Thursday, September 27, 2007

Should ignorance be a crime?

Here we go again, another person's attempt at humor has gotten someone in trouble. When will enough be enough? Or when will people stop being so sensitive? Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly had dinner at a popular African-American restaurant in New York City with the Reverend Al Sharpton. The two unlikely dinner guest were meeting to discuss their points of view on a variety of topics. Their departure from the restaurant supposedly went without incident until Mr. O'Reilly went back to his news program and figuratively shoved his foot in his mouth. On live radio Mr.O'Reilly remarked (and I am paraphrasing) that he was shocked to realize that African-American restaurants were very similar to any other restaurant and that its patrons were well behaved. Okay, for some of us his comments may not be so offensive, but to others, he may have stepped over the line. Most of us have gone to restaurants and observed some rather rude behavior by people that we do not know. We make a mental note of it and even might speak out, but we move on. I say that we stop fueling the flames of bigotry and ignore these media seekers.

" Ignorance comes at a cost; how much are you willing to pay for it? Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly had no business saying that. African-Americans aren't animals, so why should the restaurant had been any diffrent then any other he has been to. We as minorities do know how to behave and eat. We also cook better too! 6809

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is a pompous ass who believes he is rightouse and anyone that stands in his opposition is a heretic. He is a man who should know better than to say such things a resturant should not be labeled by it's workers nationally but by how it is run by those who run it. If he were to praise the owner, resturant, or come against an owner instead of a ethinicity we would have this problem.9146

Anonymous said...

This commit is very offensive... however, i do not believe that he should be punished for it... its his opinion on African American businesses...i’m not saying he was right for saying it but instead of getting mad at him we need to look at ourselves…why he said that….how many times you have gone outside Newark to go shopping or eating because of the behaviors of our fellow African Americans people….we as a culture must prove these stereo types wrong because if we don’t were going to continue hearing comments like this…(0230)

Anonymous said...

What is going on in the world today? Freedom of speech...we all (as Americans) have have it but when some of us use it we get bashed for it. Maybe he should have thought about what he said before he said it but at the same time im figuring he didnt even contimplate that it was anything that would have even slightly upset anyone. But in our sensitive world we bitch about everything. Give it a break! (7885)

Anonymous said...

What is going on in the world today? Freedom of speech...we all (as Americans) have have it but when some of us use it we get bashed for it. Maybe he should have thought about what he said before he said it but at the same time im figuring he didnt even contimplate that it was anything that would have even slightly upset anyone. But in our sensitive world we bitch about everything. Give it a break! (7885)

Anonymous said...

What is going on in the world today? Freedom of speech...we all (as Americans) have have it but when some of us use it we get bashed for it. Maybe he should have thought about what he said before he said it but at the same time im figuring he didnt even contimplate that it was anything that would have even slightly upset anyone. But in our sensitive world we bitch about everything. Give it a break! (7885)

Anonymous said...

My opinion may seem harsh but a lot of white people think that we act improper because of the way media portrays blacks by being narrowminded. If and when will white people understand that we are human beings and not every afican american or black is going to act out of character in their eyes. I was just recently watching Hip Hop vs. America on BET about, How do we feel that white people view us. My response was I don't care because they are going to judge me no matter what I do or how piopus I act. My mother always stated if you are going to be fony be fony all the time. I don't care what type of standards white supremcy has and will have on the minority as a whole. It will take some time for the stupid white folk like O'Reily to get a fucking clue that we are all not the same. Just because I watch the news alot does not mean that I want to be a weather reporter it might mean that I am interested in the falling of our economy due to the corruption of the government funding for a dumb ass war which means that my children just might have to suffer if this bushshit war is still going on in the next few years. 1587

Anonymous said...

4 a long time african americans has been put down so long,people 4got that these are the present days and for a long time we had manners.our ancestors took care of their children and chores. we never got the glory of what we have acomplished and we never will. it do not shock me of what coes out of the mouths of fellow race groups.(7593)

Anonymous said...

We praise the behavior we want and ignore that which is unacceptable... Mr.O'Reilly assumes that whites are betther than blacks. He has his opinion. We all have an opinion and an azz. What does that mean, it makes no difference what he says. When he walks in the shoes of an average African American, then maybe we will take what has to say with more than just a grain of salt. *2232

ES5839 said...

The comment was out of place and he made it worst by saying it on live radio. He was basically stereotyping african american as a whole. I've been to Italian and American restaurants and have receive poor customer service from caucasians, however that doesn't mean that every caucasian restaurant in the nation has the same service.

The media is always trying to discredit or better say run down african americans. We are always the eyeball for any single incident that they can get on us.

We were set free many years ago...let us breath, let us be, let us grow because were are not all the same.

Anonymous said...

