Friday, September 7, 2007

Stamping out corruption or selective enforcement.

In a world that is strife with corruption, why would someone question the United States government for locking up violators of the public's trust. Recently, the New Jersey, U.S Attorney General held a press conference to announce the arrest of politicians that were caught in an eighteen months investigation into official corruption. The allegations charged several politicians with accepting bribes to either look the other way in their official capacity or to smooth the way for public projects to move forward. Regardless of the allegations, these individuals needed to be brought to justice. Or should they?

Upon closer inspection, it was noted that the perpetrators are from predominately minority communities. Does this excuse their behavior? Of course not, but the amount of money that they are accused of accepting leads one to question the motivation. It should not be a secret that the U.S Attorney General has bigger aspirations and his zero tolerance regarding crime should be a strong selling point. However, is it okay to go after the little guy and let the big guy receive a pass? I don't know, but from an outsider's perspective this has the appearance of just being a numbers game. A quantity over quality approach to justice. While it is very difficult to bring these sort of cases to court, the fact that these individuals were paraded around simply wreaks of selective enforcement. What say you?

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" Champion the cause of the tacit victim that you would champion for yourself." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

violating the law means you do the crime you face the time. they did what anybody else would have done. the saw it being done and got caught. even if they was the bait they took it and now they are caught up just like the people they put behind bars.

Anonymous said...

I say they should have been treated the same way anyone else gets treated for breaking the law. They shouldn't be treated special just because they're politicians. It's a shame that it's always the minority communities to get shafted by everyone especialy politicians. I always thought they were there to help the community.


Anonymous said...

yes they should.their is no difference for such behavior the law should be apply the same way for each and every one. little or big the law is the law.for me the big should be punish more because they know better.2039

Anonymous said...

i believe that they should have been treated the same way. many politician think that their above the law but their not...if you commit the crime you commit the time (0230)

Anonymous said...

I believe law should be apply equality to everyone who brakes it. Politicians shouldn't have it easier than a regular citizen. The approach to them should be equal.

Anonymous said...

Money is power and those that have it are much harder to prosecute. Our country is suppose to be base on a democracy where are most brillant minds make decisions on what is trully right for our country and not their pockets. We as Americans should be more involved in our goverment and dismiss those who are corupt and have a personal agenda. (9146)

Anonymous said...

Money can motivate anyone to do anything. The fact of the matter is that we all know right from wrong. 3782

Anonymous said...

Big or little...if ur fishing your bound to catch something. Does this happen in other communities besides ours? Of course. But have people been fishing there??? Coruption to some extent is in just about every policing or governing agency. (7885)

Anonymous said...

Those who were charged with allegations of bribery should be penalized not a slap on the wrist they have endanger the entired state because they have fail once again to allow things to accure without taking a stand and just saying NO! Also, I have come to understand that they do look for the little guy as you might say instead of going for the big guy. That is telling me as a citizen that they are really not interested in putting a STOP to CORRUPTION in the first place. Their logic is "We are trying to see who we can trust with the authiority of our government" "lets get the little people out of the way get some new comers to take their place when all is said and done it will come back to the same thing CORRUPTION! " They need to be brought to justice because if not it shows to us you are allowing it to happen and that your not enforcing the law as stated in the consititution.HELL No. You can be white or black and still cause corruption. e.g. MAYOR SHARPE JAMES had been mayor of NEWARK for sometime just now after the new MAYOR Cory Booker came into position as MAYOR of NEWARK they bring allegations against Sharpe James using the City of Newark money. Booker on the other hand has not been in office but for a hot second and he failed, he is corrupt. If you go to Mayor Bloomberg in New York City he has some hidden secrets what whites call "White Collar Crime, its CRIME IT DOES NOT HAVE A DAMN COLOR.

Anonymous said...

This only goes to show how easy it is for one to cross the line. While I question the manner how this investigation came to be (minority neighborhoods and all democrats). The fact remains if these people had not ventured over that line and just said no, it may not have turn out the same. Like anyone else, they have to be held accountable. *2232

Anonymous said...

I think that they should be brought up on it because they are higher authourity ,and higher authourty tend to take advantage of thier authority.Especially in law enforement there is a lot of corruption so this type of situation needs to be sort threw.

ES5839 said...

The fact that they are politicians, does not mean that they need special treatment. They violated the law and committed a crime, therefore the law should give them the punishment they deserve. You see... and this is the people who makes decisions for us in society. When you go to place your vote, you have to recognize that you just put the society future on that persons hand. Voting is really important because we are the ones who decide who should advocate for us in society and who shouldn't. We, the citizens of this country are the ones putting those criminals up there in those high ranks positions with our vote. Be careful who you vote for..........

Anonymous said...

no one deserves special treatment. Sure money is nice and when its easy to get everyone wants a piece of the action, but that doesn't mean its ok, because if it was they need to be prepared for a lot of followers! (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

The police have been doing this for years. Us citizens sit and watch and try to do nothing about it. Even fellow officers know it is wrong and refuse to sell out. But I respect the young man in the video and what he stands for.spc5294

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 The rule of law should apply to everyone no matter who they are and how much money they have. No one is above the law.

Anonymous said...

I think its safe to say that money is the root of all evils. Its a given; if you have money, you're above the law. Case closed. spc5965

Anonymous said...

The law applys to everyone. The problem is that these people think that they are above the law. Just like they always try to make an example out of minorites they need to make an example out of them. This will stop the corruption.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

If we the everyday people have to abide by the laws which governs us. A'rent politicians people to? 4539

Anonymous said...

I think that corruption is goin be every where. Also thats not goin change because is part of life even politicians are corrupt so imagine where else can be more corruption. 5794

Anonymous said...

No it is not okay to just go after the little guy. This is just another case of how the system is used to maintain oppression using the facade of legality.

However, I believe that everyone gets their turn to play the little guy as there is always someone bigger and supposedly better than the next. My only advice to the little guys in these particular cases is to try and do the right thing and keep your eyes open as that "take down Rosewood" mentality is always lurking nearby. (9510)

Anonymous said...

In these situations the little guy always takes the heat for the big guy. Thats just the way it rolls. Rarely do CEOs of companies go to prison for crimes they commit. The Enron guys got way with a sentence that would be tripled for anyone else.


Anonymous said...

I believe that they should have been treated the same way that anyone else gets treated for breaking the law. They shouldn't be treated special just because they're politicians. It's a shame that it's always the minority communities to get shafted by everyone especialy politicians. It's clear that they are not always there to help the community.
SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Should the little guy committing crime be investigated and brought to justice? Yes. However, these politicians do not really want to stop corruption, they just want to make it look like there doing something to get re-elected or to move up to a higher position. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Life and our modern day society is one big business. Every aspect of government is corrupt you just don't hear about it. The tons of drugs come in from somewhere and someone distributes them. It's always funny how the local small timers always get caught. spc8725

Anonymous said...

Just business as usual. Tons of that good stuff comes in everyday from somewhere. Its the little guys that take the fall. Fools , it is one easy set up. Wake up! spc8725

Anonymous said...

I think that if you do the crime you do the time. But that means that it applies to everyone not only certain people. That's where this issue gets complicated. When only certain people are being punished for the same crimes is that justice for all? Not really.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Darnell When a crime takes place, I just want justice to be served. Don't be lenient to those individuals who are fortunate enough to have money, and make examples out of those who are not. Believe or not, minorities tend to commit crimes because they are less fortunate.