Saturday, June 23, 2007

Leadership or politican?

The law enforcement profession has found itself in a crucial quandary. Am I a cop or am I a puppet? The line of fidelity was crossed in the late 1800's when politicians were elected to serve as chief of police and/or police director. This practice further blurred the lines as politicians began seeking dispensation for friends and family members; the isms, "nepot and crony". The impact of this practice has caused many internal problems for police departments. Internal corruption is rampant and otherwise good officers are forced to sit back, remain silent, and observe the deterioration of the profession. What can be done? Individual officers need to step up and speak about the problems.

"Tacit complicity is just as wrong as the intentional act." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

i do understand how politicians can corrupt policing. However,i do not believe that this is the reason why we have soooooooo many crooked cops. i believe that many police officer become corrupted because they let their power go to their head. many officers belive that their above the law and because of this they tend to engage in illegal activities. I also believe that many people go into the field of policing for the wrong reasons. no one wants to help anymore. many are just focused on just arresting. I also believe that the "GOOD GUYS" should speak out because in my eyes being a puppet is being a "BAD GUY"

Anonymous said...

In the busiess of law it designed on who you know in this profession. Back i the 1800's it was politics ruing the tow one ma was the mayor,conty clerk sheriff,etc. the system is still ra i the same order except more positions was given to diferentpeople because of the any cases that are being made on a daily baes with all the crimes being made in society today.

Anonymous said...

For some cops it's just a job. They go in it just to get paid and have athority. In any job you look at it's always who you know not what you know. Those few cops that are looking to make a difference should speak up, but it may cause them to lose everything they have. One way they can change something and make a difference is by targeting those youth that want to go into the field of policing. That way when the younger groups become cops they'll know what should be done. Face it someday those older veterans are going to retire and they're going to need someone to take their place.

Anonymous said...

i do understand how politicians can corrupt policing. However,i do not believe that this is the reason why we have soooooooo many crooked cops. i believe that many police officer become corrupted because they let their power go to their head. many officers belive that their above the law and because of this they tend to engage in illegal activities. I also believe that many people go into the field of policing for the wrong reasons. no one wants to help anymore. many are just focused on just arresting. I also believe that the "GOOD GUYS" should speak out because in my eyes being a puppet is being a "BAD GUY" (0230)

Anonymous said...

Policing should be an honest job. An officers duty is to uphold the laws and principals of our country, not to get special treatment or have an agenda, but due good by what is just and right for our society. (9146)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly i think that the puppets in law enforcment will AWAYS be some extent. You will always have those that will do whatever it takes to move up...including selling themselves out and letting someone with the power "pull there strings". (7885)

Anonymous said...

Nothing can really be done about corruption of the policing until politic are straigthen out first. They are saying majority of the people in the united states feel that the democratic party is corrupted PLEASE! STOP THE PRESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS CORRUPTED. If the officers ont he force try to even wink an eye at the issue we already accomplished that they will get ostracized in their workplace environment. So, we can try but it might FAIL to go after the BIG GUY but its no likely chance that if you take in the little guys that work underneath him that they will confess (SNITCH) on who ever is the head of the game. I doubt it it will be an on continue process. I THINK PERSONALLY AMERICA WAS BUILT ON CORRUPTION SO HOW DO YOU REALLY EXPECT IT TO GO AWAY LIKE IT NEVER WILL HAPPEN. Every can't watch everyone move (LET ME TAKE THAT BACK IF YOU DON"T WORK FOR THE GOVERNEMENT YOU CAN). 1587

Anonymous said...

Many police officers, I believe, are corrupt because they believe their fellow officer "has their back." Unfortunately, this, in some eyes, condones the corrupt behavior. It is the system we are living by now. Until the corruption is exposed throughout the system, it is a cycle the will go unbroken *2232

ES5839 said...

I feel that police corruption is a combination of politics and power. Some police officers joint the force because they really want to protect the people in our society, and others do it because they believe that by doing so they gain power over the people in our society. More than likely these who are in for the power can be more vulnerable to corruption and influence by politics. The combination of two is what has created such a corrupted system now days. However, those police officers that have respect and loyalty for themselves and the community need to come together and speak about their problems.
# 5839

Anonymous said...

I say put it on BLAST!!! No one knows what is going on until it is bought to the attention of the public....What society wants their tax dollars paying for a corrupt department? spc5294

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 Not only do individual officers need to step up, internal affairs should do a better job of reducing and eliminating corruption. The officers need to know that they could potentially lose their jobs if they par take in any form of corruption

Anonymous said...

