Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bringing ethics back to policing.

The job of the law enforcement officer is unappreciated and unrewarding. The stress that accompanies the profession can actually lead to life long medical conditions. High blood pressure, excessive weight gain, divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide are just some of the realities of a police officer's life. Should society be a little more empathetic to these officers when they cross the line? Should society excuse a police officer when they drink a bit too much after working an afternoon shift and wrap their car around a tree? Or should society be be a little lenient when a police officer goes home and beats his spouse because they just don't understand what the officer has to deal with on a daily basis?

The author may be a bit too close to this subject matter, so please chime in. Check out this website and judge for yourself.

"Don't expect others to be like you because you may be disappointed." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

If a crime is comitted, the offender should be apprehended and prosecuted; whether it be a civilian or an law enforcer. (It's only right)

<~LuPi~> said...

i disagree and agree that police officers have a lot of stress at work, they deal with a whole bunch of different problems each hour of the day, but then again they're not the only ones, when they got into the bussiness they knew what they were getting into, they studied for it, they were supposebly trained, now if you're a cop, an officer whichever, how are u going to bust someone for drunk driving if ur do it? how are you going to change someone with harrasment, or abuse if u do it, how u gonna try and call someone else's attetion when they're something against the law if you're doing the same thing or sometimes even worse? police officers are supposed to set as an example for our community, but i see so many that abuse their auttority, just because they are cops or whatever they thing they can treat people like trash, or judge their acctions, i had experiences with police officers about 3 times already, and all three times the police were assholes, one guy even "called his boss" in front of us, nd these were the wrods he said: "yo chief, i'm not gonna let a brazilian talk to me like that..." thats straight up discrimination, but my point to this is, cops are the number one most hated people, if an officer breaks a law, that officer should face twice the time, because they can't say "i wasn't aware of the law", they were in fact very aware of the law and they have to live by the law, so in order to receive you gotta give. (8972) :)

Anonymous said...

yes, i do believe that the job of a law enforcement officer is tough however, every job has its ups and downs. on the other hand right is right and wrong is wrong u do wrong u pay the price no matter who u are...until next time...

Anonymous said...

no because society hvae the same problems when they come to our houses or any other place we have out burst. they can have sympathy with us in theses situations too.

Anonymous said...

Who ever says there job is easy? You can work in a supermarket and come the first of the month or holidays you're going to need a drink after your shift is over. If a police officer really feels that they had the worst day of all and they fell like beating something they can take it to the gym. If they take it home they should really have their a@$es kicked and then taken to jail. Unfortunately most wives will drop the charges, but at least they got an a@$ kicking. 6809

Anonymous said...

i strongly disagree...society should not look the other way or show police offficers special tratment just because they have a stressful job...what job isnt stressful...what about doctors...their faced with dealth on a regular police officers a slap on the wrist is making them feel above the law...just because your a police officer does not mean the law does not apply to you...police officers are human just like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

If police officers are NOT above the law then why should they be dealt with differently? I don't consider police officers work anymore challenging than any other job...yes you do see crazy things but thats life. If they can't find a healthy outlet to vent their stress then unfortunately their in the wrong field. 6230

Anonymous said...

All jobs have a have a strong level of stress and can lead to health and mental problems. Police are people just like any one else and should be treated accordingly if not more harshly since they are paid to uphold and enforce the law. Maybe a requirment in the police academy should be anger management couses, to learn to deal with life and it's stress. No one made an indivual become a police officer if they can't cut it they should look for another job. Officers should get another week of vacation and be able to things such as sports to relax and enjoy life. I respect cops and what they do, but some of them can get agitated very easily and it is apparent that these officers need to cool down and take a different approach to their jobs. 9146

Anonymous said...

i strongly disagree...society should not look the other way or show police offficers special tratment just because they have a stressful job...what job isnt stressful...what about doctors...their faced with dealth on a regular police officers a slap on the wrist is making them feel above the law...just because your a police officer does not mean the law does not apply to you...police officers are human just like the rest of us (0230)

Anonymous said...

