I cannot count the number of times I have expressed my feelings regarding the impact of bullying and teasing. Now we have to deal with the aftermath of a distraught individual who appears to be the victim of teasing. The perpetrator, Jiverly Wong, is alleged to have been teased about his poor English language skills and now several people are dead. The victims were attempting to become a part of the America dream, now their families have to make arrangements for their funerals. It is no longer innocent behavior to make fun of someone. The words you use can now cause you serious harm. Should he have taken his frustration out on those that caused him the pain? Don't worry, even though he is gone there are many more to follow. Now will you tease me?
To put it bluntly , he did not have to react in this fashion .In fact, United States is a country of laws which means legal steps could have been the right course .I think he confuses his culture with the American culture .Besides , you do not self help in America.I myself is an immigrant ,but i do not act in that fashion.To top that off, my girl friend claims that my accent "stinks" .Every immigrant has poor english skills at some point ,some of us get rid of it with through oral practice.However, the huge majority of us possesses low self esteem which complicates our effort to speak english effectively.All in all,based on the comments , i can deliberately anticipate that the gunman has no education whatsoever because with formal education comes confidence and morals.
He also shot eleven immigrants , those eleven foreigners should be on the same page as he is .I assume that they should have been excluded from the massacre.
Alas, he took his own life .Otherwise , i would recommend him the ultimate sentence.
LJ 6631
although i believe their is no excuse for Jiverly Wong to kill all those innocent people i think it would be unfair to show sympathy for this man .Not everyone could handle adversity and Mr Wong handle it in a different way.More should be done to recognize people with problems like Jiverly Wong.
Just last week I did a paper on school shootings. The common factor in all the cases was that they all were bullied. Yes, we need to teach our children how to deal with bullies, but we also need to hold the bullies responsible for there actions. As far as Jiverly Wong is concerned, he is way too damn old to deal with is problems like that. All through grade school I was teased beyond belief. I would put up a front as if nothing they said and did bothered me even though I was crying my heart out inside but never once did anything like that cross my mind. Instead I took that hurt and made it work for me.
K.D. 2083
Bullying is a serious matter that carries along throughout the world. As much as people say words don't hurt, it obviously does. The bullies may think that it is a laughing matter but doesn't realize that the same person should be home comtemplating the thoughts of suicide. Everyone does not have the same personality trait to control their thoughts. so the words you express to someone that you are bullying can be the boiling point to a diaster that could be avoided.
AKR 4163
What’s so wrong with attending school with the intention of making yourself and society a better place? But "NO" we have individuals who would rather boost their own self esteem at the expense of others. I guess it’s asking too much, to mind your own business and leave people alone. The game today is played by totally different rules, which results in individuals lashing back.
I’m not condoning what Mr. Wong did, but I’m not surprised either. These incidents are a becoming a trend on school grounds. This isn’t an angry immigrant problem, but a big mouth bully problem. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!
KG 3792
Words can hurt. We must be mindful of other peoples feeling. Everyone is not going to handle a situation the way we do. dg7659
It's really hard to imagine what someone goes through coming to the US or any other country as an immigrant, no matter what age they are. Fighting back bullies with anger and violence isn't the answer, but imagine if you are trying to make a better life for yourself and people around you are crushing your dreams just because you have an accent or dress differently or whatever. It can be really damaging, so we need to help both people who are bullied and bullies too to help both become better people.
SG 4591
Darnell Well I was unable to view the video, but I did a research paper on bullying. And most people are unclear as to how the number of people being bullied is increasing. For most, bullying never really been a concern, but when lives are taken as a result for bullying. It now has to be taken very seriously. Victims of bullying is often referred to as sheepgoat.
I have never been a fan of bullying or teasing people. I believe that it is a very cruel and immature act.I have always accepted people for who they are. People that stand out are those that I admire as opposed to those that look and sound like everyone else. It is unfortunate that he took the lives of these individuals.I am not at all saying that this is right, but you truly never know what someone is going through.You never know how what you do or say can affect a person.As individuals we need to really learn how to give people the same respect that we demand.Open our eyes to see that not everyone is like us. What they cant do maybe we can. But what we dont have maybe they do.WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and people begin to understand that we will be better off.
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