Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The recent shooting in South Carolina is just an example of how much work that still needs to be done in the law enforcement profession. There is absolutely no excuse for this police officer's actions. (PERIOD). This should be the easiest murder trial in history. Let's see if the criminal justice system gets this one right.


KL said...

For me, this is clearly the officers fault. Fear for his life? That does not apply in this case. The video clearly speaks on how the man was running away, not towards him. I did not see anything that seem a threat, the man could barely even run. This happens a lot and it needs to be controlled, in most of the cases like this there isn’t a video and the officer wins.

Anonymous said...

I like the mayor’s standpoint and perspective on this matter. He states, “When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.” He makes it clear that regardless of what side you’re on, you have to live with the choices you make. However, I didn’t believe Walter Scott had to be shot and killed. I think he should’ve been shot and incapacitated, and then brought in for questioning. The backlash that came from the murder could’ve been avoided if the officer aimed somewhere else.

Unknown said...

The officer made no sense, he said he was endanger of his life but in the video he shot the man 8 times. Not once did the man try to attack him. The police officer did not waste anytime shooting the man as soon as he turned around and started to run then after yelled put your hands behind your back or in the air.