Saturday, March 15, 2008

Give me ten minutes for you to just think.

Sometimes a person will cross your path and expose you to something that is so obvious. Regardless of your politics and/or your position on controversial topics; please oblige me and just listen to the attached website and express your opinion (s). It might take twenty or thirty minutes to get it, but I think you will. Just free your mind.

"Pro-conscienceness is for the intellectual types, so get in on the conversation if you dare." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

I am not a big fan of trying to decode the messages of others, but here is part of what I came away with.

Just as its residents this country is more like an idea rather than who or what it really is.
Like most of its residents this country has created and maintained a lie based image that has been maintained so vigorously that we believe it to be reality. On the rare occasions that we do get real it must be forced out by fear or a extremely high position of vulnerability.

Most of us walk around stepping all over one another, not bothering to recognize the absence of basic human decency. But when the bomb drops we don�t care who we are standing next to. Most importantly we do not care about the class, religion, or the race because that �rhymes with brass� is on the line.

Let�s see. We are so arrogant that simple and life saving instructions escape us. I�m sure arrogance has taken a few people out and that will probably be the downfall of our country.

Although this country certainly has enough violence to last a lifetime I�m sure we can't compare to living places were there is literal war going on everyday. Do we see that one day of war like and violent uncertainty for us is a daily reality for some?(9510)

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are here for a reason and sometimes believe or not we think that other races and religions are normal and it doesnt matter until they do something bad or they commit a tragedy.
Thats when we like kind of wake up and realize whats happening and then we start to see the mistakes and why is other religions and people meaning to races here and why they doin this bad things.5794

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this person before, but she did make some very interesting statements. Some I agree with others I do not, I guess it all depends on your point of view and that we all have different opinions. Maybe she is right or she knows something that I do not. 2530

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of her poitns but there are some that i dont agree. It all depends on your point of view and how you see certain things.

Anonymous said...

i see where she is coming from because, the government knows what is going to happen before we would. by allowing it to happen she's right, it was a shame that so many lost their lives, are suffering from the after effects, and bodies are still being dicovered. on that day we came together but we did not stick together, we went on after awhile, just to be stricken by those many killings afterwards. we need to wake up and really see what the government and that president is doing to us before it is really too late to react to the dust in our face.(7593)

Anonymous said...

Not that familiar with this narrator but most of what she talked about was on point she know something we dont. 4539

Anonymous said...

What I get from the poet Ani DiFranco is that the gov't is corrupt and trying to persuade the people with the use of the media they promote lies and feed off the fear and ignorance of the American people such as the election of 2000 and quite possibly Sept 11 according to her, and we must seek the truth. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

I could not open the video, apparently the video has been removed by the user.

I have no comments.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see the video either but it seems like it had something to do with the government knowing a lot more information then they act like they do. Sometimes it does feel like certain things that happen were planned or didn't get enough attention so something bad happened. The government only gives out information when it's on their side, so that needs to change.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

Alas , the video is no longer posted .However , i figure that it is about conspiracies between government and media.In fact, i anticipate that the concept that "If it bleeds , it leads" should be eliminated in the media.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell I was unable to the view the video because it was no longer. And most of them youtube videos are no longer posted. But I am going to post comments anyway just so you can be aware of my efforts. Nonetheless, I have freed my mind, commented several blogs and now it's time for me to get some henny. lol