Saturday, July 21, 2007

Indictments by race or alleged crimes?

One would like to think that the criminal justice system is beyond reproach and that everyone is treated equally. Well my friends, here is your wake up call, it is not. The recent publicity surrounding Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick is just one example of the disparate treatment. I would like to believe the old saying that you are innocent until proven guilty is still true, but once it hits the news media it does not matter if it is true. The media will have labeled that person guilty.

There is no question that if what is being reported about Vick is true, then he needs to be punished severely. However, let's not rush to judgment and allow the criminal justice system, no matter how flawed, to run its course. Now the race issue. Are pro athletes treated differently because of their celebrity status...of course. Should they be given a pass in some instances based on their status, it depends. If the average person does not have to be subjected to trivial matters played out in the media then just maybe some of the celebs should be afforded that same privacy. It appears that minority athletes and in particular African-Americans are scrutinized more stringently than others. I believe that it is a love hate relationship with the media that produces all this negative attention. If the media can get their hands on a piece of controversial news about a black athlete, the horse is off and running. Negativity sells and it does not claim to be impartial, unless you have some one or entity backing you.

Indictments are accusations that need to be proven in a court of law. "You can indict a ham sandwich" comes to mind when I heard about this Vick indictment. The prosecutor will have to build a rather circumstantial case to prove that Vick had anything to do with or had any knowledge of this matter. In my own mind, I think he is guilty, however, I have nothing to base this on but a gut feeling. I would hope and expect that the criminal justice system does not work along those same lines. Yet, I would be naive to think that it does not.

So, for those who are suspect of this indictment as I am, just look back in time or do a little research and see what you come up with. This writer has been around long enough to have observed the two systems of justice and has come to the realization that race was definitely a factor. You decide for yourself.

"Turning your back on injustice today makes it available for you tomorrow." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

he is wrong for killing the dogs that lost and putting them in the back yard as a grave site. if someone the person who told, dog would have won then this would still be going on. Animal Rights these people would always be with cases like this. he should invest in fighting for education than dog fighting. (7593)

Anonymous said...

The police and media had some evidence to accuse and indict Vick on these charges. These are suppose to be our role models and these people should be proven sick and sidistic for their behavior. Vick should not get special treatment and be blacklisted from the nfl for his behavior. 9146

Anonymous said...

i think that the media do play a big role in many famous athletes lives, for the good and the bad... when one becomes an athlete they must realize that their in the public eye and of course the media is looking for something negative about them because bad news is good news... Vick has to realize that he is not going to get the same privacy as a regular person because hes not... i just find it very funny how many famous people only talk about the media when they did something wrong... he wasnt saying anything when he was on every commercial or every highlight on sports center... famous people only want to be treated like everyone else when it hurts them... i bet he didnt wanted to be trated like everyone else when companies was giving him free stuff or when girls throwing themselves at him....athletes cant pick and choose when they want to be famous...(0230)

Anonymous said...

i believe that the media could destroy a person in the matter of seconds;racism is one of the biggest social problems we face today however, if vick is tied to this crime he should be punished accordingly

Anonymous said...

Aw...Michael Vick. GUILTY. seems that we may have already labeled him that before his plea. Weither he plead guilty or not his name and reputation had all but been tarnished by these alligations. He lost his endorsments and was told to stay aay from Atlanta Falcons camp BEFORE he plead guilty. So whether he was found innocent or not some felt that they had already known the truth and had penalized him as such. Now did race play a role? I believe that most African American that make a significant name for themselves in sports or in any profession are labeled as a success stories but as soon as something goes wrong then they are just typical. Is this right? Most certainly not. Do I believe those are peoples perspectives? Unfortunatly yes. (7885)

Anonymous said...

When I first heard about it I was not very please the way the media handle the case at all they always make it seem when a Black Althetic does anything they take it to the EXTREME. When it is a white person they don't go to the hardship of repeating the same clip of the person walking in custody of the officers they try to cover it up. It was like every channel you turned to was focus on the topic. Dog fighting happens everywhere int he United States. It is not a secret anymore people do it with the intent ot make money off it other just for the trill but it is sad. Protesters had the ordasity to bring helpless animals to show how grusume dog fighting was I think america got the point already. The media is always going to take it to the extreme with any athelelic. When T.O. got out of hand they put him on blast. When KOBE BRYANT got out of hand. But what our BLACK BROTHER FAIL TO REALIZE ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE BEING WATCH VERY CLOSLY (including you PACMAN, who don't give a DAMN). They make all this money and then decide they want to do something that will endanger their career in the long run. They say that you can take a PERSON OUT of the HOOD but you can't TAKE the HOOD OUT OF the PERSON. He is from Newport,VA we can say he grew up in an urban area where it was probably the norm so he had adapted to that environment to him it might not have seem wrong but to animal lovers and those that protect the rights of the humane feel differently. So, you can't blame him and you can because he is an adult. But the law is going to put him as an example for all to se. Just like thye did in salvery when a slave would run away if they caught him they would bring them to the center of the town and have all the slaves to watch as the slave was beating and touture to death so it would detere others from commiting the offense of running away to freedom. He had made an aplogy that was not written in he took in his responsiblitiy as a man but sometimes that doesn't do it for the public eye so they have to really go the full extent of the law for blacks.(they think we don't get it because we continue to put ourselves in these situtation that could be possible avoided. 1587

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Vick is other than what you say he is,an athlete, but I am an animal lover and if he did anything to indanger the life of an animal than he deserves any punishment the law feels necessary. 6809

Anonymous said...

