Friday, April 13, 2007

"I MUS" talk about this incident

The recent statements made about the Rutgers women's basketball team by Don Imus were reprehensible and disturbing. That a grown man feels the need to speak about college aged women disrespectfully shows that he needs to grow up. Imus was totally wrong and the initial two week suspension should have sufficed. Unfortunately, his bosses saw differently and ultimately fired him. The damage is done and for all intent and purpose Imus is gone. However, the real problem still exists in the black community.

The fact that rappers call black and Latino women bitches and ho's on a daily basis is even more problematic. Yet, they get a pass and are able to make a substantial amount of money off of this rude behavior. Black community leaders need to stand up and be recognized for the true hypocrites that they are. When will the days of crying wolf stop? Black people cannot cry foul every time someone hurts their feelings. There are ways to rectify egregious situations, but this was not one of those situations. It was a failed attempt at some off colored humor that went noticeably wrong. Is Imus regretful? You better believe that he is. Should he have been fired? No way.

Let's keep it real and move on.


Anonymous said...

this guy set his self up because what you see and hear, things that other people has done or said, do not mean you jump right in. if that's what you felt then take responsiblity for that. these rap stars and anyone who down another or disrespects someone's mother or family member has issues they have to look deep down within to answer. beig an responsible adult is the true meaning of taking responsiblity of our actions. name calling do not fit the bill.(7593)

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you. yes IMUS was wrong for saying what he said. however, i do not believe that he should have been fired...what ever happen to freedom of speech??? remember this is of the free....(0230)

Anonymous said...

I believe whites are held more accountable for what they say and do. Wheter it was their ancestors many years ago seen as the man who kept women and minorities down, they are seen under a microscope when it comes to racial or deragorty statements. This country has freedom of speech and Imus should have not been fired. He should have recieved a huge fine to reinforce that this does not happen again and this behavior should not be modeled (9146)

Anonymous said...

Yes he got fired...but he got ANOTHER multi million dollar deal with another station so did he really suffer anything except a little embarrasment? He has always been know for saying controversial things but this one hit a couple of nerves and since America is becoming more and more of a "cry baby" nation he got released. Good thing for him this nation is also sooo forgiving.

Anonymous said...

It's the women who have to show respect for themselves if they don't then they will always be called names. These rappers and such may rap about whatever they want, but it's us who decide if we want to listen. I'm glad Imus was put through shame. Maybe now he'll know that he can't call real women names. I'm also glad that the Rutgers women's basketball team stood up for themselves and didn't allow Imus to disrespect them and get away with it. This is America and there is Freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean you have to be disrespected. Put yourself in there situation... you wouldn't like it either! 6809

Anonymous said...

