Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mexico is not the problem!

Let me see if I get this right. Americans love to get high. They want the best stuff and the best prices. The Mexicans have a product that the Americans want and they will provide it at a good price. Now the American government is trying to have an all out assault on the Mexican drug cartels only because they are providing a product that Americans want. Am I missing something or is this a double standard? What ever happen to capitalism? Please, if you know something more please share. I firmly believe that if the American government can do something about its own people, then we would not be having this conversation. Yet, "Choice Theory" reigns supreme. America, deal with it. You started this problem. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keep it real pimpin' ain't easy, ask Mike.

What do the following individuals have in common; Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Carmelo Anthony, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, Lebron James and of course, Sir Michael Jordan?  Okay stop guessing, they are all millionaires who could care less about what you or I think. Their bottom line is the dollar bill and nothing else. I recently heard a sports commentator on WBAI radio station, 99.5 FM, listener sponsored, asking an athlete why more athletes don't speak up on issues facing society. The person being asked the question said that athletes are concerned with their words being taken out of context, thus possibly causing them problems with sponsors. It never ceases to amaze me why the media looks to "these" individuals to ask question about what happens to the average person. Granted, most of these individuals come from the communities that are facing most of the problems, however, they rarely stay and take all of their money to the suburbs. I say ask the common person and see what they say is affecting them and what they need as assistance. I think the recently released convict, Charles Barkley, said it best when he stated, "I am no role model for anyone. Parents should be role models for their kids." The media should stop looking to these individuals to speak for the common person. These superstars are "prostitutes" for corporate America. I dare anyone to say that they are not. Okay, you know my position regarding your opinion; yours count as much as mine. Let me hear you what you have to say. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What are we becoming in this society?

When I read about the police officers being killed in Oakland, California, my hearts immediately went out to their families and colleagues. It is a sad day for the law enforcement community. Yet, I am reminded of the young man that was killed by the police officer a few weeks earlier. What happened to the Community Policing concept? Are times getting that bad on the west coast? These recent events have the potential to exacerbate racial tension. As I was looking at the press conference I recognized the deputy police chief as a former classmate from the FBI National Academy. Initially, I was happy for his accomplishments, then I realized that this is the same individual that was not allowed to graduate with us because of some "racist" remarks he made to a woman who was with her family at a local eatery. So, what does this have to do with this incident, probably nothing. However, I did say that this situation has the potential to set things off. Leadership starts from the top and trickles down. I hope that I am wrong.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who will watch the police?

During several discussions in my classes, I observed the disdain on student's faces regarding their feelings about police officers. Not ever trying to change anyone's thoughts, I wanted to give a little reprieve to those who believe that nothing is being done. There are organizations that are doing a diligent job, but are they doing a disservice to the honest cops who take their jobs seriously and responsibly. Should a police officer have to look over their shoulder every time they make a split second decision on the street? Should the mainstream public afford the police officer the benefit of the doubt based on the stressful job they are required to do?

Oh, maybe this is why Copwatch is needed. Who knew...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taser or gun, no difference. Death inevitable.

After having several debates regarding the Bart Police Department shooting of an unarmed man, I had to do a little soul searching regarding my position on the police officer's defense. I stated that there was no way that the police officer would shoot an unarmed man while lying in a prone position and with numerous witnesses. I still maintain my position until all the facts come out. However, the attached link will shed new light on the usage of the taser.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No, really why are you in jail?

I totally understand cracking down on the little guy to set an example. However, what is the cost for imprisoning someone for stealing gas? Yes that is right, gas. With all the corruption that is going on in the State of New Jersey, do we really need to feed the prison industrial system with another low level criminal? Can there be a better way to deal with situations like these? Does probation come to mind?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It was just a matter of time... unfortunately.

In this time of economic strife, we cannot forget those among us who are dealing with some serious mental health issues. As I walk through the streets, I am constantly reminded that those of us who are less fortunate have more to deal with mentally than most. Not knowing where your next meal is coming from can be very stressful. I applaud those who do the best that they can and move on. However, when an individual turns his/her inner rage onto society, then it is society's job to find out why. The recent mass killings in Alabama and Germany should serve notice that we have some seriously ill people in our midst. Does Columbine come to mind? Regarding the German shooting, let's wait to see if this kid was bullied or just mad at the world. However, what could we have done to help them? The author is personally affected by the German shooting because he has a god daughter that goes to school about an hour away from the shooting. God bless all of the innocent in Germany and Alabama.  God bless: German translation: Gott segnet