Sunday, July 8, 2007

Murder or unintentional consequence? You be the judge.

The recent shooting by Maplewood police officers of a mentally ill African-American male in Maplewood, N.J., has caused some individuals to question the judgment of the responding police officers. The family of the mentally ill man called 911 to report that the man was inflicting damage upon himself with a knife. The family member allegedly advised the 911 dispatcher that the man was mentally ill. Upon arrival, the police officers encountered the mentally ill man standing outside of his property and stabbing himself in the shoulder area. When asked on several occasions to drop the knife the man allegedly stated "are you going to shoot me if I don't?" At this point it is alleged that the man proceeded toward the police officers with the knife still is his hand. According to eyewitnesses, while several feet away, the police officers shot and subsequently killed the mentally ill man. What did you decided?

" Let your experience be your guide because you are probably right." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the cop was justified because he was ordered to put down the weapon but also he started towards the officer too with the knife. To protect hisself he did what any other person would do in this or any other situation.This was sad because of his disabilty but think about the cop life also.(7593)

Anonymous said...

in normal cases i would have said the the cop was justified for his actions...however, this wasn't a normal circumstances...the officer was full aware the the victim was mentally ill so the police officer should have showed more compassion for the victim. the witness states that the victim was several feet away from the officer with a knife...their is no way the officer feared his life.... the victim is feet away from him... did he think the victim was going to throw the knife at his heart and it was going to go threw his vest... whatever... the officer should have tried to talk to the victim and if the victim became inches away from the officer he could have shoot him, but not kill him... police officers job is to serve and protect not kill.(0230)

Anonymous said...

Police must act in dangerous positions. The office felt threatened and did what he believe he had to do to survive, I believe that the suspect was African-American didn't have much to do with anything. The office whould have shot any one coming at him with a deadly object. Another way this could have been avoided, due to our technology we have taser guns that could have stopped this deranged indivual before it escalated into bloodshed. (9146)

Anonymous said...

WOW...i'd hate to be in that cops shoes. To have been informed it was a mentally ill person AND to have been several feet away when the police shot him does not seem to be a circumstance that would prompt souly the use of deadly force. A taser would have seemed more appropriate for this instance. I doubt the family members of the man had expected the police that they called to HELP the man to end up killing him. How ironic. (7885)

Anonymous said...

Yes the man was mental ill but the officer were at greater risk because they don't know the intention of what the man is capable of doign with the knife while proceeding towards them so they took procaution but to the extreme. They could have shoot in the leg where it would have prevented him from coming any closer. It seems that the mental ill man tested the officers. It appears he had some type of common snese that the officers might shoot him if he did not lower his weapon. So is it murder? GOOD QUESTION. I See self-defense. I wish we could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was mentally ill so my decision might change. 1587

Anonymous said...

Given the man's alleged mental state, I feel that it should have been handled differently. Having said that, it is unclear to me why many officers shoot to kill rather then shoot to injure. I think that in situations involving something other than firearms, and with a fair amount of distance between the perp and the officer, the goal should not be to shoot to kill. But is it murder? I am just not sure. *2232

Anonymous said...

What would you do if someone was coming at you with a knife. If my life is at risk, I am not going to retreat, I am going to protect myself....spc5294

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936. I think the police officers could have handled the situation differently. They knew he was mentally ill. They should have approached the situation more cautiously I'm sure they were taught non lethal take downs. The gun should be always be the last resort.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to comment on an incident as an outsider. No one knows exactly what happened. On the outside it appears that the officers acted in disgust, killing a man they knew was mentally ill. But on the inside, the officers are seen as protecting themselves. This is a hard decision to make. spc5965

Anonymous said...

Me putting myself in that situation I wouldve responded the same way. First you tell the guy to put the knife down. He didnt. Then he says what are you going to shoot me. That can be taken as a threat. Then third he walks toward you. I would have to shoot. Its said the guy died but the cops did what he was probably taught

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I would do done the same because Im risking my life against on individual that I dont know and even more he's stabbing himself. The will mean to me that he's crazy and hes looking out to drop the weapong and that hes doing everything he can so he can get out from the struggle that he is.

mr pat bateman said...

They should have put one in his knee. There was no reason to kill him. He did not have a gun. For a knife to be used it requires the man be up close. He wasn't. A shot to the leg would incapacitate him and there would be no need to kill him. They did not do the right thing.


Anonymous said...

I think the family should have at least warned the officer about the man mental illness that way things probably would have ended up differently. 4539

Anonymous said...

I believe the cop was justified because the man was ordered to put down the weapon, but also he started going towards the police officer with the knife. To protect himself (police officer) he did what any other person would do in this situation. This was sad because of this man disabilty but the cop had to think about his life also. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

They definitely should have tried to talk to him more before they decided to shoot him. If he was not immediately threating them or anyone else there was no need to shoot him. This is probably another case of the police being quick on the trigger. SPC 3027

shaleyahp said...

Im not really sure about this situation. The mentally ill man was dangering himself and he bagan walking to the officers after being ask to drop the knife. Witness say that the mentally ill man was several feet away. It is difficult to say if the officers did the right thing because i dont know exactly how far the man was standing from the officers. So it is kind of hard to say.

Anonymous said...

It's realy hard to decide what i would do if i was in the police officer place because if the man was capable to stabbe himself ,he could kill any boby who come to his way but, on the other hand the police should applied some other strategy with out killiing the man since the already know he's mentally sick.JS7920

Anonymous said...

Darnell In this case I will say the safety of that particular officer was threatened, so in a sense he is justified in the shooting. I mean the officer was unaware of the mentally ill man's intentions with the knife, so he use deadly force. But before I acknowledge the officer for outstanding work, I have a question for that officer. Why didn't you stop at nothing to negotiate with man before using such force?

Anonymous said...

No one has two lives.I wasn't there,but the thing is, even the bible has recognized that the right for every body to himself or others in dangerous situation, otherwise failure to do so, this has considred as suicide. It's better if the police officer could find another way to safe his life.J.E 9722

Anonymous said...

If and only if the man proceeded towards the officers I would say that they responded in the way that they have been taught to do. But eyewitnesses state that while SEVERAL feet away, officers open fired. In this case I do not believe that they would have been justified for their actions.I believe that is necessary to take into account the mental condition of this man.

Anonymous said...

The cop act in his ligitimize defense, he maybe shoul disarm the attaker but who can guarantee the cop can do that is a decition on the moment 3580

Anonymous said...

sad story but its obviously self defense ..the poor cop is scared for his life who wouldn't be when a crazy man that doesn't care whether he's alive or dead is walking towards with a knife.5719

KL said...

This is an example of officers not reacting in a proper way. They were aware that the man was mentally ill, he was obviously not going to follow directions if he was stabbing himself, that says a lot. Besides the fact again that the person who called 911 advised that the man was mentally ill in order to avoid this happening. I think that in this case the officers should have teased him or shot him somewhere where it wouldn’t cost the man’s life.