The Philadelphia police officers involved in the recent highly publicized suspect beating will soon face the scrutiny of their department. However, the real questions is, should they? Given the circumstances that the City of Philadelphia is going through, highest murder rate in the country, did the police officers cross the line?The suspects in this matter were observed shooting at civilians just moments before they were stopped. The aftermath is what is being called into question. What is not being said is that earlier in the week, a Philadelphia police officer was killed in the line of duty attempting to apprehend a bank robber. Of course, the police officer's emotions were running high, but does this excuse their behavior? Should we give the police officers a pass? You be the judge.
" Strive to fulfill your potential of being a human being." Dr. BLR
" Strive to fulfill your potential of being a human being." Dr. BLR
First of all, police officers are not supposed to let their emotions get in the way of them doing their duty. But also, if you can justify the fact that the tension in Philadelphia led to the beating of the three suspects. Then how can you blame someone in Philadelphia for resisting arrest or shooting at the police if they know they will be jumped when they get pulled over. SPC 3027
No we should not give them a pass the police officers acted unprofessional. They know what they are getting into when they take the job. It was about 14 officers that beat on 3 men no matter what the case is the officers were unjustified in their actions. The officer that was killed earlier had nothing to do with the individuals that the police beat. If we give the police a pass on this because their emotions were running high, what stops us from giving a pass on people who beat or even kill others because they were angry about a situation or at someone else. SPC 5936
Have you seen what's been happening in Arizona? My best friend being harassed by cops for having a political protest sign in her yard? Mental evaluation orders get "lost" when requested. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGDBJBJ9j4k&feature=PlayList&p=38578DD03B855F13&index=2
This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. I could not see the video, however, each circunstance or situation is different from other.
I don't believe that police officer think they have the "upper power" and "they could do whatever they want" but each incident should be looked at it and investigated before making judgments. Look at the totality of the circunstances and not only the circunstance.
ES 1810
Unfortunately for police officers, things aren't as black and white as people would like to believe. When forced to make split second decisions, errors in judgement do occur. Police officers, like all other people, are human. Not to say this particular incident was an error in judgement. One would have to take into account the recent events surrounding police officers and criminal activity. Were the officers completely justified in their actions? Maybe not, but they should not be fed to the wolves because those on the outside looking in feel differently. There has to be some middle ground. In a perfect world, pending an the outcome of an investigation, the officers would be given a fair shake and not a "pass".
K.G. 3792
If you are committing to being a police officer you are joining the force understanding that each case is different and you will see disturbing things that will affect how you handle the next person. But you can't forget that you need to act with a clear mind and not let previous experiences make you take a bad or wrong decision.
SG 4591
Although their role is to protect ,but there might be cases where police officers act in self defense .All in all, it all comes down to the attitude of the public.
LJ 6631
no and nop because if we let that go like that, more civilian will get beat up and get kill by any police officer who want too.more police officer will be killed also by those who believe the law is not in their side. i can understand in some type of situation a police emotion can get very high sometime but, they have to remember their role is not to takes matters in their own hand but to let a judge to decide the faith of any criminal.JS7920
Police recib orders they don't care just follow orders and inocent can be attack 3580
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