Wednesday, May 30, 2007

College and cops; is it really needed?

Can we really say that the best police officers come from academia? This question has been mulled over for the last hundred or so years. August Vollmer, recognized as the father of law enforcement, observed the need for educated police officers to fill the ranks. The upside to having college educated police officers is that the may be better report writers. Moreover, they have the discipline to see something through from start to finish.

Conversely, what do non-educated police officers bring to the table? Non-educated police officers bring a certain blue collar work ethic that is unsurpassed. They understand that hard work pays off and have a doggedness toward doing a good job. The police profession recognizes that a paramilitary organization is paramount in requiring officers to march in lock step. College educated officers do not buy into this concept as readily. They see upward mobility based on their personal credentials rather than the team concept.

As a law enforcement profession, the old ways of promotion needs to be revised. As individuals come into the profession they bring different skill sets that are truly worthy of recognition. What do you do with an individual who has worked in corporate America in finance? Do you put him/her in a police car and send him/her out there to write tickets and patrol? Well, maybe initially, but at some point you must be able to take advantage of the experience that was brought with them. Unfortunately, this person is seen as a threat to certain individuals in the upper echelon and winds up having a stagnate career. Ultimately, the decisions made by the "bosses" robs the agency of qualifications that could be best served in that particular discipline. It would be unfair to posit that certain qualified individuals are the only ones that can do the job. Anyone can be trained to perform a particular function, but the time that it may take would be better served by allocating the resources elsewhere.

The time has come for law enforcement executives to take a stance with regard to educational standards. The world is evolving tremendously and law enforcement needs to either get on board or continue to be viewed as a job rather than a profession. Would you trust your life to a medical doctor who does not have the requisite educational background? If not, then why would you expect anything less from those who are sworn to protect and serve. The amount of education for police officers is debatable, but not having any is irresponsible. Those seeking a career in the law enforcement profession should make the required sacrifices and start pursuing your college education. The end result will quite possibly be the most exciting and exhilarating career that you may embark upon.

" It's better to learn how to swim upstream rather than just tread water." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

the system was created with corruption so it will always play a part in this line of business. If it did not exsist then it would be no jobs for millions of law jobs that exsist today. the system need to work on a daily base not a once in a life time of someone doig a crime and getting caught. there are not that any jobs out there that people would qualify for.(7593)

Anonymous said...

the difference betwee the two worlds are, one with education kows everything except the srteets. the oe is street smart do not know anything. when they come into a situation, the oe that would make a wise decisio would be the one that do not know nothing, because he or she has been there and know what it would be like in a particular situation.(7593)

Anonymous said...

I agree they should get an education. Many just want to take the easy route, pass the test and physical and be done with it. After they get thus far and want to further in their career they're not going to be able to because they're underqualified.

Anonymous said...

i believe that police officers should get an education.... just because a person has a college degree does not mean that he or she does not have street smarts... when someone becomes educated does not mean they lose their street smarts.. street smarts is important in policing... however, we must remember, "Education is the transmission of civilization,"
-Will Durant (0230)

Anonymous said...

Is it really needed? I dont know. I know a few people that have college degrees but have NO common sense. And i know of some people that havent even graduated high school but have that common sense and street smarts. So i feel that the educational differances bring variety to the force.(7885)

Anonymous said...

I believe a college education is key for life and understanding our world. Not to say most of police work is learned thru experience on the job. Promotions should be based on performance and the ability to do your job at the next level. A college degree sheds light on an officers intelligence and determination to suceed in more intellecual ventures, staying in school is important to get ahead in police work and in life.9146

Anonymous said...

I was told by an experience officer that it is best to have an education in the field becaus eit better help assist you further when it comes to analysing different aspect of the criminal justice field. I am not saying master in the feild because the book will not teach you what is on the streets. Its called being street smart. I would say atleast get an understand of the language they use in the criminal justice field. I know when I was taking the test for the police academy I thought it was going to be things I had learn about the study of law. 1587

Anonymous said...

I believe that education is important because an officer needs more than street smarts and common sense. I believe that book smarts can be as important. If an officer is well rounded and familier with all areas, i.e. streets, text and training, they are more likely able to bring fair resolution. When officers are not rounded and, for example, are only street smart, their rationale is sometimes unbalanced. I think education can bring some order and balance. *2232

ES5839 said...

I strongly agree that those officers with an education will better serve society and the system, than those who lack an educational background. There is a lot more to know about law enforcement than carrying a gun, giving tickets and arresting people. Those who lack education are at disadvantage of knowing and/or recognizing their rights, and their potential to grow in the field. Getting and education is essential and at the end it your effort will be rewarded. # 5839

Anonymous said...

I agree i think that education is important and you should have some type of schooling to get in law enforcement. There are still people that do not have education and can make good in the law enforcement profession. Good law enforcement officers can come out of both educated and non-educated. Maybe use both not lean to one or the other. Maybe they can learn from each other. 4035

Anonymous said...

