Sunday, May 22, 2011

Md. State Trooper killed in auto accident - Washington Times

Md. State Trooper killed in auto accident - Washington Times


Arif Zulhilmi Bin Abd Rahman said...

You have a nice blog. :)

Anonymous said...

This sad. I really don't think that officers should really chase these guys. It's only providing more danger.

Anonymous said...

really sad..but wait so you dont think cops should play hero by trying to keep the streets safe for their kids and our future? ok good call-_-

Anonymous said...

sad. never understood why tractor trailer drivers can legally park at the side of highways to sleep. having driven to florida a million times on I95 I can say its a dark road at many points. no wonder this cop didn't see it while on a 120mph chase.
S.d. 4954

Anonymous said...

Thats a sad tragic event. Most people don't realize how dangerous it is to be a high way trooper. Chasing vehicles at high speeds is extremely dangerous and when you are on a road that is used by tractor trailers a a lot more dangerous. If anything should come from this, it should be that a law that makes it so 18 wheelers are no longer allowed to pull over on highways for sleep. Rest stops are made for a reason and they should use them or there will be more accidents like this and that is a sad thought. D.R. CJI-102 5661

Anonymous said...

Is it or was it worth the chase? This was senseless loss, but I guess he was doing his job. He won't be the firt nor the last in this field of work. Everyday there are tragedies.


Anonymous said...

This is so tragic. It's sad to see any person who made a name for themselves and just out here trying to make a living just randomly have their life taken like that... it must suck for the families since they aren't warned or anything.

KT - 4624

Anonymous said...

This is very sad. Though, when on a high speed chase, it could be possible the officer lost control of the car or the roads do not have lamp posts around for more visibility. Highway patrol is very dangerous.
A.A. 5111

Anonymous said...

You don't really hear news stories such as this everyday where a cop is hit in a car accident and is killed. Of course not knowing if the truck driver was driving under the influence or intoxicated. Nonetheless it is a terrible thing that happened that could of been a complete accident that ended tragically.
BM 1261

Anonymous said...

This story is tragic since the state trooper is leaving behind his six children. The trooper was doing his job and died during duty. The least the department can do for him is to take care of his children and make sure they have a good education and know how brave their dad was.
SE 7722

Anonymous said...

I never thought twice about tractor trailers being able to park and rest for the night on the shoulder of highways until reading this article. This is truly a tragedy, and there should be a law that eighteen wheelers have to stop and spend the nights at rest areas only. It makes the jobs of highway patrol easier and safer at night. Pursuing motorcyclist at high speeds is extremely dangerous, since they can change directions so quickly and the size grants them more maneuverability. which was most likely a strong factor in the crash, since it most likely caused him to lose control.
-KK 8086

Anonymous said...

This story is very sad knowing that an officer who was just doing his job died from a freak accident. Tractor trailers should not be able to park on the side of highways. There are many rest stops and truck stops for them to stop at instead of along side a highway. All they are doing there is getting into the way and causing accidents like this that should not happen. This is something that can be avoided by a simply law that prohibits trucks from stopping and staying on the side of highways. JS-1684