Saturday, August 25, 2007

Proactive or reactive justice; wake up people.

In the proceeding days after the horrific killings in Newark, N.J., leaders in the law enforcement community began to take a serious stance against crime. The Essex County Sheriff and New Jersey Attorney General were the most boisterous individuals to speak out. The Essex County Sheriff reported that he would be willing to suspend the constitution to apprehend the felons responsible for the execution style killings of the Newark students. The Attorney General went so far as to enact legislation to have "alleged" illegal aliens questioned regarding their immigration status if they are arrested. It appears that reaction is in vogue rather than proaction. Communities must step up and fight for their right to live in a crime free environment. It's your decision, what are you going to do?

" Do not be a casual observer in the game of life; get in the game." Dr. BLR.


Anonymous said...

if society did not respond the way they did those killings would have ended just like the others unsolved and closed. leaving families to greive and have un answered questions. (7593)

Anonymous said...

When they found out it was involving an illegal alien, that took more presidence over the killing then the actual killing. It's sad that when you watched the news it was mostly focused on the immagrant activist then the crime committed. Fight for crime free enviornment, we can fight all we want, but as long as we have Attorney General's, Sheriff's, activists, and politicians that focus more on who committed the crime then why, we'll continue to have crimes. A close friend of mine... her cousin was 1 of the 3 killed and it wasn't only illegal aliens who did the killings there were also U.S. citizens one of which was African/American.

Anonymous said...

i believe the only reason why the case was so huge is because they had leads that the killings were caused by someone that wasnt african american;the only way we can have a crime free environment is if we move to a crime free environment

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with 6809...the question of immigranion should not be the only concern dealing with this crime... it seems like the news and newark's politians are trying to turn this horrible crime into a race issue and its not!! (0230)

Anonymous said...

I believe that they should prosecute all killers and get to the bottom of all crimes regarding of their residence status. That's the only way we are going to reduce crime.

Anonymous said...

But why...why does it take the innocent killings of these college students for the city of Newark to pull its head out of its ass and make some moves? And what is messed up but almost neccesary is that "alleged aliens" will be subjected to more profiling and more "random" detaining and questioning. But we must do what is neccesary...even if it upsets or inconvieniances some. (7885)

Anonymous said...

Crime should be fought and prevented anyway posibile. Our officers must be aware of our streets and what occurs in them. They must uphold justice, abide by the law in bringing these killers to justice and cracking down on imigration which one day could lead to terriorism.9146

Anonymous said...

The reason why they are reaction in such a matter is too make it appear as if they are goign to eliminate the non sense but havce you notice that crime in NEW Jersey is still going to come whether you say you are and put on a front or you say what you mena and mean what you say. It al most makes me wonder if they are scared to see if the communuity be in an uproar on the criminal activity that takes place in their communuity. 1587

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comments. *2232

Anonymous said...

is there really a such thing as a crime less community. Crime is not only considered as killings,and rapes but also assults,and animal crulety etc.... These actions occur in most communites,and is just apart of life that we have to sadly deal with.(6018)

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't be an issue of race, so in my opinion the reaction was reactive. I think the killing of those students was the saddest think, however there is a lot of people getting killed out there who don't get the same attention or publicity. Nevertheless, those other crimes are as important as the shooting of those students. The media and the goverment work together for their benefit and not the benefit of society.

Anonymous said...

I believe the approach to the killings was reactive. So the Essex County Sheriff and NJ Attorney General to proactive approaches to catch the individuals involved and to avoid another tragedy. The Community must always work alongside the police to reduce crime. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone in the community needs to work together to make the community a safe and worthy place to live in. Imagine a community where everyone was involved in some way shape or form of crime prevention. spc5965

Anonymous said...

I believe its a shame how crime isnt taken serious until something big like this happens. The only reason they took it serious is because they had leads. Also because they found out it wasnt an African American who did the killings. If it was an African American if wouldve been another unsolved murder

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

i agree with the previous comments.


Anonymous said...

Well we should have a crime free environment. But for tthe every one should speak and mention every crime that they see in the neighborhoods, and be a team with the neighbors. 5794

Anonymous said...

These cries out after the killings are just people reacting off fear and trying to make it seem as if there doing something about it. In a year, the politicians and law enforcement will forget about these killings and it will be back to business as usual. Again, if we had stiffer gun laws perhaps the offenders would not have the tools to kill those four students. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

If you take a life unless in self defense you should get life in jail. There is no excuse for execution stlye killings. Politicians must enact harder laws against firearms. Also, tax payers money should go back in the community that it came from. SPC(8725)

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like a crime less community .It was a sad day for Newark there is already a wave of violence and killings but where does the line draw when we are killing innocence kids.
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with SPC 8725.

I also agree that a proaction approache to combat crime is a solution. But i don't think that our law enforcement leaders has taken a serious stance to combat crime. Where are the officers patrolling the streets? Where are the officers walking the beat?

There are more officers leaving the department then for each class of new recruits.

Also, I must agree that something must be done about this illegal immigration status, such as allowing the illegal immigrants to have their driver's license. By doing so, we will have knowledge and current information about them and not fake names and unproven information because they don't have a visa and came through Mexico.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

Darnell I agree with all my fellow classmates. Why does it take a particular murder for authority figures to finally take a stand. Police officers disregard to solve crime and decrease the crime in the city makes it extremely difficult for city residents to feel comfortable in that particular neighborhood. I agree with the community stepping up to have a crime free environment. But, why must we put our lives on the line to assist police officers in doing their jobs. Because, once word get out that you are cooperating with authority figures, you'll be labeled a snitch and your life will be on their line.

Anonymous said...

Any patient who recognizes his disease can seek his treatement. This is the same for the persons who live in the dangerous area to find a better way to live by coorperating with the police. Even though authorities always pay attention to certain cases, based on the area where people live or who the persons are.JE 9722

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me of the horrific incidents that have to happen in order for people began to take action.This was a very sad story. For many reasons I believe this gained so much attention. Had these not been college students, who would have cared? If these were not illegal immigrants, would they have pursued this case? If we as the community didnt respond with so much anger and sadness would justice really be served?

Anonymous said...

I think society accustomed to this criminal act and we don't react like we suppost to act . Police and law shoul investigated to the bottom on this case 3580

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7593. It took a killing like this for people to open their eyes. It's was such a tragic for these teenagers who was just out enjoying themselves. And because these other kids want to be in a gang to feel appreciated then they had to resort to this. When they go to prison lets see what gang members or as they would think their family is going to see them. They are just going to have some other naive person do their dirty work while they sit out here in the life of freedom.