I know who Michael Vick is. While I do agree the media exploited the already sickened situation. I am an animal lover and do not condone his actions. It was right that he be punished, however, not in the media. The Justice System was the only forum he should have been tried in. I also believe that if the color of his skin was much lighter, how it played out would have been totally different. Black Athletes (and men) must recognize that they are under constant scrutiny just because of their skin color and they should carry themselves accordingly. Whether they like it or not they are held to a higher standard. *2232

Anonymous said...

As usual, more attention was put to this incident because he is famous and african american. I think what he did was wrong, however the system should have a fair judgement for him and should be treated equally to everyone else. Lets just put the side the fact that he is famous and african american and concentrate on the real facts for the crime. I am so sick of the media always trying to to put more emphasis on african american people.... leave us alone already.

Anonymous said...

I thing I got a little to agitated with the Michael Vick case. As soon as the allegations hit the media all of his memorabilia was taken of the shelf and his endorsements were snatched from him. It was said only his money was involved and he was not physically involved. Now on the other case Martha Stewart was recording a show from her prison cell. How unfar is that? I guess it depends on who you are and if you fit the right description. spc5294

Anonymous said...

I believe race will always be a factor when in comes to court decisions involving minorities. It is nothing new. Hopefully with time this will no longer be the case. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, there are so many flaws in the system. Race plays a part, but money to me plays a bigger part. It really is sad that our system will look the other way for a person if they are athletes. Vick deserved everything he received. spc5965

Anonymous said...

Yes the media makes people guilty. The media takes things and runs with it especially when it comes to black athletes. Yes what Vick did was wrong but he always has his rights. The media made Vick look like he was some mass murder. The media controls alot in our society.

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I think you are correct Professor because many times people judge you by how you look nad that happen to me before. Honestly Im hispanic and race is important for some people but going to the point celbrities are more important than normal people because of the reason that they have money. So they are treat different and more good opportunities for them by not goin to jail. 5794

Anonymous said...

Our criminal justice system is not fair. When it comes down to minorities we are judge on a different level because we dont have money like the rich we get treated like the rich. 4539

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know Michael Vick personally but if you partake in electrocuting animals after they lost a fight, that should speak volumes about how cruel of a person you are. I understand your point about black athletes being treated more roughly by the media but Vick isn't the best example. Being a dog lover I am happy to see him in prison. A better example would be how the media treated Kobe Bryant, who from the beginning I strongly assumed was innocent. This turned out to be true.


Anonymous said...

I truly believe that the media has the ablity to destroy a person in the matter of seconds. I also believe racism is one of the biggest social problems we face today. If Micheal Vick is tied to this crime he should be punished accordingly. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

Of course the media is blowing all of this out of proportion. At the same time dog fighting is so brutal in my mind that it is hard for me to have pity for him. SPC 3027

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are two systems of justice but I do not agree that Vick’s indictment was due to his race. In my opinion some African American athletes grows these big heads and feel that they can do what ever they want. They feel they have become untouchable once they made it big. There are lessons to be learned from stupid acts and unfortunately, it was Vick who was caught and made an example of. (SPC-1739)

Anonymous said...

Darnell Although I feel our justice system is flawed, the judge couldv'e been more leniant when sentencing Michael Vick. I also feel the media plays a major role in the lives of athletes and celebrity figures. The media allows fans to perceive athletes negatively because of their half truths. But I think race played a key role as well. Lets just put Peyton Manning in the shoes of Michael Vick. Now I ask the question, would Manning be sentenced to a year in prison and kicked off the team. I think not, just food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Innocent until proving guilty. How does that work in today's society. Its obvious that african american are treated unfairly. But the media does take the story and twist it as much as they can. People who have money and are white athletes, who do things of a criminal mind nature, does not hit the paper or the tv as often as minority. Where is the justice in that. I think he was wrong also for what he did but just figuring out what fits that particular crime. The answer is simple. There are rules for black people and their are rules for white people. When does it all end? This world is still trying to figure out the right answer... RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

dog figthing are eligal so why a person have to train a dog to figth Im a animal lover, law have to strong about that 3580

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt about it that what Michael Vick was doing was wrong. Celebrities sometimes forget that they are in the spotlight.In some cases similar to these, they have to be mad an example of.They cant let everyone off easy, so they choose who to target.I believe that race does play a part in indictments.Not sure how big of a part but it does have some influence.