The verdict is in and the NYPD has dodged another bullet (no pun intended). The trial, which was overseen by a judge, provided the police officers with an avenue to pursue their defense. To have a jury decide this matter would have been based solely on emotions rather than the facts of the case. This is not to say that the judge was not swayed by his own; hopefully he was swayed by what was presented. Now where do we go from here? It was not a surprise that the police officers were exonerated. Policing is about making split second decisions, regardless of the outcome. Let's hope that the law enforcement community learns something from this, but then again, this is the New York Police Department.
" Let the winds of change take you to new heights." Dr. BLR
I can honestly say that I wasnt shocked one bit by the verdict in this case. To say that the judge's decision was a good 1? I cant say that either, but what now? these cops have no type of repercussions for their actions? They get to go about their jobs as if what they did was 100% acceptable. They may get off easy now, but one day everything comes back around in one way or another. Call it a split second decision, but in my opinion these cops did not hesistate for 1 second about taking someones life and shooting at them THAT many times, shouldnt that be where the word EXCESSIVE comes in?? SPC7202
I was wondering what you thought about the verdict, but I do know that they got a better chance by NOT having a jury and I also know that the case is more about what happened while in the moment rather than later. I think it's more about shoddy police work than anything. As I believe most police officers are punks...
Since we were not there we do not know what had actually happened. I give the police officers the benefit of the doubt.
While I was not there that night and I know the police officers only had a split second to make their decision. I still believe they used excessive force. I also believe the judge knew what the outcome was before the evidence was presented to him. There are too many high profile shootings in which the police officers get off. SPC3027
I'm not shocked by the verdict, most of us knew what the outcome was going to be. The Sean Bell Case controversy will gradually fade away until the next unarmed black man is killed by the NYPD. Honestly it's like a reoccurring cycle that every couple of years a unarmed black man is killed and Al Sharpton is quick to jump on the situation to get a check. My regards to the Bell family. SPC 5936
Unfortunally this incident happened because one narc unit was doing surveillence in an area that they did not know much about it. When hell broke loose and the undercovers stated to shoot. One did not shoot and he was told to "let one go". Well, this cop let one go, after that his partner pick up his gun and let another one go. They screw up and they had to come up with a story. Now what? Bad news for the police community, again. The unarmed black man was shot by a black man police officer. Now this police officer is on military duty to stay away from the news. Sad , yeah?
ES 1810
i feel that if a police officer acted in way that they should not have done, then they need to be accountable of their own actions. they are adults and they need to step up to the plate. things happen and they need to take the consequences
I disagree with Spc-2813. Yes, we weren't there when it happen but why this type of behavior is only in black communitites. I don't want to sound bias but it is what it is. The dynamics have change for the worse because instead of white police officers profiling minorities it's black officers. I don't think the outcome wouldn't have been any diffrent from a Jury Trial because they always finding ways to cover up their wrongdoing and justify why they elimnated another minority. SJS-5514
We recive the consecuences of as acts, police have to recive too consecuences can be fear or no 3580
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