Monday, March 29, 2010

Pope Opens Holy Week Amid Sex Abuse Crisis

If the Pope is found to be complicit in this matter, what punishment should he receive? Be careful what you write, God might be watching.

Pope Opens Holy Week Amid Sex Abuse Crisis - AOL News


Anonymous said...

I don't think no body should be judging the pope. All the religions are not perfect. Most of them do not make their troubles public, as well. The lawyers, the doctors, and many other criminals commit these horrible actions too as might as well be judge, too.I do not agree with what was done but the pope has also committed good deeds for the catholic church as well.

Anonymous said...

We don't have a right to judge the Pope? Do we have a right to judge folks that rape kids?

Anonymous said...

Church is a business. I do not believe in it. I do not trust people who go to church. By own experience most of this people are bad selfish, lier, cheater, etc. I believe in God. But God is everywhere but church.

A.L.V. 5309

Lisa M. said...

WoW... these comments are interesting! I believe no one is above the law... the Pope if convicted should be charged just like anyone else... as for the Church yes it is a business... but just because someone is a bad apple does not mean everyone is. I am not religious, but i know many people that are, and they are as good as those like me that are not. It is the individual that decides if they are a good person, not the faith. Now if we want to use it as a crutch, something to hide behind.. or to use in excuse of... then that is the individual that is making those decisions not the religion.. man is responsible for what man does. We need to start taking responsibility for own actions!

Anonymous said...

the pope should be punished just like anyone else. Children were molested and will never be the same again so he has to take those consequences because of his actions. If he doesn't, he would be a hypocrite of the catholic religion.
SJC 1687

Gera5393 said...

How can you honor God and rape kids. One comment said "Do we have the right to judge people who rape kids?" Hellooooooooooooo! Hell yea what if hat was your child, sibling or even you. That is sick and disgusting how can any grown person have sex with a child. One of the priest were having sex with deaf boys. That is just so low. And if the Pope covered anything up he is just as sick as them. I've never ed trusted them priest anyway. When a child is raped that is something that effects the rest of their lives. Your a person of God why would you want a child to suffer like that. There are really some sick people that hide behind veils and its sad.

Tucker0669 said...

Listen i dont care if he is religious or not. You hurt kids, then You should suffer the consequences. Its not right for a child to be sexually abused, how do u think that child should feel throught there life. it has done damaged to them for life, he should go to jail just like anyone else, pope or not, religous or not, he should be sentenced, and thats that!

Tucker0669 said...

Listen pope or not. You hurt kids, then you suffer the consequences. obviously he doesnt care about the childs feelings, and the damage that he have done, it will follow them throught there life time. Its not right and its not fair. I dont care, Religious or Not, Pope or Not, he should get a sentence just like any one else, and that is that!