Friday, September 14, 2007

Blue wall of silence vs. snitching...what is the difference

The controversy in the "hood" regarding snitching is causing problems for law enforcement. Criminals can sometimes bank on the silence of victims and/or witnesses to keep their mouths closed. Conversely, police officers rely on the maintenance of the blue wall of silence to cover up their transgressions. The differences may be subtle, but the ramifications of both are detrimental to our society. Is there a difference?

" Your reticence can cause someone their life; only you know if it's worth it." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

both can have the same negative impact therefor there is no difference.

Anonymous said...

both of them can have the same negative impact because i don't think there is no differece between the two.2039

Anonymous said...

I dont thik its a difference, because the result its da same.

Anonymous said...

it all depends on the siuation. a close figure to someone a person might help but, to someone else the would keep quiet. if they hated that indiviual they might rat him/her out. most people take word to the snitching and getting stiches that is why they stay quiet too. to some degree it is a difference.(7593)

Anonymous said...

their is no fact i believe that police officers should understand why so many people dont snitch....after all they do it. (0230)

Anonymous said...


I don't believe that there is much of a difference in this situation. when an unlawful act is commited, in order for an officer not to be charged with the crime they sometimes threaten the lives of their fellow employees or jeopardize thier jobs depending on the situation. The same thing usually takes place in the hood...

Anonymous said...

I think that the blue wall of silence of the police officers is more detrimental. It is because of their silence that many people in our society have little or no respect for the ones who are supposed to watch over us. How are you supposed to trust a person who can be using their power to put your life in danger? 6230

Anonymous said...

I believe that people cover things up in every spectrum in life. People need to become honest to truly have a just and rightous society, people are too scared of the conseqences the truth will bring out, whether it is a loss of their job or death. 9146

Anonymous said...

They both inflict damage regardless of who does it. Honetly though who's to say that what they're doing is good or bad. For some the outcome may be good, and for others the outcome may be bad, but to each individual it will still cause damage. 6809

Anonymous said...

I believe that there is no difference in between the both of them. If anything it is a cops job to protect and serve and when a fellow cop commits a crime and the other cop keeps quiet then both police officers arent doing their jobs. Just like a drug dealer putting drugs on the block isnt doing his job by being a good citizen, the person watching him and not doing anything about that isnt doing there job either. There is no differnce snitching is snitching and the Blue Wall of Silence is just a proper way and clever way of saying dont snitch ...(4418)

Anonymous said...

It's a tough situation to be in when you are asked to serve witness in a crime that someone close to you committed. One hand, you know that your testimony may help solve the crime. In the other hand, your testimony will help convict someone that you know. The choices are not as easy as one thinks especially when you live in “da hood”. You are trapped between the reasoning of “mainstream” and “hood” societies. Mainstream society tells you to bring the criminals to justice at all costs to pay their debts to society. Hood’s credo is mind your business and keep other people business off your mind and you’ll live longer.2039

Anonymous said...

Sure there is a difference but ultimatly they both do the same damage...keeping criminals out of jail. (7885)

Anonymous said...

There is no difference at all. If you are in law enforcement and your partner does something that is not of good character and you go complain about it you will have to take the heat from your fellow officers that will rebel against you and others who are in high authority. Its a movie that came out called CRASH in this movie you can see the blue wall of silence. The captain who is of high authority tells the officer that if he goes anyfurther with taking the complaint to internal affairs he was going to kick him off the force if he did not keep his mouth close. I have a close friend who is doing life for a murder he didn't commit because he will not snitch(tell) offical who did the crime so he is doing the time in prison for someone else doing. Its all apart of being loyal but some people have their own morals and principals that they abide by and when they see things out of content this light kicks in to do something about it but they can't because it shows that they can not handle the consquences that it might cause later. 1587

Anonymous said...

The end result is the same, society suffers. Thus there is no difference. Wrong is still wrong, dishonesty is dishonesty and a lie is still a lie. *2232

Anonymous said...

