The law enforcement community has long been under fire for some very aggressive encounters with citizens that resulted in officer involved shootings. The chance has come for more police officers to be able to carry non-lethal weapons, but some communities do not see this as a plus. Will this aversion to better equipping the police officer lead to more shootings? Can the taser gun be the answer to the problems in inner cities? Would you rather be shot fifty times with a weapon that carries bullets or fifty thousands volts?
The taser gun could be an alternative for the weapon that carries bullets to a certain extent when a person needs to be subdued to a paralyzation state. However, the taser gun is not a total deterrence to death or injury when cops confront an unruly person. Taser guns can cause cardiac arrest and paralyze a person to the extent that the individual can collapse to the ground and suffer many physical traumas. I think that taser guns are not going to stop the crime patterns of inner cities. Instead, what will work is more investment in education and employment opportunities in inner cities.
When word gets out that police officers only carry taser guns; criminals will start targeting cops because they would be ill prepared compare to a glock,teck-9, or a shoutgun. Other people opinions vary. In my opinion this would lead to a controversy between our locals and its protectors. C.O. 0424
I do not think that making police officers carry tasers instead of handguns will rectify the shootings that take place in inner cities. I say this because if the people that are out here to commit crimes know that the police officer that is trying to arrest him only has a taser and he has a hand gun nine times out of ten they will try to shoot the police officer. This in turn will lead to a ongoing rival between police officers and civilians as a form of retaliation.
I don't think the taser is th eanswer to the problems in inner cities. But it is a valuable tools when implemented right and with proper guidelines.
(ES 1018)
I believe anyone would say that they rather get shot wit a taser gun than a lethal weapon.. its more of a chance of survival.
However I don't see the taser gun to be a solution to the problems in the inner city. Providing more jobs and stopping criminals would be more of a solution. I think taser guns are going to provoke more shootin cops would use it more often since its less dangerous than a regular gun.
No, the taser cannot be the answer to problems in the inner cities. God only knows what those on the the "other side of the law" are carrying. Why risks lives unnecessarily? For the safety of all parties involved, the playing field should be level. By no means would I say that a peron who risks his/her life on a daily basis to protect others be ill-equipped should a serious and potentially fatal situation arise. Fair is fair and we all know what the bad guys are carrying, now don't we?
K.G. 3792
Well i think police officers should carry both because depending on the situation they can use either or. For example in the case of Sean Bell had they tasered these men he would still be alive and the other men not wounded as severly. For different situations different tactics should be used because you can't expect to go handle a dispute in the streets with a taser they will kill you. So lets truly use some common sense in this matter whether we like it or not guns are in the streets and are being used daily...
S.S. 8161
Tasers are not the answer and I think they are basically in the same category as guns. It's no better to shoot someone with volts than bullets. Tasers can be abused just as much as guns.
SG 4591
Neither tasers nor guns are capable of solving problems in inner cities .I believe that the answer is Community Policing ,there should be an agreement between police officers and citizens in order for cities to be safe.
LJ 6631
Taser guns could trigger a heart attack if it is shot at chest, so it is fatal as a gun. Taser guns should be use but in the correct way and when is actually necessary. JTG-7666
Taser can save a life you no have to shot somebady who have a nife 3580
If a had to choose between a gun and a teaser, I’d choose teaser. They are both extremely harmful and can cause death, but I think that a tease can be more controllable than a gun. Also, police officers should be more prepared to react in a proper way when using a weapon in order to prevent unnecessary deaths.
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