People need to realize that what they say can really offend people. And also that there are people who are just as ignorant as he is listening to his comments and thinking that its ok for them to say the same things. Ignorance is not bliss and should not be tolerated. People need to get that old school mentality out of their heads because until they do nothing is going to get better (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

Now I am not even going to lie...I have been to some restaurants where the staff was predominately black like I am, and the service was rather poor. But I would never expect anyone of his stature to go on live radio and make the comment he did...spc5294

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that he said that. He ate with Reverend Al Sharpton and then had the nerve to say what he said. What a fool. Was he reprimanded for this commentary? I wonder what the Reverend said about this. spc5965

Anonymous said...

This does not bother me in the least. Lets keep it real some loud mouth African Americans make it bad for most of us when we go out. When white people see us act in such a manner the tend to judge the whole race, because of the few ignorant people. Some of us don't want to eat around our own people. spc0460

Anonymous said...

This comment by him really doesnt bother me because African Americans say it about themselves all the time. So just because someone of a different color says it everyone wants to take it offensive. But once we stop downing our own culture then maybe others will follow in our footsteps. We always are making excuses about shit.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show that we as a supposedly unified nation has a long way to go before all are treated or looked at as equals thank you Mr O'Reily

Anonymous said...

I mean ignorance is very popular in this world many people dont have any eduaction to communicate with other sor to express their feelings. And they can end up hurting someone. 5794

Anonymous said...

I gave up trying to change people's attitudes towards my race a long time ago. Its just to exhausting. Not to mention it does not work and I believe that it certainly does not matter.

I hear things in media all the time and every once in a while I feel that pit form in my stomach when someone offends. But 5 seconds later I am fine. They are not worth it. I mean this guy is obviously trying to be a jerk just to get a rise out of the public.

Bill O'Reilly is just one of the people that I choose to ignore as he has proven himself to be less than open minded to the idea that different does not translate to barbarian.

Anyway, I say get on with your day as it is likely that you have more important things to think about. (9510)

Anonymous said...

Prof. the comment was defintely out of place and O'Reilly made it worst by saying it on live radio. O'Reilly was basically stereotyping african american as a whole. I've been to many different ethnic restaurants and have receive poor customer service from the waiter/waitress whowever that doesn't mean that every restaurant in the nation has the same service
SPS 6169

Anonymous said...

Coming from O'reily this is not surprising. He has shown his ignorance on many occasions and the fact that he would make a comment such as that shows how his opinion on any topic is meaningless. It is sad, however, that many Americans hold his opinions in high regard. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

By getting aggravated by the comment Bill O'Reilly made doesn't get us anywhere. The best thing we could possibly do is just ignore it. By responding to it and showing our distaste of his opinion; we are just giving him more attention. Any publicity either good or bad helps fuels an individuals career. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

Wow, to be in front of a camera and say something like that is bold and ignorant. People that judge in this manner have never really evolved. You must be deliver news in a fair, and respectful manner.

Anonymous said...

I think O'Reilly just said what he really felt. This is not the first time I felt that he was a pompous individual, he probably felt the shield of radio
would allow him to say what he has really felt all along. When he's before the news camera he's not as brave.
bjay 5103

Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly is entitled to his opinion just as we all are. That doesn't mean I have to agree with or even acknowledge it. Is this the first time that he's shoved his foot in his mouth? No, and I can assure you that it will not be the last. If ignorance were a crime, those that feel they have to 'speak out' and refute what he feels will be sitting in the cell right beside him. They say ignorance is bliss and as far as I'm concerned he's the most blissful person on the face of the earth. The beauty of it all is I recognize his type and the controversy that he seeks is wasted on me because his ill-placed comments will always fall on deaf ears. There are far more important things going on in the world for anyone to care enough to comment and /or elaborate on another man's opinion and comments. Moving right along people!!!

K.G. 3792

Anonymous said...

People will always have their opinions but because he said it in the media I think it makes it a bigger issue. Still if we just ignore it it won't get attention and that's all he wants. Obviously he was trying to get a big reaction from people and if that's what they give him he will win.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

We can be better off , if we ignore ignorants like Bill 'Oreilly the Clown.Besides , he recognizes that he is wrong , he just wants to get attention in order to promote his T.V show .actually, we blaks do not really watch his show.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell I am insulted at the fact that for some reason white people feel as though blacks can't conduct themselves in a positive manner. It has been numerous occasions in which I have witnessed caucasians acting out in a restaurant for petty reasons. For example, my family and I was out dining and a caucasian couple went bizarrke after being told their reservations had to be rescheduled.

Anonymous said...

We are blessed to live in a country to have the right to exercise our opinions. We all know what Bill O'Reilly is about - getting ratings and stirring the pot of controversy. Of course he said what he did, do you think if he said anything different anyone would care? Of course not, because his audience would tune in to the other guy. With that said sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't.**cg7304**

Anonymous said...

KM 1845
Well first it has nothing to do with a black restaurant its the people you hire and what you allow in your restaurant. Bill O'Reilly made a comment and sure its his opinion but thats the point its an opinion so he should have kept it to himself. You can not change a world of black restaurants based on one incident granted people are different where ever you eat and has nothing to do with race.

Anonymous said...

Free to speech don't mean you can be disrespectful and when that person who said that is educate 3580