Saturday, September 8, 2007

What are the real causes of crime?

The history of the causes of crime dates back hundreds of years. The difference between now and then is evolution. As a society, we have come a long way; however, the problem of crime still exists. Why does this phenomenon still occur? I posit that economics are at the forefront of why individuals commit crime. The day when money is not revered will be the day when crime will decrease. Just my opinion.

"Leave a legacy so that your deeds can be revered." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

the crime still occur because people back then and those today are still the maybe the forefront but,economy is not the only problem power selfishness jealousy are some of the strong factor.2039

Anonymous said...

crime is here now and will be here in the future as long as people have their own mind and own opinon; crime cant be completly stop no matter what the cause

Anonymous said...

I agree, because money its what moves everyone and the people who want it the easy and fast are the ones that commit crime.

Anonymous said...

money is the root of all evil things that occur in society. people are after the fashion world, they do not look at it from an educational level until it is too late. they do not want crime to stop because that part of society pays the way for them(higher powers). if crime stop what would they do for a living.

Anonymous said...

i believe that crime will always exist...however, i do believe that economics play a big role...the larger the gap between the rich and the poor gets....the higher the crimes rates will be...economics may not be the only answer, but it is surly one of the leading factors.(0230).

Anonymous said...


I agree that economics is a big factor in why crime is commited. People's love for money causes a lot of problems which most of the time leads to crimes. Like the good word says money is the root to all evil...

Anonymous said...

I share the same opinion as you Dr. BLR. Money is the root of all evil...from it is that jealousy, greed, and selfishness stem from. But it will always be like that because that is all man worries about...thats what makes us and what breaks us. 6230

Anonymous said...

I don't think money has much to do with crime. You have more white collar crimes being committed then theft. You just don't hear about them as often. People with money are just greedy and want more of it. A poor person does and it's the biggest news you ever heard. Crimes are probabley still being committed because people in general are always trying to see if they can outdo the system. They try to see if they can get away with breaking the law, and when they succeed once they continue to do it until they're cought. 6809

Anonymous said...

Ever since the beginning of time mankind has develop ways to kill one another, it’s written in the bible and the history books. We go as far as glorifying the winners of wars for their malice endeavors. We have statues of them with their weapons to retain their memories. We go as far as to teach our kids of their killings.
But we cry murder when one person kills another because we don’t agree with his/her motives.
We fail to realize that we were thought to kill and are entertained with the misfortune of others. 2039

Anonymous said...

I agree with your statement professor. You know what they say, "Money is the root of all evil". But we all know that will always be "have" and "have-nots". (7885)

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with our opinion if we have the means crime will decrease but those who see the currency coming in to make a better environment for the community will some how works its way to a person who is corrupt and the funds will never be able to accomplishes what they were intended to. Many people sells drugs because of income but with drugs its kind of like the stock market one day the dow jones is up (Coke) next time the Nasdac is down (Balle). Everyday it is a hustle today would be a good day because everyone gets the first of the month check. Crackheads(drug users)will be waiting for the check cashing place to open up so they can get a good high. If the guy who you sent to jail for narcotics gets sentence to 2 yrs and is eligable for parole when he gets out and attends to the parole hearing and is placed back on the streets and the only advice you can give him is "get a job" and he goes to apply has no clue of how to type up a resume and does not get the job because he check yes in the box on the right for commiting a felony and stated his reason why he can not recieve employment why because no resources is available that will take the time oput to help ex-offenders. If they had a center where ex-offwenders can go once they recieve eligible for parole or probation they can aquire the knowledge given to them by professional counselor on how to conduct themselves on a interview then maybe just maybe the same cop that locked him up on hawthrone avenue won't find him on the corner but a the donkin donuts located on Elizabeth avenue serving him hot coffee light and sweet. If america would use there money wisely and not foolishly on building more prison in the united states then we mighht have a better result in our unemployment. You have those who do commit crime because of their environment but I am a witness that i grew up in an environment that was rough I have particapate in wrongful activity but if no one is there to tell you right from wrong and your surrounded by the majority of wrong what do you expect the outcome to be. If the school teachers are not funding enough money to work and you do have some lazy teachers who don't give a damn but and there classroom is most likely overcrowded by the number of students in the classroom and these children are from all parts of ther urban community. It wil be chaoes because some child is raise by their older brother because the mom is on the streets and the female is living with her father who is molesting her but the teacher does not know that is what that child goes threw on a daily bases and that is why they don't attend class why some young boys is driven to a gang because of the presence of no father figure in their life. That is why the girl in class brought a knife to school because the little boy in class kept touching her. But no one every spoke up on it because no one every ask or was every concern. Sometimes there is a reason and/or sometimes it is the foolish choices people make behind why they commit such a criminal offense. 1587

Anonymous said...

Crime will continue to exist for more reasons than economics. Emotions play a salient part in the criminal mind. Their actions can be motivated by lust, greed, anger, and envy- to name a few. As long as man has emotions and feelings, crime is gonna happen. However, ecomony also plays an intergral part of crime. Some crimes are committed because of lack of finances and the need for more or greed. Again emotion driven...

Anonymous said...