I think he regrets it now that he has lost his job but if he did get a slap on the wrist he might not regret it as much. I was watching a BET Esposide "HIP-HOP vs. America where they talked to Rappers T.I AND NELLY about the discrimination of women by calling them bitches and ho's. They targeted Nelly video TIP DRill on BET UNCUT. IT amazed me about their response but you can hold the artist halfway responsible but the rest involved the label because they are the ones who ignite the videos(producer of the video and the director's) WHO CAME UP WITH THE BRILLANT IDEA. LIke everyone knows SEX SELLS if you want to sell liquior put a female on it Liquor put a ass on it. Some MAG Condoms put a Women on it. Nelly talked about the video vixens and how some women do it for means behind it.(i damn sure can"t tell but anyway) They had video vixen Melissa Ford on the podium and she stated her reason was to put her through college. I mean a job would have done fine but who is to say she couldn't find one with the right wages and salary. But Melissa there are loans and scholarship and grants that can be taken out so to me that was a lame excuse. My mother raise me to be a lady and that my body is a temple so I need to cherish that as my prize possession. The Dr. Eric Dyson that was on the pidoum elibrated towards the artist that you need to know your history behind it that it all steam from slavery. We can't blame them for not knowing because they didn't have anyone to enlighten them on their historic background. They even stated how one women will do twice as much as the next because they have a different mantility. I know who I am so I don't act as if I am a BITCH OR A HO as I switched the channel I saw Tupac Resurrection and he gave his definition of what a HO and a Bitch is he even said there are MEN HO's and Men Bitches or should I say a Bitch ASS NIGGA what what women say when a man can't provided from himself and is always depending on others to support them. Tupac stated in the documentary that a women who seeks after a man for their car, money , crib , and good sex is a HO or a BITCH TO HIM Wat is the new found word for that Kanye West calls you a GOLDDIGGER! You are the whole package and some. I always said that the video vixens make it harder for a women who has things going for themselves because we want to find the real man but at times we can't because we feel that we have to make ourselves appeal to what they want. What they want is what some see on TV. The women that has it all the BOOTY and some good PUSSY. So some women lower their standards because of what the artist promote. This all fall into play with CHOICES. We live in a country where we are given the freedom of speech and some take it to the full extent of doing and saying harsh things that affect a majority as a whole. But what amazes me the most is that Nelly did not realizes that he was a role model whether he liked to be or not and he failed to see and many others that people (that means everyone) is watching your every move. Mike Vick had to learn that. Mike Tyson had to learn that. O.J. Simpson had to learn that. Akon had to learn that. YOU can do as you please but their are some thing that people will judge you as a person for the rest of your life and TIP Drill UINCUT Version is one of them. As females I am shock we don't fight back as much but I suppose it is because some realize I am better then that and I know the choices I make should be chosen wisely and should follow my actions. It was also stated about how pornography has moved its way into the video they show more of the women then they do the male HELLO WAKE UP THE MALE DOMAINATES OVER A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF HOW THINGS IS DONE. 1587

Anonymous said...

i guess they figured that he would have statred to get the radio station bad ratings beucase this story was so high profiled. he should not have need fired because when rappers say what they say about females the next day you hear everybody singing the songs.(6018)

Anonymous said...

I agree that Imus' actions were inappropriate, but most certainly not worse than the Misogynist views displayed by rappers in videos and espoused in their so-called music. I see young people singing these songs, calling women B**ches and Wh***s, not realizing the demoralizations they are promoting. Young men fail to see that their sister, mothers, and grandmothers are all women too. I do not believe Imus should have been fired and the same way he was held accountable, so should the music and video industries. Young women are degrading themselves to fit the "persona," and unfortunately some girls have no self-esteem and see such behavior as a ticket to popularity*2232

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. He shouldn't have said what he said but it happened time to move on. He shouldn't have gotten fired, that was extreme. What we here from rappers is sometimes worse but no one says anything about that. What is the world coming to. 4035

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments. What he said was, without a doubt, wrong. It was disturbing to hear such disgraceful and appalling comments. America is about freedom of speech; I give you that, but why do we have to make excuses for Imus's comments. His comments were wrong. I'm glad he was fired. My friend goes to Rutgers and had a friend on the team. Hearing how she felt made me aware of the impact Imus really had on the team. Just because you have the "right" to say what you want doesn't mean you "actually" should. Where's the respect for one another? Where's the chivalry? I agree with the decision to fire him.

Anonymous said...

I personally dont think Imus should have been fired. I am black and refuse to listen to rap music because of alot of the foul language and derogatory words being used. He said nothing more than he heard juvenile say in one of his song, and the only reason why is was over exaggerated was because he was white. But to be honest after listening to what the kids says while walking up and down the street, what he said was clean. But either way you put it, whether it was a white person or black person it was disrespectful to the women. And as women of color we need to nip these things in the bud when it is said to us by our own people, because if they can't respect us, why should er expect any one else to.....spc5294

Anonymous said...

