Saturday, September 2, 2017

DACA. Where do you stand?

Everyone will have an opinion on this topic. However, putting yours aside, think about how you would feel if this was to affect YOU personally, then chime in with your thoughts.


KL said...

I personally do not have any family members under the DACA program, but I still feel anger towards President Trump’s consideration of ending the program. A lot of young adults and adults would be affected for this, people that are doing something good for themselves. These people are just seeking for a better future, they are going to school, and they are working. I don’t understand why end the opportunities that an immigrant has when being a good citizen. I disagree with ending the DACA program.

Anonymous said...

If I were in that situation, I would be pretty pissed that the Trump administration is ending it. People who have entered the U.S. illegally as a minor without being caught and then later becoming an official U.S. citizen should remain a U.S. citizen instead of getting deporting them back to where they came from because that is not right or humane in any way.