Crime will be something that is going to always be around. Crime occurs for various reasons fianicailly,emotionally, or just because. some people just have that urge, and don't have no other way to handle a situation which is a very sad thing.(6018)

ES5839 said...

The society economy has a great impact on crime now as it did many years ago. The lack of resources, money, and education is leading these individuals in society to make the wrong choices in life in order to survive. They go out and sell drugs, steal, rob people/places all for money. I have watched many reports on television were prisoners have been interview and their responses as to why they committed the crimes mentioned above, is always refer to money. However not having a family or the right family values as you grow up, can also detour your life decisions making.

Anonymous said...

Money makes the world go round! People break laws and think its an easy way to get ahead. There is so much competition out there people think they can cheat the system. In my opinion its really not that hard to abide by the law. Family influences growing up can be a major factor, but theres no excuse for it. Crime has always been happening and will continue to for generations to come (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

Unless you can go in the mind of every person that commits a crime, we will never know why they do it. So why stress yourself out trying to figure out why someone commited a crime. spc5294

Anonymous said...

Money is one of the factors of crime. Crime occurs because an individual has the desire to commit a crime. And when there is an opportunity to commit the crime without a possiblity of being caught they do it. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

Sadly money will always be revered; therefore crime will never cease to exist. spc5965

Anonymous said...

i agree with you 100 percent on this one. Crime is caused because of financial reasons. The second reason I would say is drug abuse. But the number one reason is money. Im going to quote one of my favorite rappers. "Money is the root of all evil I thought but when im broke is when I have my evilest thoughts".

3950 ecc

Anonymous said...

Crime will always exist because we dont not live in a perfect world or society and are not perfect people. We have our own opinons and minds. 4539

Anonymous said...

Im agree with your idea or philosophy because like you say The day when money is not revered will be the day when crime will decrease. That's my opinion too. 5794

Anonymous said...

I agree with the money thing but we all know that in our society money equates to power. I think that as long as there are social classes, the idea of bringing someone to submission and feelings of competition crime will continue.

Anonymous said...

this goes back to alot of different things discussed in this blog. there are a number of reasons: mental illness and or health issues. these people arent getting help so because they arent getting help they feel to take and hurt people to get what they need and want. i think the financial status of america know is the biggest reason why more crimes are being committed. its like the oppession. alot of people are needy,they cant get it becasue they giving all the help and spending all the money on dumb stuff.CA7739

Anonymous said...

I agree with your statement Prof. crime is here now and will be here in the future as long as people have their own mind and own opinon; crime can not be completly stop. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

If we look at countries with extremely low crime rates, such as countries in Scandinavia, we see that they also have very low poverty rates. This is because they have a very extensive welfare system. maybe the United States should take that into consideration. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

For example, there will always be good and bad. Some people just feed off the rush of committing crimes. Personally, doing away with money would drastically help. Then, we must deal with healthy and sick minds. spc8725

Anonymous said...

I think crime has a lot to do with money but also equality and rights. People who are excluded because they are different in color, looks, style, etc. Those are the people who are at risk for committing crimes so when our society realizes that community and unity are important to help reduce crime and when people are willing to come together then there will be change.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Darnell There is not one particular cause for crime. In today's society people commit crimes for the stupidest reasons. But, money does play a key role in crimes being committed. Not to mention jealousy and envy. Me personally, I feel women can cause crimes as well. Nowadays people always, men in particular always have to showcase their squabbling skills to impress females. I just tend to turn a charm they can't resist on. I'm not off the bullshit excuse my french.

DC0109 said...

Although continuously misquoted, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." is what it says in the Bible (Timothy, 6:10).

Its the yearning to be better than others and climb up the class system that help perpetuate crime. Those who have want more and those who don't have, seek to obtain by any means necessary. People keep trying to "keep up with the Joneses" but the "Joneses" aren't stopping to let anyone catch up.

Frustration over one's socioeconomic status combined with lack of an outlet for the frustration and an inability to understand the true origin of the frustration, results in people acting out. (i.e. crime...) This together with a declining education system leads to more and more crime. there are a slew of other factors that continue to perpetuate this.

When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up. (Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars)

Anonymous said...

I believe that money is just one of the issues.Alot of people are in competition with each other.As sad as it may seem we hate to see the next person doing better than us.So therefore we take from those that have what we want. Aside from that alot of people have personal issues with themselves.Things from childhood that they may have not dealt with but suppressed for years. There is alot that goes on in peoples lives that we are not aware of.They kill, rape, steal and I believe that it is a coping strategy. Not to say that it is right, but it happens.

Anonymous said...

KM 1845
I happen to agree with you on money is the main cause in crime. Money has to do with everything and if you have little or not enough life is much harder. In my opinion money should not make the world go round but then again taxes is high, living is high far as rent, heat & hot water, food, a car even if you don’t have a car you have to take the bus and that cost 1.85 twice a day times 30 days times 12 months. Money is our source in surviving.

Anonymous said...

I believe crime will always exist. Everyone wants to have nice things. So since they can't afford it they steal, rob, and hurt people. It can't be used as a crutch forever. You determine your destiny. The economy does pay an important role but it is clearly up to the individual to learn how to survive in this cruel world. ..RSI-3774