Friday, April 17, 2015

To test or not to test? What is the best way to choose a leader?

Having spent 25 years in the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), it truly astounds me when disingenuous entities continually try to pull the wool over people's eyes. Most police departments utilize a formalized test to promote leaders. While I don't think it is always a great indicator, it does give a person a fair chance at getting promoted. This article speaks to the internal problems within the NJSP regarding its promotional system. It is my hope that they get this problem fixed before the adjoining lawsuits bankrupt the State of New Jersey.


Anonymous said...

My standpoint towards this situation is that I feel that in the hiring and promotional a person for the position should be considered based on characteristics of the character and not by test scores. Not everyone is a good test taker and what the test does it doesn't truly get the right candidate for the job. You see cases all the time in life, we say " how is that person a cop, he's not fit for the job." What the test does is it allows cops who do not inherit the characteristics that the average cop should have for the job. A cop in my opinion should have characteristics of humility, honestly, intelligence, courage, and righteousness. If a candidate has these types of characteristics he should be given the position. If I were in the hiring or promotional process I would hire based on character than how well the candidate scores. Reflecting back to your case if I were in the selection process, based on what I know about Officer Brian Royster I would hire you based on the type of character you are and not how well you scored.

Anonymous said...
I thought that this was an interesting article as well to discuss about.