This issue will place an indelible scare on the New Jersey State Police. Regardless of guilt, these gentlemen will have to face their resepctive families and hopefully they will be forgiven. Now, as a taxpaying citizen of New Jersey, can you forgive them? Please read through the entire article and at the bottom, read what your fellow taxpaying citizens think as well.
I don't give a f&$k if she was running down the street butt azz naked that does not give them the right to take advantage of her. Their job is to protect and serve not to get their jollies off because they think that they can do whatever they want and they can get away with it. Not to mention that its trifiling and nasty. They acted like a bunch of horny boys and does not deserve to wear a uniform.
Typical of the justice system in NJ. I could see the protection of the victims but the alleged perpetrators should be listed along with the alleged crime they allegedly committed, in this case rape. I really don't care about impairing their family's lives forever. They certainly didn't care about their families when they were doing wrong. Publish their names. If it were just regular, black men the names would have been published the next day or even mentioned on the night news as it broke. But because they are white and because they most likely know someone in a high place that's why the names have not been released thus far Publish the names of the criminals......VAF2053
D.J. 8791
These troopers have committed a very serious and unmoral offense. It is not expected of a law enforcement office, who also plays the role of a husband and for some, a father, to commit such a heartless crime on such a vulnerable individual. I believe that there names ought to be revealed despite what number of shame it will bring on the state troopers in general of on these officer's family life. Basically, they could have just selfishly ruined the life for this female and all this was done effort and carelessly. The whole United States justice system is based upon offenders/ criminals taking responsibility for their actions. These troopers, whether consented or not, went against the moral standards of society and violated this female as a human being. She was treated like an animal. I strongly believe that their names should be released, as they have truly worked for whatever humiliation they receive. It's only a pity for those with kids, that these kids will have to suffer too. Hopefully, they would have learned a valuable lesson.
Their names should be revealed,so what it will shame the state troopers as a whole, they were suppose to be professionals,sworn to protect and serve,in which they haven't,so let the shaming begin.
They definitely should be punished for what they did but who would benefit from it if they are revealed in the media?...People just want to be nosey, just arrest the officers and keep it moving. We dont need to know who did it, we dont even know the victim so whats the point. SJC 1687
it doesnt matter if they are troopers or not, they should be the ones setting example, and they should get locked up for what they done, it was very disgusting and wrong!
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