For those who have heard my speeches over the years regarding females in law enforcement, my position has not changed. I believe that females bring a different perspective to the profession, which makes it better. I have also talked about the increasing number of females finding it very difficult to overcome the stereotypes that continually excluded them. I know that it is difficult to exist in a predominately white male profession, but I still believe that they have what it takes to do well.
Like most professions, you are going to have some who discredit the organization. I recently encountered that person, who left me with a bad impression. I will not cast a wide net and will only direct my comments toward this person. I was at a university driving around the parking lot looking for a particular building. I did not notice that the traffic patterns were painted on the ground. Unbeknownst to me, I was traveling the wrong way down a parking isle. I was not going fast and observed all of the traffic coming my way. No one beeped their horn or motioned to me that I was doing anything wrong. I then made a right turn and was about to pull into a parking spot before I was motioned by a university police officer to pull up to her vehicle. I did so without incident.
As we sat next to each other in our cars, the officer asked me if I was aware that I was driving the wrong way. I told her no, and that I was looking for a particular building on the campus. She looked at me incredulously and asked me again if I was aware that I was driving the wrong way. Again, I told her no, but this time I was met with an attitude that I could not explain. I was very calm and mild manner. I did not want to get into a confrontation, but it appeared that she wanted to make sure that I understood my transgression, which I did. We went back and forth for about a minute before she gave me the directions and allowed me to go on my way. The reason that I am writing about this is because I did not expect this attitude from this woman. My question is, "Am I unfairly judging this female police officer?" Should I expect more from her because she is a female? I would expect this behavior from most male cops. What say you?
It is not just female officers that give off attitude. Most officers I encounter are men and the give the same unwarranted behavior. All officers could stand a lesson in two on how to serve your public as that is what they are there to do. We are not all criminals. But then again, maybe they are just sleepy.
The problem here is not the gender, but one of the weaknesses of police. This is why community policing is far better than military veterans. At the pace society is going today, sooner or later, police recruitments will be only on the basis of people who are more likely to be successful at solving problems and building community relationships and who are more service oriented as opposed to adventure oriented. A.A.2467
i strongly believe it's all about power, they all love to be on top of others. police officer are rude,no patient whatsoever with civilian for whom they say, they are serving.it just sad to see ,because i believe before someone become a police, one were human being first,which mean were raised a certain way to respect others, i don't say a police should let someone disrespect them but at least show some manners toward someone that look to be lost and disoriented. by law every one should be treat with respect and equal. i think they should have a class for those police officer to instruct them the way to address people in every circumstances.( i strongly believe that females officer are heartless than man officer)JS7920
You're definitely not judging her unfairly. Abuse of power makes people look truly ignorant. Case and point your story. However, I think that you can never expect too much, especially when it comes to common courtesy, from any police officer. If anything I would believe a male officer would give more attitude being that they're labeled as "aggressive." lc1736
I don't believe it has anything to do with her being a female, but her ego as a officer got carried away. She was in a position of power and felt she needed to prove it.
I say most female cops are horrible and most of the time act/look worst than male cops! because their scared an sometimes just dont know how to talk to people very nasty/rude.. 3013
I’ll address this scenario as being in the officer’s shoes myself. When we are put in a position (females) we tend to feel intimidated by men at times. We want a sort of foundation to substantiate that we too have a form of “masculinity”. This officer in my opinion took that definition and went beyond it. The way she came about the situation did not substitute her job description at the moment, she was not dealing with a felon or criminal so why approach the matter in such a way? There are times when an officer female, or male approach certain scenarios in ways that can be dealt differently without giving any reasoning to begin with. My thought is to figure out what is going on deal with it in respect, because you are representing those who are suppose to serve and protect, therefore we must do our jobs the right way. ---K.C.
Darnell I feel as though the law enforcement agency does not need females. For the simple fact that most females are sensitive and passive, it will be somewhat difficult for males to take female officers seriously. Don't get me wrong it is some females who has coped with the fact that they are in fact a female police officer and has carried themselves in a positive manner. Also, most female officers abuse their authority and do so because they have a firearm and badge.
Most male officers automatically feed you with bad attitude the moment they sense a courteous side of you. They feel that’s the only way to get your full attention. However, i can relate to your situation, most female police officers that have flagged me down for side swiping, passing the yellow light, or sitting too comfortable in my Audi A6. all have given me attitude for no reason. Which i dont still understand up till today. Sometimes i wonder what are they trying to accomplish by acting so. Mind you, i am a very soft spoken person. I respect the law.
I recently had a similar incident with a female officer. I believe she felt she had a need to demonstrate her authority or she was just having a lousy day and I was the whipping post for the day. Either way, she was disrespectful and a bit condescending but I responded to her with respect and went about my merry way. I have also experienced the same from male police officers. I approach these encounters the same way, I won't know until the officer demonstrates his/her demeanor first. Either way, I demonstrate respect so I can be treated in the same manner. Sometimes it is effective and other times not so effective. You just never know. **cg7304**
Its not only women police who have atitudes because alot of men police that i have seen around can give a really unneccesary atitude hear and there....but i will say that i think women police try to have that strong atitude so that they dont get walked all over!! women are known to be care givers, loving and gentle...but these women police need to show that they can not be messed wit and they are police for a reason! so its just not women with atitude is just POLICE in general! :)
MJ 1483
That can happen to any other person in a position of command. Not only a police officer can give a such of attitude.In everyday activites you can meet good and bad people. The police officer is a human being as you, you can feel the same as they feel.Don't take all of them for the same.J.E 9722
Female officers has to be more aggressive than male officer. They have to show that they are up there with the big boys. They have to prove that they can do the same has a male officer. Female officer are no joke, they don't take crap from anybody. JTG-7666
I did not find it unfairly that you placed judgement, but an officer whether female or male gender tend to be aggressive on a daily basis. I am sure shes been told that she does not have what it takes and thinks she has to prove herself to the males that she deals with each day as she performs her job. If she could not perform her duties than they wouldn't have hired her. Than again, its who you know...RSI-3774
Many of the encounters that I have had with female officers,I received much attitude.At first I didnt really understand why but I guess since they arent male cops(who are capable of intimidating people off the back)they feel the need to do a little extra but it often comes off very nasty, like with an attitude.
I think female cop some times show or try to show their are like a man cop or better, and cross the line N.T 3580
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