Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech or mental health: Sign of the times?

The recent shootings at Virginia Tech University is without a doubt one of the most unsettling situations in a very long while. The reason(s) behind the student's killing of his classmates will take some time to unravel. However, a preliminary review of this matter revealed that this student was truly angry at something or someone. Is it fair to blame his inability to cope with his internal strife? Yeah, maybe. Is it fair to blame his fascination with weapons? Yeah, maybe. But if we can't ascribe direct blame to him, without all the facts, then where can we place the blame? All the signs were there. Students and teachers reported his strange behavior to the authorities, but nothing was done. Does it matter that a person wants to keep to himself? Not really. Does it matter that a student writes a really bizarre screen play for an English course? Not really. However, the signs were there for someone to at least pull him to the side and find out what was going on.

It is very convenient to play Monday morning quarterback, but the signs were there. The campus police department was tasked with providing security for the university students. The fact that the initial student killing took place hours before the mass killing opens the police department up for public criticism. The decision made by the police chief and president of the university to keep the university open will probably get them removed from their positions. There will inevitably be numerous lawsuits filed on behalf of the deceased.

As a nation can we say that we have learned something from this terrible incident? The news media will run this story for the next week or so and we will be glued to our televisions to find out more about the killer. The law enforcement pundits will come out of the wood work to critique the security on college campuses. Yet, have we learned anything from this incident? Until we seriously address the issue of mental health, we can expect similar situations to occur. There are some mentally ill individuals living in our society who have not been properly diagnosed. Copycat crimes will like this one will keep colleges and universities in a state of terror. Legislation will be drafted to question the right to bear arms, but it will be defeated by the lobbyist. The call for more firearms will be bandied about by the NRA and their supporters. But will there be a call for mental health legislation or lobbyist championing this cause? A resounding no. So, please do not feel shocked if this type of event occurs again...it is just a sign of the times.


baptiste said...

Prof. I agree with you we do cry about every little thing. But You notice that we only cry about it when it is a white person that is saying it. When our own put us down everyday and we never do anything about it. I think that we should have learn from the shooting that happen in columbine a few years back. I can see that the campus police or the police chief was not prepare for what happen in the campus. It is sad to say it that it will happpen again. We still won't be ready for it.

Anonymous said...

here you have a siuatio that society failed as a whole. Berfore everyone used to be involved with what happeed to each other kid because society cared. know you have people thiking it is ot my kid or my problem until something happens. Just because it was ot our in particilar we still have to grab these kids as our own, it is our kids that take the bullet or knife wound that is dealt with when they come in contact with the next person. we have to stand as one like the old days before time run out and we really do not have an answer for what would happen next. like the killings that happened in newark recently. stop running from other people problems and really come with an answer.(7593)

Anonymous said...

i agree with you prof when you say that something was mentally wrong with the murderer. However, i dont think that the society can controll this. we can not pin point who is mentally ill and who's not...jus because someone keeps to themselves and is kind of weid to some does not mean that their a mass murder. i do believe that the police officers could have prevented many murders from occuring...the police should had informed the entire campus of the 1st shootings and had a comple look down until they founded the murderer... i do not understand how this guy murder someone in the dorms eariler that morning and was able to leave and come back to the campus and kill more students... this doesnt make any sense... and because of this, i believe that the school and the police department should be held accounted for this.(0230)

Anonymous said...

This is not the first...or the second time that this has happened. This type of shooting incident has happened before and will most undoubtably happen again. Why everyone on campus wasnt notified of the first shooting is still a mystery to me. THAT allowed the mass murder to occurr. Someone needs to be held accountable for that. And the only talk of guns was the plan to arm the security guards at that and other college campuses. Go figure. (7885)

Anonymous said...

I agree with 0230, we can't always control what's going to happen even if we knew how their emotional status was. I also agree that those in charge of the univ. should be held responsible for the aftermath of what occurred because at that point they could have stopped it because they knew what he was capable of doing. 6809

Anonymous said...

I believe these shootings begin with the lack of kindness we show to our fellow man. The shooter was probally an outcast whom he felt he had no where to turn, saying hello and being kind to our coleeges can make a big difference. At college's we should make phone lines and theropist available where students can talk and work out there problems. 9146

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is crazy. I mean it is the parent fault because they fail to tell the school about their childs medical conditions. Also, the campus fail the most if you are recieving complaints by other you should take into consideration to be cautious of this indivdual. It is unfair that thes einnocent students had to die because of the turnign heads of others. 1587

Anonymous said...

