Many police officers were dead set against having cameras mounted on their dashboards to record their actions. I must admit that when my agency was forced to do it because of a federal consent decree, I was glad that it did not apply to me because I had become a detective. After speaking with several colleagues about the cameras, the majority welcomed them because it gave them assurance that any false allegations could be dispelled. However, in a lot of small towns, the police beatings have continued and mostly because of no cameras. So when I viewed the attached video, I thought to myself, "What the hell are they doing? Smile for the camera." I will follow up on this matter, but it does not look like it will be going their way. I smell a massive lawsuit and possibly some jail time for a few of the police officers.
Sadly speaking , the snippet is similar to a 1964 police brutality in America . Irrespective of the driver's disoderly conduct , the force utilized by the law enrcement officers was excessive beyong imagination.Through the power of observation ,although the driver was incapacitated , he was constantly maltreated .
On the other hand , the driver needed to be punished because he was behaving belligerently toward authorities.However , it could have been done professionally .
Primarily , i would have managed to subdue him without cuts and bruises because i am being monitored by a camera surveillance as well as the public .In order words , this snippet could serve as a major incriminating piece of evidence . Most of all, i postulate that because of this brutal publicized video ,their fellow law enforcement officers might not be able to defend them in a court of law .Clearly, the video speaks volume about how cruel they were .
To be honest ,police officers should get frustrated because they are human beings as we are .Besides, they are not perfect ,but i would suggest that they keep those activities away from the public view .
For example ,had i been one of the police officers , i would have subdued the driver carefully .Secondly , he would have been taken into custody , then severly mistreated without cuts and bruises .
To my fellow drivers not to mention colored drivers , we have to be obedient and submissive to authorities cuz the task is frustrating .
To some law enforcement officers ,i understand how daunting the task is .Therefore ,they earn my full credit , but any breach of the law such as excessive force should be done with flair because without incriminating evidence police officers will not go to jail .By doing so , it is possible for fellow police officers to vouch for their bodies in a court of law .
LJ 6631
I encourage that idea putting camera on police car, because of the camera ,a lot of incident will be prevent.too many civilian has be mistreated and also so many police officer has lost their live in duty. i strongly believe every criminal need to be punish for their act,regardless what crime the commit. by law nobody deserve to be mistreat what so ever by any police officer.on the other hand the civilian need to be respectful toward police officer before think get out of hand.the police are just doing their jobs. JS 7920
Very disturbing video. I think they have this false sense that nothing can happen to them. LC1736
Darnell This video is necessary for people such as myself who perceives police officers negatively. It is no different than the other incidents in which the police uses deadly force for whatever reasons. Now I asked the question, is the officers involved in this brutal beating justified? Was that individual that much of a threat to those particular officers safety? I think not, i'm just waiting to see what steps are going to be taken to prevent police brutality.
The suspect needed to be subdued as he tried to struggle with the officer. That part I understood. The camera then captures all of the officers beating him, that part I don't understand. Dashboard cameras help both the officers and the suspects as it plays out the entire story on video for the world to see. Did the suspect deserve to get arrested and be punished? Yes. Did he deserve to be beaten? Absolutely not. However, I can only imagine for every one beating caught on dashboard camera, how many others are either never reported or covered up? **cg7304**
I believe that beaten was his punishment. The supposed victim doesn't need to punished more than he was. I bet he is not going to resist again.. And this goes for everyone out there, this could happen to you if u tried to resist, remember they have authority over you.. JTG-7666
Excessive force was not necessary. Yes he should not have resisted but it doesn't give the officers the right to beat him like they did. Where is the justice in that. He should have just been cuff and put in the police car after reading him his miranda rights. But having the power to anything they want because they have a badge and gun. I hope one day they can look back at the video and see the wrong they committed after the resisting....RSI-3774
Excessive force was not necessary. Yes he should not have resisted but it doesn't give the officers the right to beat him like they did. Where is the justice in that. He should have just been cuff and put in the police car after reading him his miranda rights. But having the power to anything they want because they have a badge and gun. I hope one day they can look back at the video and see the wrong they committed after the resisting....RSI-3774
I feel that police brutality has gone to a whole new level. Videos in the police cruisers help the situation a bit, but if you do not have the justice system to "serve and protect" you then just how much does a video do for you? This video shows the distasteful actions of the police kicking and punching on a man. I don't believe that there is any justifiable cause or reason for six officers to brutally beat on another human being. I believe that they should be brought up on charges to the full extent that the law allows and be stripped of the guns and badges.
I believe that there should be cameras in police vehicles.But alot of the times with the videos justice still isnt served.So what difference doesnt make.Show the video, cops give there version of what is being displayed and thats it....
Ok so her resisted which he shouldn't have but that doesn't give the right for them to do what they did. It was too much and they need to be held accountable for what they did to him. SK
I can belive that why police recive training to resist the attack and why police carry a electric gans or never respond along N.T 3580
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