Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Future of Policing

 The Future of Policing: A Practical Guide for Police Managers and Leaders


Awais Ali said...

Great Approach..
A unique one indeed

Quelvi said...

I think this could greatly help people looking to become law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

I am a current Criminal Justice student and although many people who take the path of this career do it to be part of the law enforcement field and become a police officer or another type of official such as detective, FBI, or S.W.AT. , I do it to become a lawyer. Pursuing a different career than most people in this field does not stop me from worrying about our officers and the duty they perform daily. I believe being able to establish a better communication with our officers will help create an even greater understanding among all officials. Officers should be respected, as well as the citizens they serve in order to maintain a balanced relationship. And if the book written by such official figures could contribute to the reconstruction of our fragmented law enforcement agencies than it should definitely be taken into consideration and evaluated by the people in charge, to be used and applied for a better and brighter future.
JR -3064