Saturday, September 23, 2017

Let me see your hands!

This video should undoubtedly spark a lot of conversation, but which side should prevail? Please weigh in with your thoughts.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Oops! I'm being recorded.

Personal conversations that take place amongst police officers should be respected. However, this particular back and forth sheds light on the inner workings of the profession. Sit back and listen and determine if this is a profession that you'd like to maintain or change for that matter.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Shout it out. CORRUPTION!

The more it is exposed, the better chance we have of seeing change. If you were a police officer, would you stand up and shout it out?

Settlements never resolve problems!

There is no secret that more people are choosing to exercise their right to sue law enforcement agencies to get there issues resolved. However, the powers that be utilize their right to settle claims before they hit the courts. Saving face in this instance does nothing to shed light on the problems. How can we get the problems fixed if deep pockets keep intervening?

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Book: The Use and Abuse of Police Power in America

The law enforcement community has seen an uprise in controversial police interactions with all communities, but more so in the minority community. I have been fortunate to be able to write three essays (Frank Serpico, Sean Bell and Ezell Ford) for the aforementioned book. While the essays are informative, they only shed a small spotlight on the internal issues. As future law enforcement professionals, it should be your responsibility to try and make the necessary changes from within. For those of you who are seeking a position, please share what you think is necessary to help with this process.

DACA. Where do you stand?

Everyone will have an opinion on this topic. However, putting yours aside, think about how you would feel if this was to affect YOU personally, then chime in with your thoughts.