I understand getting publicity to showcase something good about either yourself or something that you're representing. However, the recent television and Youtube appearance by Mayor Cory Booker is truly sad and disturbing. He is making a joke of what is going on and Conan O'Brien is using Newark as satirical fodder. Mayor Booker can better utilize his time by staying off the air, getting back to work, and try to stop the increasing violence in the City of Newark. However, if he were to do that then he would not be doing what he got into politics for and that is to make a joke of Newark and a name for himself. How about this Mr. Mayor, instead of banning Conan O'Brien from Newark, why don't you bar criminals and murders from the city, who wreak havoc on the good taxpaying citizens. Wake up Newark.
I don't know much about the situation but from viewing the video Cory Booker looks ridiculous. I've met him before and would never think that he would even allow that side of him to be seen, if it was there at all, but that just goes to show how little we know about our politician's and that will probably never change. I do agree that he seemed to be making this Conan issue his focus when it is obvious it could be directed to more constructive feats. LC1736
The majority of politicians are self serving , so he is capitalizing on the situation .On the order hand , i fully support Cory Booker for standing up to O'Brien because someone has to put a stop to "the City of Newark as a punchline". However , politicians like "Cory Booker " are fully accountable for the maintenance of Newark's image .
With this in mind , i supplicate the Mayor to use the joke as a teachable moment instead .In order words , he needs to focus more on the pressing problems , so O'Brien will use another City in the future .
LJ 6631
Cory Booker should be ashamed of himself for even entertaining the negative slurs against Newark, instead he should be doing more to make sure no one has any harsh remarks to say about Newark. If he spent half as much time cleaning Newark as he claims to defend it to be on cable network shows maybe well have a better establishment to look forward to.
T.B. 9458
I really dont even have a coment for this! 3013
Darnell Cory Booker has put entirely too much emphasis on Conan O'Brien and not on the crime in the city that is increasing drastically. The video clearly shows that the crime in the city was not a concern for our mayor at the time,instead he introduced to not only the city's residents but to other viewers a side of him we never expected to see. His attitude should always be facetious and his mission should always be to decrease the city crime and not ban Conan O'Brien from the city.
How about Mr. Booker takes action instead of wasting his "political time" on unnecessary things that make him look bad. Newark has a bad reputation as it is, and we do not need help making it look even worst by having our “dear” mayor post a video that clearly shows how much time he has in his hands. If he has so many connects all over the world like he states in the video, why doesn’t he use that “power” to do something about the City Of Newark. He needs to wake up, smell the coffee, and grow up, as well as taking action for the city that is paying him to eat everyday! –-K.C
that TV comedian or what so ever. is a trash talker. he shouldn't have made all this negative alligation againt the city of Newark. i hope Mayor Booker can continue to do his best for his community.
I find the majority of the opinions posted on this blog to be "narrow". The idea that the Mayor wasn't doing his job by bringing more national recognition to his city is just silly. Newark has long been the subject of negative attention. The subject of prior attention was violent crime, stolen crime rates, and political corruption. Any attention that would bring attention to Newark in another light, even through satire, is positive. The idea that posting a youtube video is a sign that he has too much time on his hands is another comment based on little thought. FYI, in case you did not know, the Mayor also takes time out of his day to speak to friends and family, or take a bath, maybe even have a meal or 2. God forbid he take time to play a game of basketball or go swimming at the recreation center!!
He has been down his job, albeit via some unconventional methods. The violent crime rate is not growing, and if you haven't noticed increased safety in the city of Newark, then maybe it's time for thicker lenses.
The Mayor's participation in these theatrics resulted in Conan O'Brian and NBC donating $100,000 to the city of Newark. At this rate. we should get the whole city council on the "Hollywood circuit" and maybe then we can lower taxes. I hope that the Mayors humor will help to heal the harsh views of Newark that have existed for far too long.
It is better to think outside the box, than to be stuck in it.
The Mayor has been doing his job. He has put over 300 new police officers and crime is also down among many more things. Conan O'Brien can say whatever he wants about Newark, its not like people watch his show anyway! LOL...mp9504
Cory Booker is a joke all together. I cant figure out why he has been mayor for so long and why doesn't anyone who actually believes in doing right and want to see the city of Newark improve. I would say that when next election comes around then one does not vote for him.
Mayor Booker tsy to do something rigth way or not but try N.T 3580
These is the problem with society, they really don’t think before choosing a person who is going to be in charge, and this is an example. Most people don’t even do it for the person, but for what they represent, and that needs to change. We are also living a bad election of leader in current times, I hope people open their eyes and start making better decisions before choosing a leader, and I hope they learn from their mistakes. The only way the decrease crimes is having good leaders that make a better criminal justice system.
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