What immediately comes to mind is "Be Kinder than Necessary" because we do not know what a person is dealing with that day. In that regard, I think the student was a loner and when he showed signs of distress and agression, it was also unnoticed. With that in mind, I wonder what if someone was a bit nicer, smiled and just said hello. Would his feelings of inferiority have vanished? Society is so unkind and apathetic that this situation is likely to occur again. Until we, as a society, learn how to better deal with those that are different, we are exposing ourselves to the consquences of our actions,... or lack thereof. *2232

Anonymous said...

It is rediculous that after the first shooting that the school police did nothing to stop the others. Could they have stopped this student? Maybe, but who knows. This will go on and on until something is done. Do we let the students bring weapons to school or hire more officers? I think mental health could be the problem but what steps do we take to stop this from happening again. Maybe we test all students, lrt them carry weapons, or hire more security. 4035

Anonymous said...

This was posted months ago and we have experienced just what you stated. There has been other copy cats. Maybe not a severe as the VA Tech but it has occured again on different campus across this nation. The media is now also stating that these institutions should not require all students to get a mental evaluation prior to acceptence.
WHY did it take this to wake us up? We should have learned from the high school kids a few years ago.SPC0460

Anonymous said...

Prof. I just could not believe the way the school administration and the campus police handled this situation, they are definitely accountable for what has happen as well as the parents of this individual. First I would like to say that this type of behavior starts at the home. I believe that the parents knew their kid had a problem and was in denial and did nothing about it, now that lives have been taken everyone who had an encounter with this individual wants to come forwarded and say that the notice he had a problem. Why wasn’t this brought to the front back then? Why now some of his instructors are commenting on his strange behavior? It’s a little too late, “should have”, “ could have” doesn’t matter at this point!

Anonymous said...

I think there are alot of people stuck with that "I'm going to mind my own business mentality". There were alot of bad decisions made and yes the victims should be compensated for their loved ones untimely death. Whether it is a monetary compensation and the jobs of others....spc5294

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 I agree with that it is just the sign of the times. However, out of all the teachers and students on the campus someone should have pulled him aside when they noticed his strange behavior. There needs to be a sense of community in a college environment, what affect a individual could affect someone else. All we can do to combat this issue is treat everyone with respect and help those who are afraid to ask for help.

Anonymous said...

The incident at Virginia Tech left a sour taste in America. I think that we tend to see things around us that are questionable and don't speak up. The signs were there and no one spoke up. I think what this incident says to us is that in order to prevent tragedy we need to be safe than sorry. I know we can't turn back time, but I wonder if what happened at Virginia Tech could have been prevented.

Anonymous said...

Yeah this happened almost a year ago and we have witnessed other situations just like this on other campus. the copycat theory is in affect. everyone wants to do as others. where has the positive role models went in society. security should be a bigger concern on campus even though alot of campus still take it as a joke until a situation like this happens.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I think that is goin be more of this shooting if us the citizens or student dont stop this cruelity of this young people. Specially their ignorance and to try to help them out by a mental health legislation or lobbyist championing of this cause. 5794

Anonymous said...

More of situations like this are going to occur. ms0777

mr pat bateman said...

This was a sad and terrible thing. I think unless we make guns illegal its going to keep happening.


Anonymous said...

We cant control people actions however we can pull them aside if we suspect strange behavior and ask for answers. We can report thier wierd behavior to the proper authorities for assistance. 4539

Anonymous said...

Prof. I am re-subbmitting this blog becasuse I forgot to include my ID# SPC-6169

Prof. I just could not believe the way the school administration and the campus police handled this situation, they are definitely accountable for what has happen as well as the parents of this individual. First I would like to say that this type of behavior starts at the home. I believe that the parents knew their kid had a problem and was in denial and did nothing about it, now that lives have been taken everyone who had an encounter with this individual wants to come forwarded and say that the notice he had a problem. Why wasn’t this brought to the front back then? Why now some of his instructors are commenting on his strange behavior? It’s a little too late, “should have”, “ could have” doesn’t matter at this point!

Anonymous said...

Law Enforcement and Campus Security need to take a more proactive approach to their jobs. Just because nine out of ten times you investigate someones strange behavior you find them doing nothing criminal, does not mean that you should not investigate because it only takes one time for Virgina Tech to happen. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Virginia Tech experienced a horrific and deadly situation and my heart goes out to all, especially those who had lost love ones.

