Who will stand up and do the right thing when law enforcement does not? What are we to say about the courageous men and women who put their careers and sometimes lives on the line just to do the right thing? Will the "Blue wall of silence" be torn down? Does the street motto "snitches get stitches" pertain to police officers? Does Serpico come to mind?
The "Blue wall of silence" is just another way of breaking the law. Imagine the same guys that built that wall having the nerve to arrest someone for breaking the law. It should be torn down and violaters proscuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I think that whistleblowers are necessary in order to change a given corrupt organization. Whistleblowers have the rights constitutionally to denounce anything that is dishonest despite the fact that retaliatory actions could happen. Whistleblowers can help to restructure an organization's finance department, HR department, integrity department or any other department within an organization that is in charge of administering tax payers' money, hiring practices, or administering other important government's resources for its constituents.
The movie "SERPICO", doesn't ring any bells. However, the street motto, "snitches get stiches" does pertain to not only police officers, but those given authorty. According, to my intellectual understanding there is a 'wall of silence' that seldom gets mentioned in the community of policing. It's up to the whistleblowers to uphold the oath they once taken and come clean about what they witnessed.
Why people likes to pick on cops all the time?
I don't think the "Blue wall of silence" will ever be torn down for the simple fact that every person has some kind of secret they like to keep. In another words, every one has secrets that wishes not to be revealed. If someone knows about it then it is always you own me a favor or your secret is secured with me as long you keep mine quite.
We know that in the streets, Wall Street, Corp companies, and our personal lives we all keep secrets from others.
In my personal opinion a think only disgruntled people exercise the whistleblower. Lets start exercising within our circle of friends the whistleblower and you will see how many friends you'll have to trust.
(ES 1810)
I think the street motto snitches get stiches does apply to the police depts. For the fact that if you a whistle blower inside a police dept. You run the risk of being looked as the snitch or run the risk of nobody helping you when you need the help. The Blue wall of silence should be torn out to revealed all the corruption that exist in the police depts. Even tho its going to cause a chaos. I rather that to happen that to live in a place where corruption rules us. But whistle blowers should think twice and be aware of the consequences and back them selves up with other people who support them before they open their mouth.
Wow you couldn't have brought up a better subject. WE ALL run that risk it's definitely a street code but it runs all the way up the ladder. I have bought several dvd's that you must buy like you're purchasing drugs they're underground. In these dvd's their have been firefighters,officers,fbi agents and people from the cia uncovering the bull the government is hiding, and proving a point to those who take the extra step to know. Yet they're scared and know that if top secret information is leaked they will be killed. It's that simple sometimes i'm scared to say the wrong thing around the wrong people because even though i want everyone to be knowledgable of this data i can be killed if the wrong people(the guilty ones) find out we know the truth and are trying to inform others. This nation will kill anyboby who gets in their way screw stitches u'll get a coffin messing with this government and going down to police, we all know there is corrupt officers so fight back, sometimes we ARE the victims.As for the streets depending on what you snitched about the consequences go from a beat down to death so you always have to be careful regardless but just remember the difference: somebody from the streets kills you people will know you died, if the government kills you they'll hide any trace of your existence as of that day and nobody will know you're dead, they might just think you went away...
S.S. 8161
I really don't support snithes but it really comes down to how you snitch .Personally i had a bad experience with snithes but snithing can save someones life.KG 2738
It's sad that we even have this issue in law enforcement, but it is important to keep everyone in check otherwise then people get out of hand.
SG 4591
There should be whistleblowers to denounce bad habits in this society .Unfortunately, they tend to lose their lives for telling the truth. i am confident that the society will see it as a necessary weapons in the long run.
LJ 6631
God and us are the only people who can protect us from anything. there will always be some people who cannot keep what they see and heard to them self god or bad, their will always be whistleblowers regardless what one do to change that.JS7920
Society can do more than police a advertaising said see something said something why 3580
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