IMUS should have said whatever he felt since we do have freedom of speach. However, he should also deal with the consequences that comes with his comment and ignorance. I didn't notice any of the white girls with nappy hair. I really haven't seen one with nappy hair,unless their bi-racial. I am upset because of his comments only because he is a white man and that's what some not all think of us anyway. I have heard black males call girls b****** and Ho's for years. I take it personal when he calls them nappy headed ho's because, he is speaking only of the blacks and not the whites. If you are going to address your comments to a team include the whole team not just the blacks. Should he have lost his job NO! He should have been sued by the girls for character assasination.spc0460

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 Imus shouldn't have been fired. He was trying to be funny but it didn't work well for him. Black community leaders need to address issue within the community before commenting and making a issue about someone who says the same thing that people within the community do.

Anonymous said...

Imus shouldnt have been fired. What he did was disrespectful but the only reason people cared was because he wasnt black. but like u said black rappers do it all the time and we as black people do it all the time. Black women even call black women hoes and bitches.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

To start with I think he should never comment anything about those basketball girls. Second they should just give him a punishment of one month suspension meaning the most but do not fired him. I'm agree with you Professor. 5794

Anonymous said...

He should have never referred to any women like that.

mr pat bateman said...

I agree. He should have been taken off the air temporarily for his ignorant comment, but fired? No.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you professor however these rappers,comedians,talkshow and radio personality are protected under the rights for freedom of speech thats how the rappers get away with it so why not Imus is it because he's a white male. 4539

Anonymous said...

Prof I agree with your statement. I feel that he should have been taken off the air suspended for his ignorant comment. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Imus said nothing wrong. His show revolves around jokes and thats all that his comment was, a joke. People are way to sensitive and need to remember that if you don't like what someone is can change the channel. I am not one for playing the reverse racism card but lets be honest, black comedians and black radio personalities make fun of white people all the time. And that is fine, a lot of times its funny, because its just jokes. Imus was also just being funny. People like Al Sharpton need to spend their time actually trying to help disenfranchised minorities instead of just trying to make money and gain publicity. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you only because he was white they made a big deal about it .
A.B 1291

Anonymous said...

I believe that the firing of Mr. Imus is justified because he apparently knows better than the rappers .Mr. Imus is far more educated , and he is white .Therefore, making such disparaging comments are untenable.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell Now the damage is done and Imus has been fired. But, this is still a ongoing problem that needs to be addressed immediately. People needs to be more mindful and considerate in regards to the comments they make referrng to other people. And the hyprocritical thinking has to come to an end as well. Stop making such issues a problem when it applies to you, and address it at times even when they don't.

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with you I believe he should have been fired cause he should've thought about how would those girls feel about hearing him say those things about them... 3013 SBD

Anonymous said...

Imus should not have been fired. He should have met with the entire girls Rutgers basketball team first, before meeting with anyone else. Once Al Sharpton got involved, it was a no win situation for everyone. **cg7304**

Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that Blacks and Latinos have to stand up from time to time to start showing the world that certain actions will not be tolerated, in this case he should not have been fired... he should have argued for a suspension. I feel this way because racism should be addressed on all basis not only on white against black but all races equally! (4119RS)

Anonymous said...

I believe that he should have been fired.If the tables were turned an African American would have been fired for saying something of this nature.I am all for freedom of speech.Its just amazing that in this day in age people still do and say things like this.If he were a black man that said this, I would have said the same thing.Certain things are better left unsaid.There is a difference between comedy and being ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I agreewhit you but we have to respect his opinion no matter if he is ricth or wrong 3580

Anonymous said...

Yes been Imus and educated person was wrong of his action, but been fired no i do not agree with it. I guess if he was a rapper then we be ok with it and perhaps even ask for his autograph. society is ok lissening to song that are discriminating and down greating wemen and promoted guns and drugs. and every one is ok with it. so why fire Imus??????????? then i guess wi should fire all rappers??? there would not bee no snop or nicky manaj.

Unknown said...

I agree with a lot that has been said 100% but as a female I have to admit there are some women who demean themselves through their own actions, which result in the derogatory comments...just saying.