Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't shoot, I am a cop too!

For those in the law enforcement profession, the decision to discharge your weapon can lead to long lasting ramifications. The choice to pull out your weapon is normally predicated upon someone's actions other than your own. Several months ago, a young African-American off duty police officer came to the aid of a citizen who had just been assaulted. Unfortunately, the officer lost his life at the hands of on duty police officers who were summoned to the scene. The details were sketchy, but today the grand jury, investigating the shooting, decided that there was reasonable cause to believe that the on duty police officers acted appropriately and chose not to indict them. The family of the slain police officer, Christopher Riddley, believe that their son was executed. This case received minimal news coverage because the officers involved were white, black, and Hispanic. The fact that there was diversity in the officers made a world of a difference with regard to how this case was handled. What can law enforcement do so that this does not happen again?

" The success of a mentor is found in the success of others." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I do not see what law enforcement can do to ensure this does not happen again. The off duty police officer was wrestling with the suspect for his gun when the police arrived so he probably could not identify himself as a police officer. There was a shot fired from the gun the two were wrestling for so the police returned fire which you cannot really blame them for. Therefore it is just a very unfortunate situation but I am not sure what can be done to prevent it. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that there is anything that law enforcement can do about these accidential this case the off duty officer had a gun and didn't announce that he was a police officer,therefore I believe that the on duty police officers did the right thing. That's what they are trrained 2 do. I'm sure if there was no shots fired from the direction of the off duty cop,this would have never happened. Other cases aren't like this, the other cases are usually more serious. CA

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that there is anything that law enforcement can do about these accidential this case the off duty officer had a gun and didn't announce that he was a police officer,therefore I believe that the on duty police officers did the right thing. That's what they are trrained 2 do. I'm sure if there was no shots fired from the direction of the off duty cop,this would have never happened. Other cases aren't like this, the other cases are usually more serious. CA

Anonymous said...

I don't think that law enforcement can do anything. There is only a split second to react as an officer when you come to a situation when there are guns involved and shots are fired. They didn't know he was an off duty officer. It is sad but these things happen all the time. 4035

Anonymous said...

This is a highly unfortunate incident and it seems that the only likely suggestion would be training officers to better handle situations such as this.

Whether or not said training would help minimize these types of situations is anyone's guess. Its probably the instict of most officers to pull and shoot when they see a weapon. And can you really blame them?

But then again should we trust the lives of innocent citizens to officers that do not possess the ability to make the all to important quick decision?(9510)

Anonymous said...

well inforcement wont do anything to prevent this will happen again...unfortunatly its the way the our police ppl work...they dont care...i mean they do but not enough to actually do sutin bout it...of course the guy that pulled the trigger is gonna leave free, hell say "oh, i thought he was reaching for a gun/ weapon" w/e, whos not gunna believe him? not the family should've gotten least cover for the guys funeral...dont b a "pao duro" =) thats wut we call, but really, gettin serious now, wut will law enforcement do so this dont happen again? nuttin...its a sad fact, but the very truth...NUTTIN, so everytime you leave the house say "baby i love you" cuz udk if u comin bak =D

LGDS... pe@ce

Anonymous said...

Affortunately we cant do nothing much because of how much corruption we have not only in this country but every where. I believe that we should prevented by traing police officers to be aware of what the opposite person is going do and then for the police officer to act. Also to stand in a distance that the cop can cover himself in case of a shooting. This way it gives him time to see if the oponent is going attack or not. 5794

Anonymous said...

Its a shame when cases like this are handled differently because of the skin color of the officer who pulled the trigger. All cases should be handled the same.

Off duty officers need to think twice before they get involved in a incident when they are in plain clothes. 2530

Anonymous said...

in most cases, i think to solve this problem is to use bullets that really hurt and have other officers that are qualified to handle their weapons to be parners of those who do not. having rookies together while the pros ride together needs to be rethink and see what progress happens next.(7593)

Anonymous said...

There is nothin the police can do to fix this. An off duty cop didnt have the time to indentify himself and plus when the officers was dispatched there they know there was a gun on the site. So the officers probably came ready to shot and not realizing that he was an off duty officer

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

this is a shame! ms 0777

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't know what can be done. Officers are placed in a challenging position. There was a time when being a cop was a reason to be proud. However, today the relationship between the community and police officers is strained, probably due to lack of trust or fear. However, those feelings are conveyed on both sides, thus leaving a situation to escalate. Unfortunately, this situation is going to happen again because some officers are afraid and the others are cocky and all are filled with emotions. It is inevitable. *2232

Anonymous said...

It depends on how the officers choose to respond during the situation. There is nothing that could really be done only if as soon as the off duty officer sees other officers on duty, he immediately identifies himself. This is hard to do if you are involved in a scuffle. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

Whether or not training would help minimize these types of situations is anyone's guess. Its probably the instict of most officers to pull and shoot once they see a weapon. Putting yourself in their shoes can you really blame them. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...


Unfortunally a cop died. Sound to me that the off duty cop was a newbie that got involved without knowing how to handle a situation. We are taught to call for assistance (dial 911) and to give as much information as possible.

Furthermore, let the dispatcher alert the responding officers and units that there is an off duty cop with weapon in the scene. Also, to have an ambulance to respond for medical assistance.

HE should have his badge display and as soon as the officers arrived on the scene have his hands on the air and approach the officers identifying himself as off duty officer.

This simple procedures are basic street survivor steps. Like I said before, lack of training kills cops and innocent bystanders.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

This was unfortuante. Just another case of caught in the wrong skin. dg7659

Anonymous said...

If the off duty officer did not say that he was, then it makes the situation difficult because how would the on duty officers know the difference? The case is still sad because he lost his life but a second of saying who he was could have saved him.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I think law enforcement can have off duty officers notify P.Ds beforehand when they are called on to help citizens .With this in mind , on duty police officers can be aware of them.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell That's crazy and if i'm not mistaken, the black officer is the one who was supposedly shot accidently. I lack respect for most police officers, but I commend him for his brave and heroic efforts. As far as the accidental shooting, I beg to differ. That was not an accident, I think the officers called to the scene was terrified at the fact there has been an assault and they notice a black male with a gun. In order to prevent this from happening again officers do need training but they need to know whose the bad guy before they discharge their weapons

Anonymous said...

I realy don't think that any police officer and identified a off duty officer. and less the off duty officer could identified him self specialy when the there is a gun in folved.

Anonymous said...

I think that their should be a code or something so that when an officer arrives at an scene ( off duty or plain clothes) they will know not to shoot at them.

sb #8642