Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Jersey and the death penalty

Within the past few months the State of New Jersey did something controversial and monumental in the same vain. Governor Corzine signed legislation against the death penalty. The rippling effect of this courageous act was felt in Rome by the Pope, who publicly acknowledged the courage of the State of New Jersey to take such a stance. It has been a long time coming to actually admit that taking a person's life is morally wrong.

Will this open the doors for more violent criminals to commit acts of violence against citizens of New Jersey? Will this increase the population of the jails and prisons? Or will this set in motion reforms to look at other aspects of the criminal justice system that are inherently wrong? Only time will tell, but you can express your views now.

"Careful planning negates burning bridges" Dr. BLR

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Will the New Year change anything?

The year 2007 is now behind us; so what will the new year bring? Unfortunately, history has shown us that not much will change. The crime rate will continue to fluctuate. Politicians and police directors will applaud the progress that their police departments have made.They will justify their tactics and policies that made the crime rate drop from previous years. However, how safe will the American public really feel? Does five less murders consider a city or town safer to live in? Can the fact that robberies and car thefts are also down, make a community lower their guard? These statistical games have been continually played, but who are the true losers? What can the average "JOE" do to take control of his environment? Chime in if you have any solutions.

"Make sure the sum total of your knowledge is eclectic and not singular in nature." Dr.BLR