Friday, April 24, 2009

Am I missing something?????

Let me get this straight: six "white" troopers are alleged to have sexually assaulted a college student and they get suspended with pay. Conversely, a "black" trooper is alleged to have had sexual relations with a known prostitute and gets charged with sexual assault, official misconduct and criminal restraint and gets suspended immediately without pay.  Again, I am asking, "Am I missing something?" Please educate me on this one. 


Anonymous said...

Well,let me say that it is difficult to establish the guilt when the defendants are numerous not to mention the attitude of the justice system towards races .To put it bluntly, whites could mean reliable based on the milieu.On the other hand,let say the college student was not a cooperative victim ,the prosecutor probably had inadequate evidence to "throw the book at" the white state troopers .Otherwise ,she could be terrified as to disseminating information on six white state troopers. Conversely, a single black state trooper sexually assaulted a woman is already justified because of how they the legal system perceive us ,so the punishment can be more severe .To tell the truth , my point of view does not grounded in any criteria ,but in the eyes of the justice system , blacks are more prone to break rules ,and it is cross cultural.Therefore, the "single" black state trooper punishment was more severe than the whites'.In truth, the only way the black state trooper could have spared from his punishment is whether a white male was involved which i have read about.To top that off , let say the lady was white ,the punishment could have been this way, based on the jurisdiction.All in all,Sadly speaking,whites and blacks have the same capacity to sexually assault women ,but there seems to be a double standard as to blacks .

Furthermore,nowadays blacks can be interrogated just because of racial profiling .Therefore, i think we blacks should expect uneven punishments .

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

The race situation is always going to be an issue. It is inevitable. Because of race, a black person is not going receive a fair trial. Until black and white are put on the same level we will continue to have this issue and many more. It has been addressed but we as a people need to do more in our community like speaking out on racial profiling and discrimination. DG7659

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how having both a Black President and US Attorney General who are both sensitive to racial inequalities will impact the justice system. AG Holder is not one to mince words and is a progressive thinker. It will be interesting to see if these agents of change will be allowed by the powerbrokers to reverse some of the damage of the Bush administration and a conservative Supreme Court. Who the president picks to replace Justice Souter and whether that appointment is accepted will be an important indicator.

Anonymous said...

It's all about race!no matter what a black person try to be in life,they
will always be treat the same way and the one to suffer the most.

Anonymous said...

Darnell I'm somewhat shocked at the fact that racism is taking place within our law enforcement agencies. I'm curious to know why is that the white officers consequences was extremely leniant as opposed to the black officer. I'm well aware at the fact racism takes place within my community, but I had no idea it was taking place within the police force.

Anonymous said...

Race does play a factor on have society views black people. Again where is the justice. Both are troopers but one gets suspended with pay and one without pay. Clearly race is involved and still we press on to rise through the struggles set before as. So no your not missing anything. Keep calling it as you see it...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

Race does play a factor on have society views black people. Again where is the justice. Both are troopers but one gets suspended with pay and one without pay. Clearly race is involved and still we press on to rise through the struggles set before as. So no your not missing anything. Keep calling it as you see it...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

It is a shame, but this doesnt shock me one bit.We will be faced with racism until the death of us.

Anonymous said...

This look like a case early 1900 laws.
