Sunday, March 7, 2010

Did System Fail Slain California Teen Chelsea King? - AOL News

Did System Fail Slain California Teen Chelsea King? - AOL News


Anonymous said...

Yes, the system failed many Chelsea King's out there. Moreover, our children are being preyed upon by these repeat offender and as a result, here is another child deceased and the justice system is scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. One reason for the injustice is because of the two standard rule they have in our society by sentencing Blacks to more harsher jail time than Whites. Secondly, even though they are registered sex-offenders they still roamed the streets like every other descent citizen in the community. I have seen the John walsh interview with President Barack Obama and accordingly to him he is a concerned parent of two girls and he is very much in touch with systems that is failing children on a daily basics. Currently, the President extended the United Stated marshall with a 100 more officers to track down sex- offenders who fell through the cracks. Also, he promise to work with legislators to reform current laws. Just note, violence just don't happen in certain location so the best system is for parents to educate their children about pedophiles and make sure when you are jogging or go anywhere of that matter you are in a public setting where people can see you and you feel safe. SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

People have grow some balls.If the laws and justice can stop this monsters.The people should.??

Anonymous said...

The system is designed to castrate people of color by eliminating their existence in the family through incarceration. This is a sexual predator, a deviant who will never be cured. There should be no release for him, early or otherwise. He should be placed in a facility where he endures what he enacts on these young girls by his cell mates. Afterwhich if the system wishes to offer him therapy so be it. 5223

Anonymous said...

This situation reminds me of a very dear friend that was slain after she was molested, raped and had two of his children by her step father and then murdered, because she told her mother and then her mother got murdered too. This goes to show how fuKced up people are and then to make it worse the system is no help. They in turn gives them a slap on the wrist and let them loose, to register as a sex offender. Man please register for what it doesn’t stop them from doing it again despite of how many people knows they are sex offenders. I am one who believe that sometimes an eye for an eye treatment is what some of these cold and heartless bastards deserve. You take a life you then you should have yours taken as well. I know it’s not right to take a life for a life but people like them don’t deserve to have life after taking someone else’s life, because you did wrong to them and you got caught. I can go on and on about this but the system failed her big time when they let out this convicted sex offender out too early, after it was the prison psychiatrist advised against releasing him,she said that he is and would still be a threat to girls but they released him early anyway, and what the result a senseless crime raping and killing of Chelsea King. People like these don’t change no matter what you do to them they will always be what they are….…VAF2053.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
Individuals which are so dangerous to society should not be left just walking around in the streets. No matter how well a process the rehabilitation was, there still remains no cure for sex-offenders. Thus, these individuals are to be kept within a certain area amongst themselves, as, if they so happen to see a target - 9 of 10 times they will try to attack.

Truth said...

I believe laws containing sex offenders should be change so, that sex offenders are kept away from children. You have this one guy who has killed, assaulted, molested, and tried to kill, underage girls. Now if a psychiatrist recommended that the offender should get nothing less than 10yr, because he showed no remorse for the victims and he is consider dangerous to underage girl, then he should never been able to see day light again. I think the prosecutors should have allowed the victims to testify so that the offender a longer sentence.

Anonymous said...


Once a sexual predator always a sexual predator!
The sentencing received in this case was definitely too lenient. I agree with the psychiatrist’s recommendation of maximum sentencing but disagree with the length of maximum time. Because he showed no remorse, he should be put away for the rest of his life so that he is reminded everyday of how he has violated and ruined the lives of others. Victims of sexual assault, specifically children are psychologically scared for life. Sexual abuse can cause depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome, anxiety, paranoia, low self-esteem, promiscuity, substance abuse, suicide and many other issues. Victims of sexual assault are also likely to become sexual offenders.
As a deterrent, sexual offenders should be placed on a bracelet that tracks their location at all times for the rest of their lives. This bracelet should alert authorities whenever a pedophile gets within a certain range of a school, park, or other places where children congregate. When an incident occurs investigators can look up know offenders in that area and check their movements during the day and time in question. Another possible solution could be an injection that equalizes the chemical imbalance that is believed to cause one to sexually violate others. Of course such a thing will probably never be created or even considered because it would mean money would have to be spent to develop and test it. It is more profitable to keep recidivism statistics high so investors in prisons continue to make money.

JTG-7666 said...

The system did fail Chelsea King.. The system should be modified, to help protect our children from these sex offender.These sex offender should be put away forever. JTG-7666

Anonymous said...

I believe that sex offenders should be put away for life! Had this been done Chelsea King could have still been here today.Its sad.

Gera5393 said...

Six years! Please, drug dealers get more than that. This not even his first offense. They also suspect him in other situations dealing with women. This guy will hurt someone again. Even the psychiatrist said he shows no remorse. There was no justice served in this case. If I was the girls parents I'll be fuming. Sounds like a lazy prosecutor to me. That's crazy, this guy sounds like a monster and he should be in jail. I guess some one else has to die in order for him to be put away for good.

Anonymous said...

I dont think the laws for sex offenders are strong at all, they definitely need psychological help the most. SJC 1687

Unknown said...

these sex offenders should be watched carefully and be taken out of society, he is a cruel man. He needs psychiatric attention and counseling and he should still be sentenced for his crime, obviously something is wrong with this man, he needs help and jail time.

Tucker0669 said...

sex offenders need to be watched and be taken off the streets. he needs psychiatric help and counseling. And he should still be sentenced