Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bottoms up. Who knew?

Study: Anti-Drinking Ads May Increase Risk of Teen Binging - AOL News


Anonymous said...

The approach that NorthWestern University student had taken to prevent teen drinking is commendable. On the other hand, the ads might have a boomerang effect because according to the article, people who show shame or guilt are more often to binge drink.Creating ads is always rewarding when they achieved the goals they are set-out to do. However, people are set in their own ways and so often do whatever their selfish hearts desire. Until recently, it was a ten year decline in teenage drinking and driving. With concerned students like NorthWestern University students, we can combat alcoholism amongst teenagers and put this growing epidemic in remission for good.SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

they can make as many ads as they want it will not stop teen drinking. for example newark has frat row which is on MLK Drive and i have been to a frat party and with my own eyes witnessed a dt and other witnesses tell me there always d tecs in the partys which most of the partys consist of marijuana use and also heavy drinking not 30 packs of beer try like 5 kegs of beer and alcohol aslo is consumed there. im sure all college students are not 21so maybe lowering the drinking age and raising the lisence age may help i dont know....JF0932

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8792
Alcohol should be illegal if consumed outside the home.

JTG-7666 said...

These people promoting the anti-drinking ads should stop wasting money on something that they know they are not going to accomplish. No matter what they try to do teens are still going to drink, is nothing new.. JTG-7666

Anonymous said...

I agree with jtg-7666, these anti-drinking ads is just a waste of money. Teens will always have a way to get cigarettes and alcohol. There going to have to try a little harder then 9504

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
The anti-drinking ad may help a few teens see the consequences of how, why, and what drinking will do. To the community, their love ones, and TO themselves. It is up to the individual to decide if he/she will fall into the peer/ society persuasion to start drinking or not. One or two beers once in a while might sound okay. I respect peoples opinion on drinking. However, do you or will you ever know the long term effect it will cause in he/she life? Its very difficult to know. But the negative consequences can be avoided.

Anonymous said...

People learn best from experience, so I really dont think that these adds will help.Especially for younger people, they often need to find out for themselves.And sometimes it takes a bad experience for them to make that change.

Anonymous said...

The ads have nothing to do with teen drinking, they blame everything but the parents on these type of situations. SJC 1687