In the wake of the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) attempting to be released from a federal consent decree, 23 Black and Hispanic troopers filed a lawsuit claiming they were overlooked for advancement based on their race. It has been well documented that the NJSP have had problems with discrimination against minorities, as well as female. Emotions will run high and morale will definitely suffer. However, based on the specifics of the lawsuit, the results should be beneficial to all that want a fair and equitable promotion system. In the coming weeks more should be learned and what steps will be taken to rectify this matter. Regardless, the damage is done and the NJSP has to deal with more negative press. Change is in order, but where should it begin?
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2008/07/23_troopers_file_civil_rights.htmlhttp://blacspective.blogspot.com/"Expect nothing from others and more from yourself." Dr. BLR
I recently had a conversation with someone regarding family tradition. It was agreed that as time we as time went on the tradition would eventually die or not be as important.
Just as so many things change with time I think that the types of people that hold power will do the same. However this does not mean people should not stand up for things that are important as this may help speed the process of change. I think where we start is trying our best to place more open minded people in places of power and punishing those who abuse said power.
Will there be really justice after the final decision of the judege?
I will think that there lives will not be the same.
The branches that face this recuring problem should go under investigation, comparing applicants eligability to see if there are underqualifyed applicants with higher positions than those who are qualifyed.C.O. 40424
Racism on the job has been a problem in many corporations not only the NJSP for a long time now. So, yes cahange is in order but I really do not know what it will take for people to be able to look past the color of someone's skin and give them what they rightfully deserve.
I think the changes should start in the initial selection. The first moment a person applies to enter in law enforcement a set of requirements should be equal to everyone. I mean everyone from female to whatever.
As far as promotion goes. I belief that if score higher you should move to next promotion.
What you reap it is what you sowed.
If I applied myself in my studies I would score higher and be promote with the top "dogs". Or because I am a minority and I want a college degree I don't have to attend class, do homework, or take a test? Is that right?
(ES 1810)
There is racism all over. From jobs to schools, racism is every where. I think that the situation is unfortunate however i do not believe that it will end. It is really sad that people are being discrimaneted against due to your ethnicity or gender. In reality, this is life. It is sad to say but this is life. People have their own opinions and some people will express their opinions more than others.
If in fact the officers were looked over because of there race than I say kudos to the lawsuit. I do feel that if they indeed scored successful and rank as high as their fellow officers they should definitely receive a promotion. Racism is a poisionous and must be addressed everytime it shows it's ugly little head. If your qualified for the position it should not matter what color you are. It is all about fear. Some people are afraid of taking commands from a minority. Just haven't quite figured out why.
When will racism stop?If racism is going on in the police department then it could really be a fact that police officers target blacks and latinos.They should file a lawsuit, this is settig a bad example for children.KG 2738
It is going to take a long time to erase racism and discrimination in the workforce. Since there are more and more minorities it's important for people to get jobs and promotions based on their work. Maybe we need to have some multicultural programs for people to attend and participate to understand and hopefully reduce racism at work.
SG 4591
Big things are achieved with little steps.By filing lawsuits on a gradual basis ,a revolution might be ensued .I am all ears ! I have seen too many black, hispanic genera turn to drugs as a coping mechanism .Alas ,we have the knowledge ,but we are not well-connected.Down with discrimination against minorities!
LJ 6631
I have known the racism exists, should we stay to accept that.The main thing is about education and the main aim of education is action. The law suit is a good action, little by little we will see.J.E 9722
We have to remenber minorities will be the mayorities and that meaby scare some sector of the society 3580
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