was expressing what he sees on tv or in his community. If his form of expression was not tolerated, than it should have been conveted prior to the act in question. Suspension is kind of harsh for a seven year old. I'm sure if the principle explained that this is not tolerable and don't let it happen again, it wouldnt of. dg7659

Anonymous said...

Yes in a way they are starting to overreact in a way that young children have to suffer aswell..3013 SBD

Deborah Miller-Ashmead said...

I do believe that the school has over reacted by suspending the child for a drawing of a gun. I also agree that these kinds of responses do play a big part of our fears of juveniles. This is a prime example of "you live what you learn"

Anonymous said...

Often times kids draw the things that the have seen on tv or in the household.Should we be concerned? Suspend him? No.This drawing could have been innocent but drawing so much to the situation could make this child very curious.Curious enough to make the drawing become reality.

Anonymous said...

The school has taking this over board there was nee of supension tours the 7 year old, he is just a kid doing what every 7 year old likes to draw. insted of suspencion the school should have talk to the child and parents to see if there was any problem. that is all. i think that schools should have a person to talk to kids in school just to see how they day went it could help alot then a supension.