There can not be any special treatment for law enforcment officers. Unfortunatly to do the job, that we choose, correctly we must not expect leniency. Sure the job is tough and most wont understand where were coming from but we have to understand that there ARE some that do. They are the ones that we should talk to if we need someone to lend an open ear. We are held to a hire standard but I understand we are human also. This is just another thing that police officers must deal with. (7885)

Anonymous said...

Yes to a certain degree but the indivdual themselves should have been prepared to deal with the duties of being an officer. "It comes with the job" any job for that matter I am stressed out at my job now. I am trying to do my work for this class but you got people over you that what to bother you and be annoying so that doesn't say I won't have some of the same or worster medical conditions as an officers. Someone that I know very closely will have a drink every night after a long day of work they gain and lose weight due to STRESS. Many officers should know that their is a likey chance your marriage will fail and that is why most don't really get involved because that is another add on to stress itself not to mention if you have children. Some where in my readings on Criminal Justice is that you are suppose to keep all feelings/emotions out of the picture in your work ethics. I supose that its very difficult if you witness an innocent life get killed and their mother is not able to see the body of her child it is hard to consume. I can't really say I accuse the alternate means in which people go about in relieving their stress because I don't believe any of those things will help in the end but will make it worster as time progresses. High BLood pressure will soon lead to a stroke. Excessive weight gain (lay off the coffee and donuts) will lead to obesity, you coming home late not spending enough time with the kids, you not home to meet her needs(love and affection), and that will lead to divorce, because you are coming home late to get all the things off your mind at the bar down the street your drinking with the guys and come home smelling like beer your wife doesn't want any parts of it she is telling you to get help but you fail to acknowledge the fact that you do so you abuse a hard drug like smoking or coke to get you going threw the day. The officer needs HELP there are couselors that they can see to talk with BUT (MOST MEN, if not all have an EGO ) I totally understand because I see no point in telling a person my problem and when I wake up I still feel like the problem is there when I go back to work on the streets to protect and to serve. So yes as a society show empathetic put I can't say show leniency because with every job comes with a load of STRESS. 1587

Anonymous said...

Many of us have stressful jobs and lives but that would not permit us to break a law and expect lieniency. The answer is no. Should society be empathitic, no. Crime is crime. *2232

Anonymous said...

Every job has it's up's and downs,and it's negative aspects as well as it's positive aspects. Police officer's are human beings too they shouldn't get off for thier actions when if the shoe was one the other foot they would not let us get away. If you can't handle being under that type of pressure then maybe you shouldn't be in that feild.(6018)

Anonymous said...

People tend to think that a police officer is like a robot or a machine and that they have no feelings or emotions just like the rest of us. Being a police officer is a very difficult and stressful job. Society should be able to excuse a police officers negative behavior (depending on the situation) because they are only human beings like the rest of us and are entitle to make mistakes just like we do. I am not saying that they should be excuse for every negative thing they do, but understood as human that they are. #5839

Anonymous said...

All jobs have hardships and stress that come along with it. Police officers need to be respected because their job isn't always easy. But if its a crutch to abuse your power because your job is so hard and stressful, then maybe they need to find a new job. "If you can't take the heat..." Just my opinion! (SPC7202)

Anonymous said...

alot of stress and judgement calls are out on police officers. Sometimes our personal life can affect out professional lives. So imagine what stress a police officer has. There life dont stop at the clock, they tend to bring there professional lives home. Imagine the different situations they encounter, hear, see or experience everyday. Some things that an average citizen can't stomach. Yes they deserve out empathy. spc5294

Anonymous said...

I believe people should be more understanding of law enforcement officials because they put their life on the line on a daily basis. However, it is their profession and every profession comes with issues. Law enforcement officials should not be held to be above the law just because they should enforce it. They should seek help if stressed. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

Police officers do risk their lives for all of us. That does not mean though that they should be excused for hazardous behavior. spc5965

Anonymous said...

