Sunday, July 15, 2007

Til death do us part.

Life is a precious commodity that we must all cherish. Inasmuch as we are not guaranteed the next minute, we must appreciate all of the time that we are afforded on this earth. One of the unfortunate realities of the law enforcement profession is death. Everyday that a police officer puts on their uniform and goes to work, they are not guaranteed a return trip home to their loved ones. If no one has told you, then let me be the first. . . someday you might not get a chance to go home. Not every profession has to deal with this possibility.

The unfortunate death of New York police officer Russell Timoshenko is a sad reminder that in some neighborhoods there is a disdain for law enforcement. That does not mean that police officers are not appreciated. What it means is that cops must always remain vigilant and cognizant of their surroundings. The coming days will be for the police community to mourn for a fallen brother, but like anything else, we must move on. My sincerest condolences to my fallen comrade. You will not be forgotten. Rest in peace...

" Happiness is knowing that fond memories are just a thought away." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

some people are misguided in life, they are taught to take a life without thinking. then when they realized that this person really mean alot to others in this world. when an innocent police officer or any other law body is killed for no reason then it is a sad situation to that persons family.then you think about it sometimes and i'm not 100%true but they are put in those situations on purpose by co workers.(7593)

Anonymous said...

It truly takes a special and brave indiviual to become an officer. One risks his or her life to uphold justice and what they believe is right. Police must fall back on their training and always beaware of the situation they will insue. Policing is a dangerous job that one must have a passion for and understand the risks, no one should have to die for a job, but when an officer dies he does not die in vein he or she may have saved the lives of many others and should be treated as a hero for doing so. 9146

Anonymous said...

being a police officier is a very dangerous days my fellow peers dont care about life...they dont realize all of the pain they cause by killing another person... many young people need to think about people kids and people parents because they are the ones that will fill the most.(0230)

Anonymous said...

Life is not guarenteed in the law enforcment profession but then again life is not guarenteed PERIOD. If one can not accept that fact then law enforcement is definatly not the career for them. Death IS one heck of an occupational hazard but hopefully proper training can prepare us and prevent it from happening as often. (7885)

Anonymous said...

This statement is not only true for police officers, but also for fireman as well. I think to be a police officer, you must have courage, intergrity and determination. Ironically, I wanted to be an officer. I could not be one because I was "too petite." Today, I am glad I could not because as heartless and cruel as people are today, I could have easily lost objectively. To those who have fallen, may God Bless your loves ones left behind. *2232

Anonymous said...

All I can say to those of you who have love ones serving as police officers out there, cherish them every single day that goes by and hug them every single day/night you see your love one walking thru your door because that means got gave him/her another day of life in this earth. Appreciate those who put their lives on the line for others because not everyone is willing to put their lives at risk to save others. God bless... # 5839

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace....This is one risk you put yourself in when you decide to take on the responsibility of a police officer...spc5294

Anonymous said...

SPC 5936 People in a particular community must realize that police officers are here to protect and serve. They need to realize that the police are not the enemy. If they would do this it would make a police officer life much easier. Police Officers put their lives on the line to protect the people.

Anonymous said...

The law enforcement profession doesn't guarantee us the comfort of going home at the end of the day, but then again does any profession really? Life is not mapped out for us. You could die at any given moment working at any profession. spc5965

Anonymous said...

Cops do have one of the most dangerous if not the dangerous job in America. Cops go to work everyday and may not make it home to their family. I want to be a cop and have realized this already. While one the job you have to stay on your p's andd q's all the time. One slip up and you just might lose your life

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...


mr pat bateman said...

Yeah this is a sad thing but it goes with the job. I respect the men and women doing the job because not everyone can do it. Unfortionately death is a possibility, but if you take the proper procations each and every day, you can increase the chances of survival.

Death is Certain........ Life is Not


Anonymous said...

Being a police officier is a very dangerous and challenging job. These days it seems that my fellow peers dont care about life I don't think that they dont realize all of the pain they cause by killing another person. Many young people need to think about people kids and people parents because they are the ones that will fill it the most. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

This is of course sad. As much as I am very weary of the police, a police officer who does a good and honest job is a very special individual because it is not an easy thing to do. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

Darnell Although I lack respect for most police officers, I commend those who put on their uniforms and live up to the expections in communities protecting and serving. You are not guaranteed tommorrow, so make the best of your time here on earth. Police officers job is very difficult and not to mention dangerous. It hurts me to say that you aren't promised anything in life except death.

Anonymous said...

As a relative of several officers in my family, it is heart breaking when you hear an officer who was killed in the line of duty. You cannot pay police officers enough for the risks they take everyday. They are the ones who run into the face of danger when everyone turns and runs away. That is why you have to cherish those who protect and serve because you never know if they will come home safely. RIP Officer Timoshenko **cg7304**

Anonymous said...

I trully respect those who every day have the guts to go out in the crazy world and be proud of their uniform! coming from a family where my father was a cop and now is a retired cop i know the feeling of not knowing if he was ever going to walk back into that door once he left! that i am much older and still have family members in the law enforcement i still get that same feeling...its just something that we have to live with but also know that our police officers go out there to serve and protect and it is an honor! my deepest condolences for anyone who has lost a loved one or a friend to this proffecian!

MJ 1843

Anonymous said...

I have much respect for officers.They put there lives on the line to protect us.And it is very unfortunate that sometimes they dont make it home.Sadly, alot of our youth dont care about their own lives, so it means nothing to them to take the life of another.

Anonymous said...

You can died any moment but if you choose a police life i respect police profession serve and protect and to do that, you can be kill or some criminal don't have nathing to lost so they kill police 3580