I have tried to express the importance of mental health to my Criminology class. This is a prime example of what happens when it is not addressed. This young lady had a promising career. What drove her to take her life will be a mystery. Please pay attention to the signs.
D.J. 8791
In most cases like these the #1 cause is PRESSURE. Whether or not the mom wants to admit it... someone was pressuring that kid and it comes a time when enough is enough. The problem is, once you've set a certain standard it's very hard for you to fall below such. In most cases the parents get caught up in their kids life and has gotten used to all the popularity and credits they are receiving off the kids and turn it into a personal matter. Matthews had probably wanted to seek a different path and without a doubt the parent had opposed. It is known for kids to be spiteful and some will take it to the extent of taking their own lives. I feel so bad for Matthews as i too have been there with my parents however, i chose a better way out. It's all within one's mind. I have been told ever so often that the most powerful weapon anyone can have is their MIND, be careful how you use it.
You can never tell what a child is going through until something bad happens. All children go through depression. Most of the time the sign are there people just look past it. Sometime adult forget that they were children at one time. The only thing that changes about depression is the people.
This a very sad situation, a young lady at the top of her game with everything in her hands, has her whole life ahead of her just decides to end her life. This is where so many questions arise. No one knows how much pressure she was under to maintain and keep being at the top of everything she does. No one knows how much pressure she might have been under trying to make everyone happy.
Being a teenage there are so much pressure you have to deal with.
Teen depression can often go unnoticed, or simply brushed off as "teenage angst." Is it possible that kids like Bri are labeled as "okay," though they exhibit signs of depression, simply because they are acheiving in other areas.
Assuming from the story i read the only place she really lived was on the field that's where she wanted her ashes to be spread and how she wanted to be remembered when she dies, as she told her mother before she took her life days later. That should have been a red flag to her mom when she just came out of no where and said something like that. The reasons behind a teen or anyone's suicide or attempted suicide can be complex. The risk of suicide increases dramatically when kids and teens have tremendous pressure to be the best.....VAF2053
An unfortunate occurrence that will for ever leave a question in many minds. I can identify with the desire to excel at everything at such a young age. When success comes easily it is an unconscious decision to continue to look for new challenges. Some minds are very advanced and doing well comes with little to no effort. The ability to quickly absorb an area of interest can make one become bored very easily and as result they become hungry for the next task or strive to surpass previous goals. Nothing, no matter how great it may be, will satisfy some overachievers. When an accomplishment is made, despite any praise received, it’s no big deal. Desire to tackle the next mission always upstages what ever recognition is in order. There is addiction to always stay busy. The feeling of being idle or not doing enough sometimes causes anxiety. There is a high an overachiever gets that is hard to explain. Failure, although it is normal, is not an option. Not only does it make you feel you have disappointed people who care about you but you may also become disappointed in yourself. It is also possible that her desire to be so competitive may have been the result of a low self-esteem. She may have felt if she didn’t excel at everything that no one would pay any attention to her.
The article says that her boyfriend may have contributed to her committing suicide. Often times a mate or spouse can not understand or neglects to respect their partners drive and ambition. They pressure their partner to choose between them and whatever it is they are chasing. This selfish attitude can become overwhelming and awkward.
According to The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry the leading causes of teenage stress are high demands from school and taking on too many activities or having too high expectations. Overachievers are often spread pretty thin. An article from CollegeBoard.com states, the desire to please others, as well as our culture’s clear emphasis on success, is creating a generation of workaholics who are draining themselves mentally and emotionally.
The school systems should develop a program that evaluates a child’s psychological balance three times during the school year. The same way a child must take a physical to participate in sports, it should be mandatory to see a mental health specialist to determine if the child is mentally capable of handling a certain amount of extra-curricular actives. The evaluations should take place at the beginning, the middle, and end of each school year. If the child is overwhelmed then adjustments should be made. There should also be time management classes put into the high school freshman curriculum.
Our culture is defiantly much more accelerated and the school systems need to adjust itself in a way that will benefit the children not burn them out.
back then i made several suicide attemtps, but i now understand that Life is the most precious gift that we have, main cause PRESSURE, may god rest her soul
RG 0312
Mental health awareness should be more widespread like any other illness, because its an issue that many peolpe struggle to understand, and due to the lack of knowlege of such illness,many people with such illness get overlooked or are not taken seriously,thus allowing them to become just another statistic.
People tend to look down on people that take their own lives and say that it is a selfish act. I think that this is very unfair. You never know what someone is going through until something like this happens, and even after you still dont know. Alot of young people tend to keep their problems to themselves because they want to feel that they are mature enough to deal with their own troubles. And sometimes not talking to someone about these issues, leaves you worse off than you were from the beginning.During times like these teens are dealing with sooo much more, some stuff people probably wouldnt even began to imagine.
This is sad, these young teens have so much going on with them, we need to constantly sit them down and talk to them because you just never know. High school is such an important time in a teenagers life. SJC 1687
wow its always the very smart ones, to end up killing themselves, its so sad, she had a good life ahead of her, now it all went to waste. I think pressure made her commit suicide.
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