Who is to be blamed for such a deadly act, well I believe there is enough blame to be spread across the board. Primarily, I blame Cho for committing such a selfish deadly act because he had NO RIGHT to take the lives of other people. Next, I blame all those who ignored the signs of Cho’s weird behavior especially the authorities. Then, I blame the police chief and the president of the school, for allowing the school to remain open after the first incident before the mass killings. It was a very bad call on their behalf and they deserved more than being remove from their positions. THEY DESERVED TO BE PUNISHED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT. If this situation was handle correctly so many lives could have been saved. (SPC-1739)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you ,but I think the parents are as much to blame .We as parents needs to get more involve in our kids everyday life, maybe then something could of been done to help this child who was clearly crying out for help.
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

We do have many undiagnosed mentally ill person walking on our streets, schools, and work places. However, we live with these people on a daily basis. That is why we must be aware of our surrondings to spot trouble in our environment and contact the proper authorities, EMS, Firefighters, police, School staff, etc... of any thing suspcious.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right , mental health issues in our society is very underestimated ,just because they tend not to be violent ,but spontaneous .I think , it is time for congress to pass a bill for those who are mentally ill . In fact , the shooting could have been spared ,had the student been sane.Therefore, the university administrator ,and the campus security should share the blame .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

it is crazy how a parent happyness turn to be sadness and grief.the police and the school should be held responsible for all those victims because,if that happen a first time ,the police and the school should keep in mind something bigger could happpen next time. JS7920

Anonymous said...

Darnell Regardless of whether or not someone pulled the suspect to the side to see what was going on with him. Would that have changed the outcome at the college? When bothered by something, most people tend to keep it to themselves rather than seeking answers from their fellow peers. And in most cases, that particular individual's actions speaks volumes. Which is pretty much evident in this case. I feel people need to interact with their peers more often to assure that violent behaviors such as the college shooting won't take place.

Anonymous said...

Its sad that all those students lost their life due to someone who really had problems and could deal with those problems a better way I feel as though someone should have tried to reach out to this guy especially the parents...3013 SBD

Anonymous said...


I remember when this incident occurred and the first thing I said was, "Something is wrong with him". People chuckled, but I was serious. People who commit killings of this nature, obviously have something going on. Im not sure if it is something at the present moment or something that has happened earlier in childhood.Alot of time people ignore all the signs that are right there in front of there face.Its sad that something like this had to happen, and even worse people began to copy this same attack at other universities.I believe people need to stay aware and they are suspicious of strange behavior, ACT ON IT.Dont wait for something like this to occur.

Anonymous said...

yes that was sad and all autorities and students have responsibility , we the students can see crazy acts. Most of this acts were planning 3580

Anonymous said...

In a way we can say that campus security and proffesors are to blame for this killings. the problem is that society is negleating the symptoms of a mentally person. but in this case we have individuals who are educated and had learn about phycology and individual with this type of problems, the question is how come proffesors did not see this symptoms. I tell you why. is because we live in a society where we no longer care for each other any more untless is for our selfs.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious that this person had many issues that he needed to address. And I agree also that any professor who is educated in that field should have recognized the signs but than an again thats not what they get paid for. They are only there to teach the class not to give out therapy. And your right! Every men and women for themselves. What a way to live life!!! RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

u are right we cant blame him directly if he has a mental dissability .....but we can blame the school, the school's security officers, his parents, and the person who gave him the gun.the school and security because as u said they had signs of him not being right in his head and the officers because they let him in the school with a gun ,, even if they didnt kno he had it they should check everyone who goes in and out of school or at least have metal detectors by the doors....i also blame the parents because they kno they have a son who is not okay but they still let him out ...im not saying to keep him inside the house all day but if he goes out supervise him.....i think he is like a baby who you much take care of at all times because he doesnt kno what he is doing..\


Anonymous said...

This student had underlined issues that may have started from school, since that is where he chose to release the stress he was under. I say stress because it had to be what was building inside him to commit such a crime. When you are stressed out somethings can enter the mind that you never imagined was possible. Everyone who thought something was wrong should have done something. Something like the teacher going to his guidance counselor for an intervention with his parents. Everyone have to start back paying attention to their surrounding and saying something when they think things that are happening are unusual.
J . O'Neal