College education helps ALOT!!!! You need adequate writing and problem solving skills in order to be a good police officer and that is what we need. Not only that, our officers need a more in depth view of the laws and courses teaching them how to interpret the law. I wouldn't want a ignorant police officer pull me over, read me the Miranda and couldn't tell me what is is, where did it come from and why it is used....spc5294

Anonymous said...

The world is changing with the advancement of technology and new types of crime. It takes people educated in particular fields to deal with them. You can not take an uneducated man and expect him to help solve computer related crimes. Their should be merit hiring and hiring based upon education level.SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

To me, having a college degree doesn't really give you an upperhand in every situation. Someone who didn't go to college and is on the job CAN have the same work ethic as someone who went to college. Promotions should be given out based upon whether or not your right for the job/task; whether or not you went to college or not. spc5965

Anonymous said...

You are so right about the workers who work hard and those who go to college and think they can get a job off their credentials. The point you made that you can train anyone to do a job is so true just because you went to college dont mean you can do a better job than someone who didnt.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

It depends if you just goin be the type of officer that put tickets and control traffic. I dont think you need college, now if you have to write reports and have interaction with citizens of course it will help you to attend college. 5794

Anonymous said...

You need both street smart but also college education, you want to be able to deal with an officer in a "professional manner" and with good manners.


mr pat bateman said...

College education is a must for any police job, no matter how small or large. Even parking enforcement officers should have at least an Associates Degree. The world is no the same as it was 30 years ago, or even 20 years ago for that matter. College education should be a requirement.


Anonymous said...

No you do not need a college education to be an better police officer. You can get some formal training at the acadamy and that along with street smarts can make you a great officer. 4539

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that education is very important because an officer needs more than his/her street smarts and common sense. Book smarts can be an asset if an officer is well rounded it can only bring a plus to his/her career. With streets, text and training, they are more likely able to bring fair resolution to the force. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

While a college education does not guarantee a good police officer. There are certainly things you can learn about life and people thought college that are valuable to the job of being a police officer. It is time law enforcement rewards people for there achievement in education, this will in turn help make police departments better and give them a better image. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Having a college education is great. However, just because police officers have a dgree does not make him/her a better police officer. It just makes the more knowledgeable in their profession as a police officer. Every police officer should obtain a college degree but that would not make him/her a good officer. Honesty, integrity and passion is what makes a good police officer. (SPC-1739)

Anonymous said...

I think that education is important and an officer needs more than street sense .A.B1291

shaleyahp said...

a college degree is wonderful but commen sense and having the ability to think b4 doing is even better. it doesnt make sense to have one and not the other

Anonymous said...

In my experience as police officer I belief that the ability to communicate with people is mopre important than street smart or college education. However, college education helps in a long term the police officer to overcome certain decisions, as well as street experience.

Therefore,in my personal opinion in our present time, we need both experience and at least an officer with a Bachelors degree.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

Darnell I feel as though when contemplating about a career as a police officer, a person definately needs to have a college education. But, now I wonder. Just because a person has college experience does that make that particular person a better officer than a person who doesn't? In my personal I opinion, I feel a college education should be mandatory for officers. But, it should not dictate an individuals future in law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

I think a balance of both street smarts and college education is needed. I don't think it should hurt anyone who wants to join a law enforcement agency but perhaps, a certain set of courses should be completed before granting the officer either a position or a promotion. **cg7304**

Anonymous said...

College degree is really important for them to understand certain things. There is a difference between theory and practice .stuff the police learns in the police Academy ,in the street the reality is different.Even you spend 12 months in the academy, 1 day in the street can become longer than all the time in the police Academy.

Anonymous said...

That was my comment on Feb.8, college degree is really improtant for the to understand certain things. There is a differende between theory and practice. stuff the police learns in the Police Academy, in the street the reality is different. Even you spend 12 months in the Academy, 1 day in the street can be longer than all the time in the Academy."J.E 9722".

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, they know how to deal with the situations but they act differently based on their own interest. Even they have college degree, they have committed the same behaviors sa those who do not have.(J.E 9722).

Anonymous said...

I agree of course you need education or how you acts in situation, but to me is more inportant the mental test 3580

Anonymous said...

yes i agree wiht all of you. there any law enforcemen should be educated and have some sore of degree, because during their education they also learn some phycology. and in colleage they get to inter act with defferect cultures.

Anonymous said...

i do belileve tha police officers should first get their education, first because education is essential, second i also believe that they should have some kind of street smart because as a police officer you will deal with different people everyday... and what best way to learn about people then being in a classroom full of prople of defferent perspectives of life, different nationalities...... school is important because a teacher is not just someone who woke up saying im gonna teach today ....a teacher is someone who has been there in the law enforcement someone who really knows the material because he has expirience doing itand he decides to share his knowledge and expirience with us......