Living in the hood can be tough on some they will do anything to fit in, and snitching is not one of the options there is to be in the in crowd. because once you sntch then you are fearing for your life that is why most peopl that hang out on the streets whe they see something they won't say anything, Which also ties into of unreported crime.(6018)

ES5839 said...

I don't think there is a different in concept, only in the structure; policy officers vs hood criminals.
However, both parties practice the same rules; no snitching is acceptable between friends, associates, or coworkers in order to preserve their lives and protect the lives of their loves ones.

If you leave in the hood and you witness a crime, although you might disagree with what happened, more than likely you will not snitch to protect your life and the lives of your loves ones. Same scenario with cops. So what's the difference?

Anonymous said...

If everyone should abide by this Blue law of silence (which basically means the same thing as dont snitch) then why do people who get in trouble for commiting a crime get breaks when they snitch on someone else? I dont get the whole concept! (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

They used to say snitches get stitches...but nowadays it looks like they are getting buried. spc5294

Anonymous said...

There isn't any difference between the two. The community ultimately becomes affected by this. It furthers the deterioration of the relationship between the police and the community and allows crime to prosper. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

I don't think that there is a difference between the two. They both involve an individual's life. spc5965

Anonymous said...

The difference is that the police are taking up for their own and the witness or victim is scared of being harmed or their love ones being harmed. The streets are rough and the police can't guarantee someone's safety. So before the community talk they rather turn their heads and walk. with the hope of living to see another day. spc0460

Anonymous said...

I like this one. I never thought about it this way. This is crazy. Police get mad because on the streets they have the no snitching label. But police have the same thing just a different name ( blue wall or code of silence). Both have a negative affect on society.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

The only diffrence is that the police wants to build their careers off of people in the hood snitching but not willing to destroy theirs or fellow officers using the same principles.

Anonymous said...

I think they both can have the same impact either bad good what ever it just depends. It also the criminals can take advantage of some of the situations.Criminals can sometimes bank on the silence of victims and witnesses to keep their mouths closed. 5794

Anonymous said...

the law enforcement community thinks they are the only ones to have this brotherhood as they call it. but they were regular people before they put ont hat blue uniform,with secrets that only thema nd their friends knew. but in the law enforcement community its not ok to snitch but they want the average joe to spill the beans.these police officers really take their label to the head, we got freedom of speech just like them, only difference is they have badges and guns and we dont. there is no difference they have their brotherhood and we have our g-code.CA7739

Anonymous said...

Prof. feel that people cover things up in every spectrum in life. People need to become honest to truly have a just and rightous society, people are too scared of the conseqences the truth will bring out, whether it is a loss of their job or death. It's a doggy dog world we live in now. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

There is no difference. In some ways the blue wall of silence is worse because the police are supposed to be the good guys and are supposed to uphold justice. How can people get angry at citizens for not "snitching" when the police do the same thing all the time. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

That is when your moral character comes into play. Could you live with that kind of guilt? How would sleep at night? spc8725

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a difference because both are helping people cover up mistakes or things that they will be punished for. That's not morally right and isn't our duty as citizens to help others to do their job well and keep everyone in check?
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Darnell Now this a topic I can go on forever about. As far as the two terms there is no difference. With both terms a particular person is withholding information for whatever reasons. In the hood, snitching is unacceptable and escalates to more serious problems. And police officers get mad at us when we don't want to do their jobs for them. Now I'm unclear as to what happens to police officers when they tell on one another, but I am well aware of the consequences for snitching in the streets. And because I am not a snitch, I'm not gone speak on those particular consequences.

Anonymous said...

I dont think that there is a difference.And there have been alot of situations on the street or in prisons regarding officers beating on inmates. Some of the time there are often other officers that are present that dont say a word.It happens every where.It is unfortunate but it is what it is.e assistance.

Anonymous said...

Its the same thing. Just in different terms. A snitch is just the street term. It works the same. Everyone who uses the method just wants to make sure things work out for themselves. Those are definitely tough choices to make because it changes your life in a second. No person ever knows what their future holds after they snitch or break the silence... Its a chance that one takes. Just be ready to except the consequences behind it....RSI-3774