I have always been perplexed when the law enforcement community can't get a handle on crime, they take it out on the law abiding citizens. The City of Paterson is trying to implement a curfew to curtail the recent murders and increase in crime. I can understand that the police are frustrated, but will this really work? There has got to be a better way. How about putting more police officers on foot patrol in the high crime areas. I am quite sure they can find a few officers sitting behind a desk to help facilitate the needed personnel. Other states have tried this and it did not work. To resolve this problem will take more than just telling people to go in the house. Most people want to be outside so that they don't hurt someone within their own family. It will take a concerted effort by the government to create jobs that pay more than minimum wage and
individuals to be more responsible for their actions.
You do not have to stay in the house because studies have shown that community policing works .It increases the bonds between civilians and law enforcement officers .In effect, it has a positive impact on the "Us vs Them" concept .By engaging the community in solving crimes , they manage to become a part of the solution as well .Hence they become more cooperative .In fairness ,i believe there should only be a nocturnal curfew for "juveniles" as they do in some areas in New Jersey for some reasons .
From my perspective ,the city of Paterson should not impose the curfew because it convey a sense of weakness .I embrace the writer's views " putting more police officers on foot" .Precisely ,i have seen it in East Orange , and it terrifies potential robbers !
Finally , community policing is vital to the city of Paterson .Law enforcement officers should patrol heavier.
LJ 6631
that idea is very foolish even though,i understand the idea of implement curfew is to decrease crime.on the other hand what message the police are trying to send to those criminal, stay home abuse or kill their own family when they are frustrated of force stay inside .what the police officer will do with the homeless people on the street? or the people who work at night and don't have transportation,because people works different hours at night. for me that idea of keeping people out of the street at night at a certain time is very bad ,that will created more problem,for both civilian and police. what the government need to do instead , is to create more job because a lot of crime occur because, of lock of job.so forget about the curfew thing it's not a good idea!. JS 7920
I agree with you one hundred percent. Police officers should take action and go out on foot and patrol hots spots of neighborhoods to ensure peace and safety.
JD 6369
I dont think staying in the house resolve any issue of crimes. As said in the passgae that I read, people will start doing the crimes in their houeholds. It takes a more then a curfue. We need more officers and the hold community to help. LH 3394
I dont think a curfew will solve a thing. Really all a curfew will do in my opinion is give the police another resone to stop anybody on the street and and as a money makeing tactic. The police really should just be out on the streetand remaining visible.
CV 3501
I must say that I disagree to a certain extent. What is outside at 11,12,or 3 in the morning. If your not on your way to work what is on your agenda for being outside in the late night. Many of our youth are killed just from being outside amongst a crowd. No I don't think you are the suspect when you choose to be outside but what about the person looking for their prey at 3 am. Then everyone is wondering why this person is killed at 3am sitting on the porch! We shouldn't live in fear or better yet in punishment due to criminals, however we should be mindful of the day and age we live in!
I didn't even know that they could still implement curfews. It seems very unAmerican. But like you said people have to start taking responsibility for themselves. The city of Paterson can make a turn around and find some way to reduce crime or they can go home early. LC1736
I agree with you 100% having a curfew does help but people are still gonna do what they want to regardless of that curfew if enforced...3013
I agree with you, because without persons who want to take their responsibilities the community will destroy.To top of it, security is the task of everybody.J.E9722
I dont really agree with the curfew.You take people off the streets to stop crime, but the frustration of not being on that street just creates aggression.And then crimes are being committed in the homes.There has to be a more effective way to stop crime and protect the community.
I agree that there should be more officers on foot in high crime areas. Not a curfew. SK
I agree police oath said serve and protect N.T 3580
I don't think a curfew will stop all the crimes that are going on today. It will make things worst because you will have people that are not going to listen and do there own thing.
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