The camera never lies. The Passaic Police Department has to eventually address the behavior of its officers when they encounter individuals with mental health problems. Never one to Monday morning quarterback, but this particular incident is very disturbing. Today, the officer involved in the attached video was indicted and will face a jury of his peers, if he does not reach a settlement. If you look at the video, pay particular attention to this officer's partner. What responsibility does she bear in this incident. I have my thoughts, so please share yours.
Reviewing the video, I saw no actions from the victim that would warrent such abuse. The female officer is basically put into a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Had she reported agsints the actions of the officer, she would have been accused of going against the "Code of Silence". Therefore, making her a target within her own police force/ depaartment. Had she joined in with the beating of the victim, for the sake of backing up her partener may have went against her moral standings. Either way the accused officer was WRONG!!!
this video is very disturbing to see, some one who should be protected get beating by the one who should be the protector of the public, doing such thing like that is heartless.Imagine see your father or grandfather get beating by a police officer for doing nothing, but just walking in the street is very painful. the sad part is the victim have mental disorder,and did nothing to stop the police or to defend itself from him. i think they should not only fire the police officer but giving him some jail time also. the other police officer should be punish too, for not doing anything.JS7920
I embrace the fact that his behavior toward the victim was improper. However, can a police officer approach someone with mental disorder the same way as a sane person knowing that he has the potential to act irrationally?
With this in mind, I understand that police oficers should protect us as well as the person in the video. By the same token, I believe that they should protect themselves as well.
Furthermore, I am convinced that the will be no conviction, so long as he has a competent lawyer who can pose this following question to the jury:
Can a police officer approach someone with mental disorder the same as a sane person knowing that he has a propensity to act irrationally? Finally, had the incident occurred in a mental hospital, the victim could have had a stronger case .In other words; the victim might lose the case because of the setting.
All in all, hoped he would use savoir faire, since he was being documented by cameras. Plus he was in the public eye.
PS: Frankly, the female police officer is dead wrong in that particular situation for her inaction because the victim is not sane.
LJ 6631
As I view the video, I put myself in the shoes of the female officer. Being in such a position and witnessing something of that nature would put me in awe, not knowing what to do. In same terms, there are ways out of situations in which you can overcome by making decisions; you will always lose on one side no matter the decision that was made by your part. I personally think that the female officer should have at least showed initiative action by trying to stop the officer even before he came out the police vehicle. They are partners, they know each other well, and at times it is better to prevent a situation before the situation occurs. In that sense to avoid such confrontation, the female police officer knowing that they were stopping this individual, should have taken matters into own her hands from the beginning.
In the video I feel like the female cop wasn't trying to attack the man the way her partner did. I think that she shouldn't get a punishment because men tend to be more aggressive than females therefore she was probably trying to talk to him when the other cop just came out and attack the man.
She seemed confused in the video from what i saw as she walked to and from the cop car and never tierd to get involved.
The female officer seems shocked but I guess not shocked enough to help. Her responsibility was to de-escalate the situation, which in the case would be to prevent her partner from attacking him. From what I hear about the police and their view on female police officers, maybe she was just looking out for herself.
sorry i left the last comment. lc1736
Firstly, I understand that law enforcement agencies (police) is a necessary evil that we choose in order to protect ourselves. If not in check, they will turn to beasts. This is why our founding father created three part system of governments for us. For the female officer, she broke into code of silence. Usually, police protect one another and cover up their illegal conducts (police culture). This is why she did not react morally. Nevertheless, she deserves to be fired or at least suspension . A.A2467
omg i think the way that officer treated that guy was wrong abused him for no reason... 3013
Darnell This is very disturbing, once again police officers brutally beat someone for no apparent reason. The video clearly shows the female officer played no role in the attack, so how will the male officer be justified in the courtroom. If the victim provoked the officer to engage in such violent force then why didn't his partner take action in the beating. I'm just patiently waiting to see if the officers will be convicted. With our justice system today i think not.
There is always a fine line when officers are called to respond to someone who is "mentally disturbed". There did not seem to be any reason why the mentally disturbed man should have been beaten as he seemed to pose no threat to the officer. (Without audio, we cannot tell.)If anything the video demonstrates the officers were totally in control of the situation. The female officer appears to be either inconsiderate or chooses to ignore what was apparently a police officer abusing his authority. Her inability to respond or try to at least diffuse the situation merits her to be just as responsible as the officer who was physically striking the mentally disturbed man. Obviously the officers should be punished. But is that enough? How do we learn from this unfortunate situation? This video could be used as an effective training video in the police academy. This video could be an effective tool used to engage serious and insightful discussions as to how these incidents should be addressed. **cg7304**
Jn 8831
This incident is very unfortunate. This officer should have been very contentious of his actions. Knowing that this man was ill and not in his full psychological state of mind. At the same time a person or police officer can not determine if he/she is in a healthy psychological state of mind.With in a few minutes.
the officer should have been aware of his surroundings. i'm not saying his actions were correct but he should have taken a different approach to this situation...mp9504
Wow! Looking at the video. Its clear that the victim in this case is the person standing on the corner. The partner is just as responsible for the action of his or her fellow officer. That was indeed excessive force and was it necessary to use all that force. Your right! Cameras never lie. I'm surew they knew he or she had a mental problem but because of authority they ignored it.. What a price to pay. An absolute injustice..RSI-3774
The man was mentally I'll so the officer should of handled the situation better. For the female cop she should of tried to intervene. SK
The cop was wrong he can used another way to approach and the female cop should intervene N.T 3580
I'd looked at this video twice already and I did not see what problem this man prose. This cop was beating him like he was child and the man was not resisting. The female officer standing there did nothing but kept walking around. She did absolute nothing and as much as responsible as her fellow officer. What is the world coming too can't even stand on corner.
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