I will not excuse an officer. They choose to take an oath to uphold the law, protect and serve. Everyone should be accountable for their own bad judgements and not excused because of who they are.spc0460

Anonymous said...

Wrong is wrong but I could have sympathy for an officer on duty wit alot of work-related stress. But what you do off-duty I cant excuse you from because your not a cop at this time.

Anonymous said...

As a law enforcement officer you have to understand your on duty 24/7 and your are not above law because you enforce the law/ 4539

Anonymous said...

Actually police officer they do have a stress life but I think they should control their attitutde when they get home. Because at home is different than street so they should limit their attitude and have control of it. But however they should have like a attitude program in the police department so they can be seeing every day. 5794

Anonymous said...

To have to go out everyday and put your life on the line has to be scary. How does one combat that fear? I would imagine that if you run into enough danger, combating your fear becomes instinctive and you start to commit acts that are less than commendable. I wonder if police officers feel as though they are constantly running from something.

Should we excuse officers when they commit a crime? No we should not as we all have to live here with our problems and stressors. If you can't handle the job then you should probably quit or get some help.

However, in the spirit of empathy I certainly feel like these guys deserve compassion when they run into certain types of trouble as no matter what they have signed on the protect the public, and I do appreciate that certain level of comfort that their services provide. (9510)

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with the fact that we should have a little more compassion for police officer they are human just like us. no one put a gun to their head and told them to take the civil service test to become a cop. they know what they signed up for. they think,breathe,bleed and sleep like us so why do they get a get out of jail for free card because they have a badge and a gun? please ihave no sympathy for them at all. they need to think before they shoot somebody, or go to the bar and shoot an innocent man up the day before his wedding.CA7739

Anonymous said...

While the life of a police officer is tough and can be extremely stressful that does not excuse drunk driving and drug using. They are the ones arresting others and throwing them in jaill for the same thing so why shouldnt they go to prison. Its a tough life/job, but they chose it. No body made them be a policeman/woman.


Anonymous said...

I believe that if a crime is comitted, the offender should be apprehended and prosecuted. It doesn't matter whether its a civilian or an law enforcer. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

While it is important to take into account the circumstances behind someone drinking excessively or beating their spouse. You cannot give Police Officers special treatment in these situations. If you do they will take advantage of it and it will not be good for society. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

We all have to deal with stress. Times are very hard. Everyone should be held to the same guildlines. Especially, if you are a public figure. spc8725

Anonymous said...

Not everyone is fit to live their life of a law enforcement officer. It takes a "special" person to choose to put their life on the line day in and day out for others. Just as it's done in all other trials and court proceedings when a person, yes a person, is being prosecuted, all the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident must be weighed. The same guidelines should be upheld when police officers are involved but I don't think a particular outcome should be favored because the person happens to be in law enforcement. It is just as important that police officers not be judged too harshly because of their occupation as it is that they not be given leniency or afforded special privileges because they are police officers. Society should do unto others as they would done unto themselves, regardless of occupation. It's that simple, no more and no less.

K.G. 3792

Anonymous said...

A police officer should be held to a higher stand of professionalism, moral and ethics. The officer is not above the law but a enforcer of the law. He should know better than a regular citizen on how to protrude himself/herself.

If he/she can not, then they should get another job.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

I think that every job has its own stress and that can't be the excuse for doing certain things. Yes there should be programs for officers to help deal with the stress of their work but it's not fair to let them off the hook just because "they're a cop".
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day we are all humans. Regardless to our positions, we should be held accountable for our actions.Granted an officer may experience more traumatic experiences on a day to day basis as opposed to a school teacher. But we are all expected to follow these rules.I dont think officers should be cut any type of slack.In my opinion, alot of people go into this person for the money, not because they are truly concerned about crime.Taking on a position in this field, they are aware of what they may encounter and its important that they prepare themselves. At the end of the day they must act with reason,just like the next individual.