I believe that more officers don't step up and speak out because it is that much easier for them to be killed or framed. When you go against another officer who is corrupted he usually has many other followers and before they are exposed they will deal with you. The innocent officers don't want their families or themselves harrassed so they just set back for safety reasons.

Anonymous said...

I feel that officers need to open there mouth and say something. They need to try to resolve these problems. They need to stand up for what is right and maybe we can get rid of some of the corruption law enforcement. The problem is some of these officers don't say anything because they worry about there safty and they won't be trusted.4035

Anonymous said...

I believe politicans will always be able to corrupt policing because of the control they have. Politicans pick the police chief. So of course the police chief is going to kiss politicans ass. They are going to do whatever pleases the politicans.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I say that if there are real issues at hand and individuals can find the strength to stand up for what is right then go to it.

But before you start to make noise you may want to seriously think about your approach as you do not want to come off as a whiner or someone who just wants to grand stand.

It is quite astonishing to see individuals who can go against the popular vote, all the while exhibiting the courage to stand up for what they believe to be fair. However in many cases standing up takes special individuals who possess an ability to see that an issue may be more important than whatever fear they may have. Going up against an organization like the department of police sounds frightening. I wonder what a fight with this organization would entail. Should someone fear for their life?(9510)

Anonymous said...

Of course if police officers are looking alot of corruption in the police department or between officers they will need to meet up those who are not agree and speak loud. This way someone will see that is not only one but is more than one and they will do something. To have the power is between everybody to help each other for something that is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think officers need to stand out for themselves no matter what the outcome might be.


mr pat bateman said...

Yea I do agree that politics and policing should not involve one another too heavily, but I don't think that is the primary reason for police corruption. I think officers let the power go to their head and they become full of themselves after awhile and perhaps they think "Why am I only making 50 grand?" and then they think of other ways to make money.


Anonymous said...

There will always be those who we refer to as puppets in law enforcement. because they're weak they fall prey to corruption. But the good officers have to stand together for what they believe in. Good always out do evil. 4539

Anonymous said...

I can see how politicians can corrupt policing. I do not believe that this is the reason why we have so many crooked cops. I believe that many police officer become corrupted because they let their power go to their heads. I feel that many officers belive that they are above the law and because of this they tend to engage in illegal activities. I also believe that the "GOOD COPS" should speak out because I feel being a puppet is being a "BAD COP" SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

The blue wall of silence needs to come down. What ever legislation that can help make this happen needs to be put into place and supported. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that there is so much corruption within the police department. Honesty should be their main focus after all it is their duty to serve and protect the community. The question you mentioned am I a cop or am I a puppet? Officers are corrupted because the politicians have them by a string controlling their actions. They are being told if you do this, you can receive that and if you do not go along with what I say may result in a demotion or termination. As for honest officers, do not see any justifications to being corrupted.

Dishonest politicians protect dishonest police officers. The duty of police officers is to PROTECT. How can people expect to be fully protected by the very protectors who are dishonest themselves? More officers that are honest need to come forward to breakup the corruption within the system of policing.(SPC-1739)

Anonymous said...

I think there will always be corruption regardless if someone talks up but it will help in minimizing the amount of corruption if officers speak out.
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

In today's American society, i have to say that some cops became a puppet because of their own interest. Because they wanted certain position they "brown nose" the chief, deputy chief, captain or lieutnant. Meanhwile, the working cop is on the street on different hours of assignment, day, night or afternoon answering the "queue" and respond to 911 calls. These officers are working dogs and don't get a break because they don't kiss "-ss". But they can not speak upbecause they are afraid of retaliation. However, they are not contributers of politicians neither. The ones who get involve with politicians become puppets and dependant of the politicians.

So, the best way for a truefull officer is to come to work and don't get involved with the politicians.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

Darnell I feel as though politicians should not be appointed high ranked police positions, if he or she don't treat the officers equally. When people speak of politicians, I always think about corruption. In a sense police officers are puppets because their job is not to protect and serve, it is to get in good with the chief of police and or police director. What can be done about this is appointed politicians can focus more on police work and not abusing thier authority through corruption.

Anonymous said...

A politician are all corrupt the reson why they are in politic life is becouse they love power and power mean money. Lidership whant serve to the community and are elected by the community 3580

Anonymous said...

i think for most cops it is nothing but a job. They go into work just to get paid and have authority over other citizens. There are very few cops that are looking to make a difference and should definitely speak up. But again these cops may go in wanting to make a difference and end up just in for the money and authority .